How long have you been driving around in that same old car? Do you think you want to sell it? There are some decisions you will have to make before you decide to sell your car. Do you want to sell your car over the Internet? On an auction site? Through a newspaper classified? To a dealership? The following information will apply no matter how you decide to sell your car.

Before you sell your car, one of the main things you need to understand is your market. Knowing what kind of person would be interested in your car will make it a lot easier to know where to place your advertisements. After you've done your research on the price of your car, you will determine an asking price and write an attention-getting advertisement. You will need to prepare for the sale by washing and detailing your car. It is also important to understand how to negotiate to get the best price, and what to do if you get caught in a car-buying scam.

In this article, you will learn what to expect of the car-selling process to help ensure that you and the buyer have a positive experience.