Today on the People Channel:

Man Bites Dog:
How Tabloids Work

Topics range from celebrity scandals to the truly bizarre.

Learn how the tabloids evolved, where they get their stories, and what effect the popularity of tabloids has had on newspapers and television shows.

Blogs: Your News Source?
Is the traditional news media being replaced by blogging? Tell us what you think.
How Swearing Works
Find out how society responds to swearing and how it affects your brain.
How Geisha Work
Find out who and what a geisha is and how geisha fit into Japanese culture.
How Urban Legends Work
Find out how the tales get started and how they make their way to you.
How Online Dating Works
Are you stressed about spending another Saturday night alone? Don't be.
How Tattoos Work
Today tattoos are everywhere and people of all ages are sporting permanent ink.

Laugh Out Loud
Seasons 3 and 4 of Seinfeld are available on DVD. Enjoy your favorite episodes and see what made the show such an incredible success. Check it out.
Magic Bullet: As Seen on TV
This no-mess, space-saving blender is perfect for mixing smoothies and other summer beverages. Check it out.
Say Goodbye To Commercials
Get TiVo instead. Record your favorite movies and TV shows, then store them on a hard drive. Click here to see prices.
Perfect 5 Minute Burgers
The Foreman grill cooks food quickly with two independently heated grilling sides and its non-stick coating makes clean-up easy. Check it out.
Stop Ordering Photos
The Epson Stylus printer works without a computer and allows you to preview photos on its 2.5 inch color monitor before printing. Find out more.
All-Terrain Stroller
Take your baby off-road with the new Jeep Liberty stroller featuring air-filled tires. Check it out.

     •  Diamonds

     •  Robots

     •  Nostradamus


Good Will
     •  AMBER Alert

     •  The World Health Organization

     •  The United Nations


     •  Income Taxes

     •  The Euro

     •  Social Security Numbers


Public Works
     •  Landfills

     •  Gas Prices

     •  Fire Engines


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