Nigella, love-in-a-mist, is an annual flower with threadlike foliage above each flower. Easily grown blossoms in soft colors have a delicate look.

Nigella, or love-in-a-mist, is an annual flower with threadlike foliage. Delicate blossoms and seedpods are used in flower arrangements.
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Description: Plants range in size from about 15 to 30 inches in height. Single or double flowers an inch or two wide may be blue, pink, purple, or greenish-white. They are followed by two-inch balloonlike seedpods with purple stripes.

How to grow:
Grow in rich, well-drained soil in full sun, using seed or transplants. Clear a sizable space for plants so they can become established and return every year.

Sow seeds outdoors a week or two before the last expected frost or indoors about six weeks before frost ends. Seeds germinate in a week at 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

The flowers are good for bedding and cutting. Seedpods, fresh or dry, are used in flower arrangements. In the garden, plants are often allowed to self-sow.

Related species:
Nigella sativa, or fennel flower, has blue flowers and black seeds used for seasoning.

Related varieties:
Persian Jewels is a classic type with flowers in mixed colors and big pods. Oxford Blue and Miss Jekyll are strong growers with blue flowers.

Scientific name: Nigella damascena