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This Britain

Wild mushroom-picker wins battle of the chanterelles

Published: 17 May 2006

For 20 years the only thing that caught Brigitte Tee-Hillman as she picked mushrooms in the New Forest was the occasional bramble concealing a chanterelle or cep. But when the long arm of the law reached out for Mrs Tee-Hillman three years ago it started a debate over the legality of mushroom picking which yesterday ended in a hard-earned victory for the 64-year-old businesswoman.

Forget the balsamic and rocket, beans means sales boom

Published: 17 May 2006

Britain's emerging reputation as a nation of fine-food lovers will take a knock today with the revelation that something far more mundane than the latest balsamic vinegar is vying for space on our shelves.

Giacometti meets the Elephant Man as the Turner Prize puts controversy before quality

Published: 17 May 2006

The Turner Prize does not make life easy for itself. Every year it has to come up with four youngish and interesting artists. There is a written rule that they must be under 50. There is an unwritten rule that they must not have been shortlisted before, and certainly must not have won, and a second unwritten rule that they must be "innovative". In other words, anyone with form is excluded. No wonder the prize must often make do with art that is no more than barely adequate.

Banksy takes to streets to highlight Aids crisis

Published: 16 May 2006

The "guerrilla" graffiti artist Banksy has spray-painted a striking, large-scale image entitled Sweeping It Under The Carpet on a wall in Chalk Farm, north London.

Memorial honours sacrifice of conscientious objectors

Published: 15 May 2006

In the centre of London, close to the statue of Gandhi and the Hiroshima blossom tree, there lies another testament to the futility of war.

The good news: we've found the last available World Cup tickets. The bad news: they'll cost you... £20,000 Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 14 May 2006

The bad news has been piling up for England, what with Wayne Rooney's metatarsal, the saga of "Big Phil" Scolari and Michael Owen's mysterious aches in his scoring foot. But now some good news: The Independent on Sunday has tracked down the only tickets still available for the World Cup.

Cardinal dismissed his top press aide 'for being gay' Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 14 May 2006

The head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales sacked a senior aide because he was gay, it was reported last night. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor was personally involved in the dismissal of his personal press officer, according to The Mail on Sunday.

Private Clubs: Cocktail empire Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 14 May 2006

The British are coming. From NYC to Cannes, who better to run a venue where exclusivity is mixed with snobbery and style? Lucie Greene on the clubs luring stars to the bars

When my marriage broke up, Sunday lunch kept me sane Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 14 May 2006

So says double-Michelin-starred chef Tom Aikens, the latest high-profile restaurateur to join our campaign

Age rage: My mid-life crisis Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 14 May 2006

It's shocking when you suddenly realise you're middle-aged. But life really can begin at 40, says Danielle Demetriou

Opus Dei: Jack Valero speaks for an evil sect, says 'The Da Vinci Code' Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 14 May 2006

But Jack Valero, public face of the group, says the new film is dishonest. In an exclusive interview he begins the fight back. By Steve Bloomfield

A Hampstead Heath murder mystery Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 13 May 2006

In the past month, London's most serene park has witnessed a spate of dog-on-dog violence. And the locals are on the trail. John Walsh reports

England's trophy wives: the women behind squad's hopefuls Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 13 May 2006

Finally we know who's going to the World Cup - and who they'll be taking along. So which of the players' other halves are premier division, and who should be relegated? Henry Deedes reports

Member of Smurfit dynasty 'burns himself' to death Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 12 May 2006

A member of one of Ireland's richest families has died after being found engulfed in flames in a London churchyard.

Galleries and museums unable to buy new works as funding dries up Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 12 May 2006

Nearly 70 per cent of museums and galleries acquire new works only or mainly if they are given them, according to the first authoritative study into collecting.

Britain's colonial adventures: The truth about Gordon of Khartoum Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 12 May 2006

When David Cameron taunted Tony Blair in the Commons this week about going to Sudan 'to see the place where Gordon was murdered', he was referring not only to the Premier's uneasy relationship with the Chancellor, but also to the fate of a Victorian military hero. Terry Kirby tells the story of a man who also had a problem with his prime minister

Most neighbour rows due to noise Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 12 May 2006

Noise is the most common reason for disputes between neighbours,according to a survey. Two-thirds of people who fell out with neighbours did so because of conflicts about loud music and other noise problems.

Remembering the 80s Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 12 May 2006

The heady cocktail that was the 1980s is about to be revisited in a small-screen adaptation of Alan Hollinghurst's era-defining novel 'The Line of Beauty'. So how does the epoch of hedonism and strikes, cocaine and riots, Thatcher and Aids, Big Bang and Black Monday seem 20 years on? Those who lived it try to make sense of a decade of extremes

Awards for project to save Brunel ship Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 12 May 2006

The long campaign to renovate the SS Great Britain, Isambard Kingdom Brunel's great iron ship, has been rewarded with a brace of wins at the 2006 Museums and Heritage Awards.

Friend says bombers did not act alone and appeals for information

Published: 12 May 2006

In the wake of yesterday's reports, a friend of Shahzad Tanweer's family said he believed there were people in Leeds who could help the intelligence services and urged them to come forward.

Directors hit £10m jackpot on 'fairer' lottery Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 11 May 2006

A charity lottery promoted as the fairer alternative to the National Lottery has awarded its directors shares and bonuses worth almost £10m.

Slavery: Is it time for an apology? Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 11 May 2006

Bristol got rich on the back of the slave trade as its fleet transported 500,000, chained in appalling conditions. Last night, 200 years after abolition, the city debated whether to admit its part in the 'African holocaust'. By Cahal Milmo

Roddick targets Nestlé after corporate 'sell-out' Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 11 May 2006

Dame Anita Roddick has admitted that she harbours concerns over the ethical record of Nestlé, a major shareholder in the French cosmetic giant L'Oréal, which bought the Body Shop for £652m.

English Heritage launches campaign to save historic churches from rot and ruin Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 11 May 2006

Hundreds of England's historic churches face decay and closure in the face of a £925m repair bill, according to a report.

Poles? They make terrible waiters, says celebrity chef Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 11 May 2006

They are almost universally admired for their work ethic, as well as their readiness to do jobs that British people shun, including waiting on tables. But, according to celebrity chef Antony Worrall Thompson, the problem with the Polish immigrant waiters is that they don't speak English and are paid too much.

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