This example is from the utilities page of the TikZ and PGF manual.
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% Author: Till Tantau
% Source: The PGF/TikZ manual
\draw[line width=0.3cm,color=red!30,cap=round,join=round] (0,0)--(2,0)--(2,5);
\draw[help lines] (-2.5,-2.5) grid (5.5,7.5);
\draw[very thick] (1,-1)--(-1,-1)--(-1,1)--(0,1)--(0,0)--
\draw[below left] (0,0) node(s){$s$};
\draw[below left] (2,5) node(t){$t$};
\fill (0,0) circle (0.06cm) (2,5) circle (0.06cm);
\draw[->,rounded corners=0.2cm,shorten >=2pt]
(1.5,0.5)-- ++(0,-1)-- ++(1,0)-- ++(0,2)-- ++(-1,0)-- ++(0,2)-- ++(1,0)--
++(0,1)-- ++(-1,0)-- ++(0,-1)-- ++(-2,0)-- ++(0,3)-- ++(2,0)-- ++(0,-1)--
++(1,0)-- ++(0,1)-- ++(1,0)-- ++(0,-1)-- ++(1,0)-- ++(0,-3)-- ++(-2,0)--
++(1,0)-- ++(0,-3)-- ++(1,0)-- ++(0,-1)-- ++(-6,0)-- ++(0,3)-- ++(2,0)--
++(0,-1)-- ++(1,0);
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