Uncyclopedia:Anniversaries/October 20

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This sign was erected on October 20th...no, wait, it was the 21st. Never mind.

October 20: Run Out of Ideas for Uncyclopedia Anniversaries Day

  • 1735 - A French pot head trips on the remains of Napoleon, nobody gives a damn except for a very young Keith Richards.
  • 1846 - Engrish troops invade Minnesota, realize they took a wrong turn on the way to France and turn around. Indians scalp and rape several. Queen Victoria then leads the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in revenge raids after defeating Batman and UltraZachary Taylor.
  • 1864 - Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation as a joke; unfortunately, nobody gets it.
  • 1965 - A flying saucer lands in California, Scientology briefly becomes popular, at least until the government fire bombs all the celebrities. A massive cover up ensues but is discovered by an intrepid pair of FBI agents, Yogi and Boo Boo.
  • 1969 - Oscar Wilde is discovered painting a mosaic of Islamic extremists with his urine. Extremists eat sacred cows in retaliation. Gandhi is shocked and appalled, the movie Gandhi II is released as a result of real world events.
  • 1980 - The world is taken over by the governmen... er... um... Hey guys, how are you? What with those guns pointed at my head? Everything suddenly turns black. I awaken in a dimly lit room with only a hamster turning a wheel. The hamster stops and says, "You have just won $1 million in the American Clearinghouse Sweepstakes!" I wake up and it's only a dream! I open the paper and see the world is taken over by the governmen... er... um... Hey guys, how are you?...
  • 1982 - Mount St. Helens erupts in Washington, killing several million hikers and causing US$390 trillion in damage. Government cover up of the tragedy includes flying monkeys with super-soakers.
  • 1988 - Two U.S. Army roflcopters collide in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, killing 1337 squirrels.
  • 1990 - South Korean scientists recreate Mohammed from cloned DNA of a chihuahua. The world falls into darkness.
  • πぱい - The US Supreme Court declares that πぱい has just as much of a right to be a year as any other year and declares the next 20 years to be the year πぱい as back pay for this injustice over two millennia old.
  • 2012 - The apocalypse at the end of the world as opposed to the apocalypse at the beginning is discovered to have been caused by Unyclopedia running out of ideas for anniversaries. Mission accomplished.