In the News

Check out some of the latest press coverage of the groundbreaking research and knowledge that we publish here at Taylor & Francis.  Links to all sources and to originally published journal articles and books have been provided for convenience below. 

Scientific American

This Ancient Sea Cow Was Killed by a Croc and Eaten by a Shark

A prehistoric sea cow, hunted by a crocodilian and a shark, reveals new insights into ancient predation patterns and a million-year-old food chain.

Publishing Perspectives

New Books on Key Global Issues Published Open Access Through Collaborative Funding Pilot

Taylor & Francis will publish 26 open-access books on key global issues after 24 institutions supported the Pledge to Open funding pilot.

Today in Parenting

How to Control Your Screentime Use and Make Technology Work For You

Catherine Knibbs argues the impact of technology is dependent on how you use it and offers strategies to help you control your screen time in her book, Managing Your Gaming and Social Media Habits.

Education Research Report

Whole-class reading creates a sense of community in the classroom

Educators suggest combining whole-class reading with individual reading to foster classroom community and develop critical thinking skills in the book In Community With Readers.


Corporate climate targets are a mess. Could tracking ‘spheres of influence’ help?

Climate standards should account for a company’s broader influence on climate action to deliver net zero and incentivize large-scale innovations, suggest Oxford Net Zero experts.