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baiji.org foundation – Mainpage
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20050905223209/http://baiji.org:80/

baiji.org Foundation - networking Expertise for Conservation of Freshwater Biodiversity

Swim for Asian River Dolphins

On the eve of the UN World Day for Water, a team of swimmers, led by top triathlete and Olympic medalist Sven Riederer, staged BaijiSwim ’05 to mark the start of the UN’s International Decade for Action 2005-2015 – Water for Life. The aim of the swim is to show solidarity with endangered asian river dolphins and call for more effective conservation. [more]


Workshop on the Conservation of China's Baiji River Dolphin, Wuhan 2004

The international "Workshop on the Conservation of China's Baiji River Dolphin and Yangtze Finless Porpoise 2004" marked a major step forward towards successfully networking global expertise with Chinese research institutes and Government Authorities in an effort to secure a sustainable future for the baiji river dolphin and China's Yangtze River ecosystem. Baiji.org has been given the mandate to coordinate the new International Baiji Conservation Committee. [more]


Freshwater Dolphins - Symbols for the Health of Global Freshwater Resources

World distribution of freshwater dolphins and porpoises

Freshwater dolphins and porpoises are charismatic and culturally important creatures that have become the ultimate symbols for the health of the World’s major freshwater systems. Their future survival will depend on how we react to the current over-exploitation of these freshwater resources. These attractive and popular creatures inhabit some of the largest freshwater systems of Asia and South America [more]


The Global Freshwater Challenge

Taking action to ensure future generations benefit from the freshwater legacy we've been privileged to enjoy during our lives.

Water is life, and with mounting evidence that earth’s fresh water is being stretched to its limits, one thing is clear: Everything possible must be done to avert a freshwater crisis! Responsible stewardship to safeguard the world's freshwater resources will require effective integrated management at all levels, from the individual to international corporations and governments. [more]


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