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How do I suggest an article topic?
Due to our current 5-mile-long list of article ideas, we are not accepting article suggestions at the moment. We hope to reopen the floodgates in the near future.

How do I suggest a link?
We appreciate and encourage our readers' link suggestions. In fact, external links provide our readers with a valuable service, an additional source to find out more information on a particular subject. Since we receive hundreds of link suggestions per week, we obviously cannot answer every single one, and, unfortunately, we are unable to add every link suggestion to our articles or questions. If you would like to promote a product and/or service within, check out our Advertising Options page.

How do I tell you about a correction that you need to make to an article?
Please click here if you have a correction suggestion. Even if it's just a typo on a page or a broken link, we definitely want to hear about it so we can fix it. Unfortunately, we cannot always reply to correction suggestions and we are unable to let you know when we've made the correction.

When can I expect to see my question or topic suggestion published on HowStuffWorks? Can you e-mail me when it's up?
We appreciate our readers' article suggestions. Since we receive hundreds of suggestions per week, we cannot answer every single one and, unfortunately, we are unable to provide readers with the date of when we might use their idea in an article or question. Check the site often to see if your topic has been published.

I would like to write an article for HowStuffWorks. Do you accept article submissions?
We are happy to discuss article ideas with authors and experts. Please click here for more information.

I love your site! Is your information available in a book or on CD?
Yes! HowStuffWorks has produced four books so far -- How Stuff Works, More How Stuff Works, How Much Does the Earth Weigh? and What If? -- click here to place your order or to get more information. And we also now have our site contents on CD. Click here to order the HowStuffWorks CD or to find out more!

What is the best search engine to use?
There is a search form in the right-hand corner at the top of every article page that will search the entire HowStuffWorks site for you. On the home page, the search form is also in the top corner on the right-hand side.

I am a student and would like to use one of your articles in my research project. Can I have your permission to do so?
We are glad to grant permission to use our material for noncommercial, nonprofit, educational purposes. We ask that you not alter the images or content from the way they appear on our site, and that you cite HowStuffWorks as your source. Click here to find out more about citing HowStuffWorks.

Can you provide me with the date an article was written to use in my project bibliography?
You may cite a HowStuffWorks article in the following fashion:

"Title of Article", HowStuffWorks (, by Article Author. HowStuffWorks, Inc., 2005.
Including just a year usually suffices for most bibliographies. Feel free to use the current year since we continually update our articles. Click here to find out more about citing HowStuffWorks.

I would like to use your graphics or animations in my school presentation. Is there a way I can copy them from your site? If not, can you send me the files I need?
The animations on HowStuffWorks are Flash files which cannot be copied the way .gif and .jpg images can. Due to overwhelming requests for animations and the time constraints of our Graphics Department, we are currently unable to send our readers our Flash files.

I would like to use your content for business purposes. Can I have your permission to do so?
If you are not a student, teacher or educational facility, please e-mail our Business Department to discuss the use of HowStuffWorks content.

Can I use your content on my Web site if I give full credit to HowStuffWorks?
No, the content on HowStuffWorks is copyright protected. Unauthorized use of content and images is prohibited and punishable by law.

Can I put a link to HowStuffWorks on my Web site?
Yes, and thank you for linking to the HowStuffWorks Web site. Click here to copy a logo banner or button for use on your site.

Why are your contests not open to international readers?
We are unable to open our contests to readers outside of the United States for legal reasons. Read Question 541 for more information on this topic.

Non-English speakers would also love your material. Are you planning to publish HowStuffWorks in other languages?
We receive quite a few requests from our international readers asking us to translate site contents into languages other than English. Because of this, our business team is currently considering options.

What is this "Express" thing?
"HowStuffWorks Express" comes from the editorial staff at HowStuffWorks. It is an acclaimed magazine for 4th- through 8th-grade students, as well as their teachers and parents. Click here to subscribe. Click here to see the HowStuffWorks Express site.

How do I contact someone at HowStuffWorks?
Click here for more information on contacting HowStuffWorks.

I'm getting pop-up ads every time I click on a page! How do I make it stop?
There are two possible pop-ups on the site: One is an actual "ad," while the other is a window that pops up to help visitors who are new to HowStuffWorks. The reason you are getting both pop-ups is because your browser is set to disable cookies. (The only way the HowStuffWorks server knows if you've seen the ad before or visited the site before is if it detects a cookie on your machine.) If you set your browser to enable cookies, you will only see the pop-up ad once per visit, and you will only see the "new visitor" pop-up once ever. (To learn about cookies and why they're safe, see How Cookies Work.)

To enable cookies in Internet Explorer:

  1. Click on "Tools" in the tool bar. Select "Internet Options."
  2. Click on the "Security" tab. Select "Custom Level."
  3. Scroll down to "Cookies."
  4. Under "Allow cookies that are stored on your computer," select "Enable."
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  3. Under "Cookies," select "Accept all cookies."
  4. Click "OK."