Today on the Health Channel:

Skinny in a Bottle:
How Fat Vaccines Will Work

Cytos Biotechnology's fat vaccine could help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite in a unique way.

Find out what makes this vaccine different and learn about other new drugs designed to combat obesity.

The Big Bug: On Its Way?
We're all on the alert for lethal microbial nasties. Which one should we fear the most?
How Health Insurance Works
The maze of information you have to wade through is enough to make your head swim.
How Medicare Works
Affordable health insurance for seniors over the age of 65? Learn about Medicare.
How Contact Lenses Work
Learn how contact lenses correct sight and find out how to wear them safely.
How Blood Works
It's the most commonly tested part of the body, and it is truly the river of life.
How Breast Implants Work
Find out all about breast implants and the surgical process of augmentation.
How Tattoos Work
Today tattoos are everywhere and people of all ages are sporting permanent ink.
How Diet Pills Work
Lose 30 pounds in 30 days with no diet or exercise! Is it too good to be true?

Easy On-The-Go Monitor
This wrist monitor takes your blood pressure and pulse in seconds. It's perfect for busy people. Check it out.
One Second Temperature Reading
Get accurate temperature readings instantly with this ear thermometer. Find out more.
Brighter Smiles
The new Sonicare Elite guarantees cleaner and whiter teeth plus healthier gums in only 28 days. Check it out.
Hear Your Unborn Baby
And talk back. Hear your baby's heartbeat, hiccups, and kicks as early as the second trimester. Learn more.
Walk Your Way To Fitness
Achieve a healthier lifestyle by walking or running in the privacy of your home. Click here to see prices.
Long-term Vision Protection
Interchangeable lenses let you adapt to any lighting condition and provide 100% UV protection. Check out the Oakleys.

Diseases and Conditions
     •  Diabetes

     •  Anthrax

     •  Congestive Heart Failure


     •  Performance-Enhancing Drugs

     •  Aspirin

     •  Nicotine


     •  Pole Vaulting

     •  Sweat

     •  Rock Climbing


Health Care
     •  LASIK

     •  CPR

     •  X-rays


Medical Animation
     •  The Heart

     •  Breathing

     •  The Digestive System


     •  Dieting

     •  Calories

     •  Cholesterol


     •  Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

     •  Prenatal Testing

     •  Signs And Symptoms Of Labor


The Body
     •  Your Lungs

     •  Your Immune System

     •  Your Brain


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