1. If you will be using the slow cooker for everyday cooking, purchase a slow cooker that is large enough to serve your family. Basic slow cookers range in size from 1 quart to 6-1/2 quarts, with the smallest size yielding 1 to 2 servings and the largest size yielding 6 to 8 servings.

2. Make sure your slow cooker is at least half full but not more than three-quarters full. This ensures even cooking, and also makes certain that the liquid will not cook away during the long cooking time.

3. Defrost meat, poultry and frozen vegetables completely before adding them to the slow cooker. Frozen foods will cool the contents of the slow cooker, which means the food inside may not heat up quickly enough to prevent bacterial growth.

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A Veal Stew with Horseradish
4. Remove excess fat from meat and poultry before placing them in the slow cooker. During cooking fat will liquefy and float to the top, so if it is not trimmed from the meat prior to cooking, then you may want to skim it off afterwards.

5. Always brown ground meat and drain the fat before placing it in the slow cooker. Other meats may also be browned before slow cooking to add flavor and color, but it is only required with ground meats.

6. Remove excess fat and skin from poultry before adding it to the slow cooker. Chicken skin shrivels and curls during slow cooking, so most recipes call for skinless chicken.

7. Cut firm root vegetables, such as potatoes, turnips and carrots, into small pieces or thin slices and place them on the bottom of the slow cooker. These veggies take longer to cook, so cutting smaller pieces and keeping them covered with liquid helps even out the cooking.

8. Add strong-flavored vegetables, such as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, to the slow cooker during the last hour or two of cooking to prevent their flavors from overwhelming the dish.

9. Add dairy products to the slow cooker at the end of the cooking time (during the last 15 to 30 minutes) to prevent them from curdling or separating.

10. Taste your slow cooker dish about 30 minutes before the end of the cooking time and adjust the seasonings as needed. Slow cooking, with long cooking times and a build-up of liquid, can result in flavors being diluted. Add additional herbs and spices to perk up the flavors if necessary.