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Independent Online Edition > Columnists M-Z
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Columnists M - Z

Steve Richards: Mr Prescott has one final role to perform... resign his office as Deputy Prime Minister Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 30 May 2006

Harriet Harman is putting herself forward while being adamant that she is doing nothing of the sort

Joan Smith: Natural disasters are more deadly than terrorism Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 30 May 2006

Governments are pouring more resources into the lesser of the two threats

John Walsh: Tales from Mauritius Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 30 May 2006

'We gaze fondly at the Mancunian rock star. Despite wearing his beanie hat at breakfast, he's a model of domesticity'

Andreas Whittam Smith: Lessons for the centre-left in how to be British Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 29 May 2006

Not thinking about Englishness is itself an English quality. That is one of our defining features

John Rentoul: Alan Johnson could move into Prescott's office tomorrow. So why not the top job? Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 28 May 2006

If there is a sudden vacancy, Johnson is surely the favourite

Rowan Pelling: I'm looking forward to a naked summer Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 28 May 2006

Nudity is not just for the pretty and the young. There is no better way to spend middle age

Editor-At-Large: Please don't tell me divorce is unfair. It's pay-back time Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 28 May 2006

Sometimes I don't know why women bother with men at all. Take the columnist Richard Littlejohn; on hearing that Melissa Miller had won a settlement of £5m from her husband last week, he remarked: "He'd have been better off hiring a call girl. At least he'd have known the price in advance."

Joan Smith: Why does anybody give a monkey's about Galloway? Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 28 May 2006

He is a man who is not even on nodding terms with consistency

Alan Watkins: If Mr Brown is to prosper, he may have to take the old Stalinist outside to be shot Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 28 May 2006

The Chancellor is formidable. But so is Dr Reid in his own way

Deborah Orr: Our prisons are underfunded, understaffed and overpopulated Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 27 May 2006

One of the most damaging aspects of the implosion of the Home Office is the political spin that is being put on the endless revelations of sheer, unadulterated, endemic, incompetence. The latest debate has been occasioned by a report from Andrew Bridges, the chief inspector of probation.

Will Self: PsychoGeography Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 27 May 2006

Back pedalling to the future

Matthew Norman: The story of Rupert and Hillary (and Bill) Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 26 May 2006

The state of the Clinton marriage continues to fascinate America

Thomas Sutcliffe: A moment caught in freefall Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 26 May 2006

Walking round Tate Modern the other day, looking at its rearranged galleries, I found myself obsessed with hanging - not in the curatorial sense of hang (to arrange paintings and sculptures in a gallery according to historical and aesthetic principles), but in the more ordinary sense of suspending something. Suddenly there seemed to be works hanging everywhere. In one room, Juan Muñoz's Hanging Figure apes the pose in Degas' great painting Miss LaLa at the Cirque Fernando, swaying gently in the air-conditioning about 10 feet above your head. In another room, Louise Bourgeois' sculpture Fillette also dangles from the ceiling - a phallic joint of meat, weighed down by its testicular ball joints. There are Calders here, too, and, in a large gallery devoted to minimalism, Robert Morris's Untitled - a strange fibreglass square suspended on four slender wires, like a kiosk selling vacancy. And upstairs, in a space dedicated to recent acquisitions, Pae White's Morceau Accrochant floats in the air, a precisely marshalled constellation of multicoloured discs that owes rather more than it ought, to my eyes, to Cornelia Parker's work.

Steve Richards: John Reid may be politically agile, but his one-man show is doomed Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 25 May 2006

Something will go wrong under his watch, after which he will be fighting for his political life

Janet Street-Porter: Leave Everest - and all its dead -in peace Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 25 May 2006

About 40 men and women passed David Sharp as he lay dying, 1,000 feet below the summit of Everest. Final proof that climbing the world's highest mountain is not a noble achievement but a disgusting, egotistical exercise which not only pollutes the environment but strips those involved of rational emotions. In our determination to push back the boundaries to achieve the unthinkable, it seems as if we are quite prepared to dump any acceptable standards of behaviour.

Deborah Orr: Why I've come to loathe all this cheap talk about finding a 'work-life' balance Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 24 May 2006

Work is often an escape and a joy. There is little work that provides no satisfaction at all

Mark Steel: You can't blame celebrities for what they've become Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 24 May 2006

The Beckhams must have had friends in their pre-celebrity days and know people who aren't on TV

Hamish McRae: The new powers are punishing the old Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 24 May 2006

This may be the first market correction that is being driven by the new savers of Asia

Brian Viner: Country Life Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 24 May 2006

Our wonderful friend Sally is not accident-prone, exactly, because the things that happen to her are not exactly accidents. But there is something of the Inspector Clouseau about her. Indeed, readers of this column might remember my tale of the day she found herself in Hereford, after a shopping trip for some school shoes for her daughter, rummaging through several municipal rubbish bins after realising that she had dumped her car keys along with the old shoes.

Deborah Ross: Our Woman In Crouch End Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 24 May 2006

'She'll weed, make tea, do the Hoovering, and beat you like the naughty, naughty boy you are'

Steve Richards: Cameron has learnt Blair's lessons, but is also in danger of repeating his mistakes Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 23 May 2006

In his speech the Tory leader was far better speaking of his aspirations than explaining the means

Thomas Sutcliffe: This time at least, listen to the critics Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 23 May 2006

I overheard a woman on her mobile this morning, updating a friend about her weekend. "We went to see The Da Vinci Code," she said. There was a brief pause - just long enough to accommodate the words "What was it like?" - before she delivered the verdict: "Not good ... not good." Well, we bloody told you so, I thought - feeling a momentary spasm of professional critical solidarity. This is not a sentiment that troubles me very often but I couldn't help it in this case.

John Walsh: Tales Of The City Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 23 May 2006

'It's bleak and vicious, full of random shootings, ambushes, reprisals and beatings'

Andreas Whittam Smith: Now the US and Britain can declare victory in Iraq and bring their troops back home Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 22 May 2006

Mr Bush and Mr Blair pass by the opportunities to retreat. They want a better moment

John Rentoul: Fat police: guilty as charged Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 21 May 2006

Obesity has risen among children because they don't run about as they did
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Editor's Choice

All washed up

Why it's over for America, by Noam Chomsky

The Flavour Point Diet

Lose weight eating bananas and chocolate muffins

Chevy's new Camaro

GM may deliver with this low-slung, retro prototype

Magic mushrooms

Users find exotic alternatives

Polish migrants

A warm Highlands welcome

The return of Batwoman...

... as a lesbian socialite

London living

Cost soars to record high

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