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Comment Re:Price (Score 1) 38

If Lithium worked better they'd add some time release mechanism or combine it with some other drug in a single pill and bam, new patented drug they can gouge the US for a fraction of the price of finding a whole new one. Standard operating procedure for making obscene profits from drugs that should be cheap.

Comment Re:Non-political post (Score 4, Insightful) 38

It's a perfectly reasonable description of the practical consequences for an audience not composed of lawyers. First, if it's determined to be an "official duty", then it's literally true without qualifications. They created a entire new legal concept of absolute criminal immunity for official duties. What's an official duty? Ask 10 legal scholars you'll get 20 answers, but they'll all agree the ruling implies a very broad standard. But then they also created procedural and evidentiary barriers that while they don't categorically prohibit criminal charges for conduct outside of duties, it's *very* questionable whether any charge could actually stand. And with the broad language about official duties, any president not Trump level stupid could quite easily tie anything they want to do into one. You seem to think SCOTUS didn't mean what they wrote.
But thanks for claiming you wanted a nonpolitical discussion about misinformation where you bemoan people misleading others and insert your own misleading political pot shot.

Comment Re:I'm Not That Impressed (Score 1) 54

My last phone with a battery you could just pop out was every bit as thin as every phone I've seen since. It's a bullshit myth you can't make a thin phone with a sane battery design. The last flagship class one I had owned with one was an LG V20: 7.6mm thick. iPhone 16 pro max: 8.6mm. iPhone 16 (base): 7.8mm. Everyone can fuck right the fuck off with blaming being too thick for the nonremovable battery scam. It's a lie their marketing departments came up with to justify the bullshit.

Comment Finally accepting cash (Score 1) 203

It's been beyond stupid and infuriating when these chains (not just McD's, Taco Bell is even stupider with it) make me use the damn kiosk when I'm paying cash. Because then you have to go to the register anyway for change. Their shit kiosk UIs take me several minutes to enter an order, meanwhile their register UIs result in adding a mere 5 seconds to the unavoidable transaction to get my change if they just enter my order themselves while they're doing it.
Fucking tired of being forced to waste 2-3 minutes so they can save 5 seconds. Well, more like 2 seconds because they have to stop and order me to use the kiosk when I'm standing at the register. And I only eat at one of these places once a month or so.

Comment Re:Unintended consequence (Score 1) 64

It's incredibly naive to suggest that these companies are charging less than they've calculated as the maximum profits just out of the kindness of their hearts, and if we're mean to them by doing things like making them less exploitative they'll stop their charity and raise prices more than they were going to.

Comment Re:What we know (Score 1) 174

I'm not sure there's as much consensus on the whole 'free will doesn't exist' conclusion as you think there is. If it's purely the outcome of chemical reactions, then intelligence is entirely illusory and humans are incapable of making any decision or actually reasoning any more than computer code; we're just experiencing the result of determinate outcomes of chemical reactions over which we lack a mechanism of influence. The magnitude of the impact of unpredictable outcomes at the quantum level doesn't even appear to be large enough to make it a question of chance by being enough to change what happens in a neuron.
Also, the name notwithstanding, "neural networks" actually have very little in common with the minimal understanding we have of how neurons work beyond the very most superficial.

Comment And? (Score 3, Insightful) 52

Microsoft doesn't give a shit how many people are disappointed. They decide how you use their property (formerly known as your computer), and if you think it's worse than the past because copilot sucks, the Windows UI is an infuriating downgrade, it's full of spam and 3rd party crapware, spies on you, and shoves things down your throat... Wellll fuck you buddy! They just collude with hardware and software manufacturers to make sure you can't use the older, better version once it's time for a new system, so sit down, shut up, and learn to like it. What are going to do about it, switch to Linux? Hahaha.

Comment Re:For once the ISPs are correct in court (Score 0) 72

So activities that substantially elevate the risk of death are nuisance crimes, and shoplifting is the serious one police should focus on? Nice priorities. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that's the actual nuisance crime that conservative media has been whining about even after large corps admitted it's largely bullshit in their store closing decisions.

Comment Re:good now we can lay the responsibilty \ blame (Score 1) 46

They do need help, too bad the government sucks at that. Charging kids criminally for willing sex with same-age peers is *absurd*, to say nothing of GOP policies aimed at maximizing abuse and suicide of LGBT youth, child molestation, and teenage mothers. Our drug policy makes drugs easier to get and more deadly for minors. Cigarette policy isn't great either as they traded more death and disease for less use with vaping crackdowns (this isn't a claim vapes are harmless but it is overwhelmingly clear they're substantially less harmful than smoking tobacco). So you should hope this is different, as the government has long had a penchant for making problems worse by appeasing the ignorant masses who think you can ban and arrest your way out of self-inflicted problems instead of pursuing harm minimization instead. I've got my doubts. I know restrictions this severe would have me getting a completely unrestricted adult account instead as a kid, and the first time I got punished would be the last time my parents would know about it.

Comment Re:I'm missing the causal link? (Score 1) 235

Jfc, how much right wing Kool aid do you need to be guzzling to not only care about the tiny percentage who use different pronouns or have the temerity to include that in asking how they should address you or how they should be addressed, but to put it right up there with major societal issues? That's your problem, not the damn economy, being such a conservative jackass "pronouns" make that list. It's like bitching about nicknames... "But your legal name is different SO ITS MY RIGHT TO CALL THAT, YOU'RE NOT "REALLY" NAMED WHAT YOU WANT TO BE CALLED BY, IT'S MY RELIGION TO USE YOUR REAL NAME". Fucking idiotic.

Comment Re: Hmmm (Score 1) 70

Microsoft essentially already decides. You have to start with the advanced boot menu every boot and disable driver security for *all* drivers if you want to load a driver that hasn't been personally approved through their WHQL program, signed with a certificate starting around $400/yr, which individuals can't obtain, only businesses. Disabling that security triggers most game anticheat engines and some DRM stuff to block you from using it.
What kind of dystopian hell are they planning now to make it worse for anyone besides megacorps to write drivers? Maybe close the undocumented loophole where if you have Enterprise edition Windows you can follow a complex 20 step hack to self sign only for your own system?

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