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Congress bans kids from libraries?
New safety law may prohibit children under 12 from libraries – or make many books illegal BY LISSA HARRIS
The media in 2009

Reports of newspapers' death are exaggerated — but after the changes coming in 2009, will we still recognize them?

  • Fourth-estate follies!
    Remembering the year in media malfeasance
  • Delivering the world
    Can a Boston start-up reinvent foreign reporting?
  • Blowing up
    No longer the wimpy kid brother to sports-Radio powerhouse WEEI-AM, WEEI.com now has its own seat at Boston sports media’s grown-ups’ table
Newbies rampant in state politics

With a crucial state-legislature session looming, Boston residents turn to untested newbies to fight for their share of the pie

  • Silence of the Sam
    Want to know what your city council does? Sorry, they can't tell you.  
  • Free for all
    Is Mayor Menino getting White-washed? Plus, Sam Yoon's not-so-friendly skies
    Real-time coverage of Barack Obama's victory from Boston, Chicago, and Washington
Bathroom math

The new world of going green in the bathroom

 More in This Just In

Letters: What in the world?

Letters to the Boston editor, January 9, 2009

 More in Letters

Books banished for testing

New safety law may prohibit children under 12 from libraries – or make many books illegal

  • Start Snitching
    Wilkerson, Murray, and just about everyone else forever hold their peace
  • Good news, bad news
    Fear and loathing? Or happy days? The only thing we know for sure about the coming year is that we're all in this together.
  • BHO's no FDR
    Nor should he aspire to be because, trite but true, things are very different now

 More in News Features

Obama's CIA pick

Why Leon might be right for the CIA. Plus: Al Franken, Roland Burris, and Caroline Kennedy.

  • Follow the leaders
    With the economy already staggering and sure to get worse, Massachusetts needs its elected officials to suck it up and show the way
  • The nanny state
    Why Boston's latest tobacco ban is a blow to liberty
  • Menino's mosque II
    Making sense of what went on; taking action for the future


This horoscope traces the passage of the moon, not the sun. Simply read from day to day to watch the moon’s influence as it moves through the signs of the zodiac.

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Mp3s of the Week: exclusive new Faces on Film and Hallelujah the Hills!
On The Download  |  January 14, 2009 at 12:18 AM
SOTC Crash Course...by Mayor Menino
phlog  |  January 13, 2009 at 11:12 PM
Menino's Speech: The Petty Commentary
Talking Politics  |  January 13, 2009 at 11:12 PM
Menino's Speech: The Analysis
January 13, 2009 at 10:43 PM
Obama: Cupid or homewrecker?
Dont Quote Me  |  January 13, 2009 at 10:03 PM
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