Today on Destinations:
  How Rainforests Work - About 25% of today's medicines come from the rainforest, and only about 1% of that source has been tapped. Find out what else could be lost with the 1.5 acres of rainforest destroyed every second.

  How Washington, D.C. Works - Spring in Washington, D.C. is breathtaking. Each year, thousands trek to the U.S. capital simply to see the cherry trees in bloom. The lure of the sweet-smelling blossoms may be what inspires the visit, but there's certainly much, much more to see. Find out what other exciting things await you in the District.

  How New York Works - An estimated 29 million Americans travel to New York each year. Maybe it's just the lure of the big city. Or, it could be the museums, restaurants, clubs… Find out why so many folks want a bite of the "Big Apple."

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