(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
31 Jul 1907 - Opening of the Wollongong Hospital.

Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Wednesday 31 July 1907, page 291

Opening of the Wollongong Hospital.

THE opening ceremony in connection with the new Wollongong Hospital was performed on Saturday afternoon by the Premier (Mr. J. H. Carruthers), in the presence of a gathering numbering between 3000 and 4000. It was quite a. gala

day at Wollongong. A procession consisting of children from the various Public schools, miners' associations, friendly societies, cokeworkers and quarrymen's associations. St. John Ambulance, the Fire Brigade, and the Wollongong, Corrimal, Balgownie. and Mount, Keira Bands, marched up Crown-street to the hospital grounds, the thoroughfare en route being thronged with special ors. Inside the grounds the Public school cadets formed a guard of honour. The vice-president (Mr. W. J. Wiseman, Mayor of Wollongong) apologised for the absence, through illness, of the president (Mr. J. P. Galvin). He said that the committee had had a hard struggle, but ma

naged to raise a sufficient sum to purchase the present site, and with the assistance of the Carruthers Government the desired object of erecting a handsome building, adequate for the requirements of the district, hid been achieved. Mr. J. B. Nicholson paid the committee of the institution a high compliment for the persistent manner in which tbev had worked. He then called upon the

Premier to formally open the newbuildings, and handed the Minister a golden key. Mr. Carruthers said it always gave him much pleasure to attend functions of that kind. It was characteristic of Australians that while they worked hard, they knew how to enjoy themselves, and they were all the better for it. Australians also recognised their duty to look after the sick and needy, and notwithstanding political strife, difference in creed, and other circumstances in life. they were always ready and willing to extend a helping hand to a fallen brother or a fallen sister by the way. The Government was always willing to assist these institutions, but the pimple must be reminded that money so granted came out of the pockets of the taxpayers, and, therefore, could not be handed out so freely as the Government in many instances desired.

Three cheers having been given for Mr. Carruthers, Mr. W. G. Robertson (treasurer) said the total cost of the buildings and land was £5247, and the debt remaining on the same amounted to £657 3s Further improvements, such as an isolation block, fencing, etc., brought up the amount really required lo free the institution from debt to £1000. Mr. J. C. Jones, on behalf of the Mine

Managers' Association, stated that the employers and the miners jointly contributed the sum of £3000 annually towards an accident fund of their own. He suggested that it would be a very wise act on the part of the board in Sydney to contribute, say, 5 per cent, on that amount towards the maintenance of the local hospital. Mr. T. R. Morgan (miners' secretary), Dr. Kerr (on behalf of the honorary mcdical staff). Mr. F. Young (on behalf of the friendly societies), Mr. S. C. Rose (on behalf of the Public school teachers). Rev. W. Halse Rogers (on behalf of the Protestant Churches), Mr. H. Cox (on behalf of the nursing staff), and the Mayor of Central Illawarra (Alderman Dobinson) also addressed the gathering. The site of the new hospital is one of the finest in the district, being situated on the Garden Hill Estate. It commands

an exceeding beautiful view. The newbuildings are constructed of brick, with an iron roof. The contractor was Mr. W. Hollowav, of Goulburn. The hospital committee has received a grant of £2500 from the Government towards llie building fund. Donations were invited from the public, and the secretary (Mr. J. A. Mayo) announced Ilia1 £120 had been realised.

On Sunday afternoon a religious service was held at the hospital grounds, when there was a large attendance. Rev. R. Hope Waugh, M.A., of Neutral Bay, presided. Rev. Ralph Hunter read portion of the Scripture, after which Rev. R. Blair Reynolds, B.A., gave an address dealing with hospitals from their earliest history. A collection tvas taken up in aid of the building fund.

J. P. GALY1N, j President of the Wollongong Hospital. j ;


Standing (Reading from Left to Right).— W. II. Owen, ? , \V. Rigg (ex-M.L.A.), J. Kirby, Dr. John Kerr, W. M'Kenzie, S. C. Rose, Alex. Campbell (ex-M.L.A.), W . Evans. F. Earnell (ex-M.L.A.). J. II. Parsons, .1. A. Mayo (secretary), li. Finlayson, \V. G. Robertson (lion, treasurer). .Sitting.— Harold Cox. .1. 15. Nicholson. M.E.A., W. .1. Wiseman (Mayor of Wollongong), Hon. J. IE Carruthers, Dr. T. W. Wade, Thomas Cook. COMMITTEE AND VISITORS.