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Career Archives - The Student Life

OPINION: Post grad doesn’t have to be all panic

With graduation just a few weeks away, Klara Jacobs PZ ’23 offers some post-grad wisdom to make the panic of entering the “real world” more manageable.

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Career corner: Didn’t get an offer for your top choice? That’s not a bad thing

Career columnist Olivia Truesdale SC ’21 talks about why your career isn’t over if you don’t get the job you were hoping for. “When it comes down to it, all experience is experience even if it isn’t quite what you had anticipated doing,” she writes.

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Career corner: Interviews may be intimidating, but they aren’t impossible to navigate

In this week’s career column, Olivia Truesdale SC ’21 reveals how to ace a job interview, from using the STAR method to channeling a growth mindset. The key to reducing interview nerves is preparation. You’ll likely feel a bit nervous no matter what … but it will be empowering to know you studied and can put your best foot forward.”

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Students raise ethical concerns about Harvey Mudd career fair

As private data influences elections, facial recognition tracks people and the military-industrial complex grows, students at Harvey Mudd College advocated for a discussion of ethical issues surrounding the technology industry in preparation for the school’s annual Software Engineering Job and Internship Fair on Sept. 11.

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