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Block diagram line junctions | TikZ example

Example: Block diagram line junctions

Published 2007-11-29 | Author: Kjell Magne Fauske

An example of how to draw line junctions in a block diagram. A semicircle is used to indicate that two lines are not connected. This is a good example of how flexible TikZ' paths are. The intersection between the lines are calculated using the convenient -| syntax. Since we want the semicircle to have its center where the lines intersect, we have to shift the intersection coordinate accordingly.

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Block diagram line junctions

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% Block diagram wire junctions

\tikzstyle{block} = [draw,fill=blue!20,minimum size=2em]
% diameter of semicircle used to indicate that two lines are not connected
\tikzstyle{branch}=[fill,shape=circle,minimum size=3pt,inner sep=0pt]


    % Draw blocks, inputs and outputs
    \foreach \y in {1,2,3,4,5} {
        \node at (0,-\y) (input\y) {$i_\y$};
        \node[block] at (2,-\y) (block\y) {$f_\y$};
        \draw[->] (input\y) -- (block\y);
        \draw[->] (block\y.east) -- +(0.5,0);
    \node[block] at (2,-6) (block6) {$f_6$};
    \draw[->] (block6.east) -- +(0.5,0);

    % Calculate branch point coordinate
    \path (input1) -- coordinate (branch) (block1);

    % Define a style for shifting a coordinate upwards
    % Note the curly brackets around the coordinate.
    % It would be natural to use the yshift or xshift option, but that does
    % not seem to work when shifting coordinates.

    \draw[->] (branch) node[branch] {}{ % draw branch junction
            \foreach \c in {2,3,4,5} {
                % Draw semicircle junction to indicate that the lines are
                % not connected. The intersection between the lines are
                % calculated using the convenient -| syntax. Since we want
                % the semicircle to have its center where the lines intersect,
                % we have to shift the intersection coordinate using the 's'
                % style to account for this.
                [shift only] -- ([s]input\c -| branch) arc(90:-90:\radius)
                % Note the use of the [shift only] option. It is not necessary,
                % but I have used it to ensure that the semicircles have the
                % same size regardless of scaling.
        } |- (block6);


  • #1 Luca Bruno, August 20, 2010 at 12:16 p.m.

    Thanks for sharing this! I'm just writing an article in Latex for control systems and that helped very much.

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