(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Kew Tree of Life Explorer - Release notes ========================================= The Kew Tree of Life Explorer allows users to explore evolutionary trees of life and to access the genomic data that underpin them. It is an output of the Plant and Fungal Trees of Life Project (PAFTOL) at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (https://www.kew.org/science/our-science/projects/plant-and-fungal-trees-of-life), which aims to discover and disseminate the evolutionary history of all plant and fungal genera through phylogenetic approaches. Tree of Life data are periodically released via the Kew secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) site (sftp.kew.org/pub/treeoflife) and are additionally made available for interactive web-based exploration at http://treeoflife.kew.org. Data releases are identified with a major and a minor version number, separated by a .. This document describes the contents of Kew Tree of Life Explorer data release 0.1. Scope and methodology ===================== This version of the Kew Tree of Life data set comprises data from 253 families, 303 genera and 308 species of angiosperms. The phylogenetic approach used in the Tree of Life Explorer will be described fully in a future publication. This release was produced with the software listed below: Trimmomatic v.0.390 https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btu170 http://www.usadellab.org/cms/?page=trimmomatic Paftools master-0.0.0-88-g6d438b9 https://github.com/RBGKew/pypaftol Source nucleotide (DNA or RNA) data, either in the form of raw sequence reads, or assembled transcripts or genomes, have either been downloaded from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), or have been generated by PAFTOL and submitted to the ENA. A list of ENA accession numbers used is included with every release (see sftp.kew.org/pub/patfol/README.txt for a description of the contents of each release). Licensing ========= Kew Tree of Life data (hereafter the data) are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). To attribute the data, please follow our citation guidelines (below) and reference the appropriate data release number. In many cases, the data have been released prior to publication in the academic literature, in accordance with the Toronto guidelines on pre-publication data sharing (https://www.nature.com/articles/461168a). Users may freely analyse released prepublication data, but should act responsibly by 1) respecting the scientific etiquette that allows data producers to publish the first global analyses of their data set, 2) accurately and completely citing the source of prepublication data, and 3) contacting the data producers to discuss publication plans in the case of overlap between planned analyses. Please contact us (at the email address below) if you have any questions about what you may do with the data. Citing us ========= When using the Kew Tree of Life Explorer, or any associated data, you are requested to cite a forthcoming paper by Baker et al. These release notes will be updated on publication. Meanwhile, you can cite these release notes as Kew Tree of Life Explorer v0.1 release notes, DOI: https://doi.org/10.34885/171 Contact us ========== Please contact treeoflife AT kew DOT org for support or advice.