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Science X FAQ

Thank you for visiting Science X

We have addressed the most common questions and concerns through the following FAQs. You may also review our Help page.

Is it possible to read Science X content without ads?

While we understand that ads can be somewhat distracting, there are significant and unavoidable costs to maintaining a site such as Science X, and ads support not only our existence but also our continued improvement and growth. We aim to strike a reasonable balance between user distraction and the necessity of advertiser support. For example, we do not run any popup, popunder, interstitial or in-text balloon popups that we view as very intrusive.

We do offer a couple of options to decrease the ad distraction for our readers. A “Sponsor” donation account allows all content to be enjoyed ad-free. Moreover, we display fewer ads to our registered members. Site registration is absolutely free and takes only a minute to complete.

Google ads are irrelevant to content of Science X website.

Unfortunately, Science X has no control over the Adsense ads that appear on our site. However, you can contact Google Adsense if you find an advert inappropriate or abusive. Click "Ads by Google" on the ad block and you will be prompted with several choices including "abuse and relevancy report".

How do I cite your articles? What if an article has no listed author?

This depends on which style manual you are following. For instance, there are guidelines put forth by the American Psychological Association (APA), the Modern Language Association (MLA) and Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). While there are many other organizational style guides, we will provide informative links for these three predominant styles.

Note that it is possible to cite articles from Science X that do not list an author. Please refer to the appropriate style guide for specific instructions in this case.

For instance, here is an example taken from APA style that demonstrates how to cite an article without a known author:
20 years on, world's first Web page to be reborn. (2013). Retrieved April 30, 2013 from http://phys.org/news/2013-04-years-world-web-page-reborn.html

APA: www.apastyle.org/learn/faqs/web-page-no-author.aspx
MLA: owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/08/
CMS: schools.fwps.org/tj/middleages/cs.pdf

The following resource from Purdue’s Online Writing Lab is comprehensive, but allows you to compare citation formats across all three style guides: owl.english.purdue.edu

Can my business advertise on Science X?

Yes. Simply send us an Ad Sales Inquiry. See also our mediakit.

I would like to reprint a story and/or reproduce an image from your website. Is this possible?

Academic use

Science X content is subject to the United States Copyright Act and various reciprocal international copyright protections; Berne (Paris), WTO, UCC Geneva and UCC Paris. Academic and non-commercial use of the content is afforded under Title 17, Sections 107-118 of the U.S. Copyright Act for "Fair Use" of Science X content.

Students, teachers and professors are free to use, reproduce articles and copy Science X content for academic purposes without obtaining prior written approval. The only request is users shall provide a credit and source URL link of the original Science X article.


For all other non-commercial uses of Science X content, such as blogs, Web sites and the like, we rely on the parameters of "Fair Use" as set forth in the Copyright Act. Users may copy, transfer or reproduce up to 200 words of an article or story and then insert a hyperlink back to the original Science X content. By following these steps, no prior written or oral permission is required.


Requests to reproduce articles by staff writers are considered on a case-by-case basis. Please send us your request with "Reprint inquiry" in the subject line. Include the story page URL, some background information about your organization and tell us where you would like to reprint the story. Please note that some stories on Science X are licensed from AP, AFP and MCT news agencies. To reprint these you will need to contact the relevant agency directly as they own the copyright. Some articles on Science X are adapted from news releases. If you wish to quote from any part of that article, you must accredit the issuing organization while mentioning Science X as the source. Please also include a link to the story in question. These instructions also apply to the reproduction of images, including photographs and graphical data.

How can I change the email address that you send your daily newsletter to?

Log into your account here and follow the instructions.

I have a problem with unsubscribing from your Newsletter.

If you have a member account at Science X, log on to your account, then go to the second tab, "Newsletter" (sciencex.com/profile/nwletter/), uncheck all boxes and click "Save".

You may also opt out from the newsletter via the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

Would you consider my research for a story on Science X?

Yes. Go to Science X Dialog.

How do I submit a press release to Science X?

You can submit your press release by using Science X for Media. Non-profit research institutions and organizations can submit their press releases free of charge.

I have technical problems with browsing the Science X website.

Contact the Science X team. Send us a detailed description of the problem and we'll try to help you. Please include as many details as you can: URL of the page where your problem occurred, your browser, your computer’s operating system (e.g. Windows XP, Mac OS 10) etc.

If you did not find an answer to your question or concern, please contact us.

Please be aware that while all feedback and concerns are important to us, we receive a large volume of emails and cannot reply to each one individually.