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Related to BUMP: bump up
BUMPBring Up My Post (messaging/BBSs)
BUMPBoston University Marine Program
BUMPBaby Under Manufacturing Process (maternity company; Los Angeles, CA)
BUMPBicycle Use Master Plan (Canada)
BUMPBarry's Ultra Motorsports Park (Alberta, Canada)
BUMPBlack Upwardly Mobile Professional
BUMPBenthic Untethered Multipurpose Platform
BUMPBoston Urban Music Project (Boston, MA)
References in classic literature ?
I must have inherited from my father a wild lust for adventure, as well as a hollow where my bump of reverence should be.
I could see splendidly, had the bump of locality and as many more lies as would come to my tongue.
And yet," he would add, with warmth, "that was at the height of only three feet--not an inch more--and such a bump as this
Having paid this tribute to my bump of caution, I purchased a wagon and a span of oxen on Sir Henry's behalf, and beauties they were.
At the same time, the priest flung Jehan a purse, which gave the scholar a big bump on the forehead, and with which Jehan retreated, both vexed and content, like a dog who had been stoned with marrow bones.
She was sitting in the chair in which Norah had sat and wept, and like her she hid her face on the back of it, towards the side where there was a little bump formed by the sagging in the middle, where the head had rested.
So that night all was ablaze with crackling fires in the woodlands, for though Robin and those others spoken of, only excepting Midge, the Miller's son, had many a sore bump and bruise here and there on their bodies, they were still not so sore in the joints that they could not enjoy a jolly feast given all in welcome to the new members of the band.
Lavater would have said I lack the bump of paternity.
And even though we became good a picking up food, see how we bump against clouds and things if he is not near to give us a hand.
No trace of anger was apparent upon the ape-man's face unless it was a slight tightening of the jaws; but he put his hand ruefully to the back of his head where a bump marked the place where the girl had struck him and a moment later a half-smile played across his lips.
Were one to bump into a Bengal tiger in the ravine behind the Bimini Baths, one could be no more surprised than was I to see a perfectly good quart thermos bottle turning and twisting in the surf of Cape Farewell at the southern extremity of Greenland.
Always do I crash, shrieking, down through the brush and fetch up with a bump on the ground.