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Independent Online Edition > Africa
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Obasanjo's bid for third term rejected by Senate

Published: 17 May 2006

Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo's dreams of a third term in office appeared to be over after the Senate threw out amendments to the country's constitution that would have allowed him to run in next year's elections.

Aids and a lost generation: Children raising children

Published: 16 May 2006

Ruth Nakabonge crouches on the ground clutching a handful of earth to fling over her father's coffin. Like millions of children across Africa she has lost a parent to Aids - and been deprived of a childhood

The woman who has the power to change Africa

Published: 16 May 2006

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is a heroine not just of Nigeria, where she is Finance Minister, but of the entire continent. Her crusade against corruption has put her life at risk.

Africa's medicine man

Published: 16 May 2006

To his patients, he's simply 'Dr Paul'. To the people working in Aids-ravaged communities, he's a revolutionary - and an inspiration. Jeremy Laurance hears why

These children have seen things that no child should ever see

Published: 16 May 2006

Hilary Benn, the International Development Secretary talks to Cahal Milmo about the first day of his trip to Uganda

Transcript of interview with Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigerian Finance Minister

Published: 16 May 2006

She's late
Sorry, it's my first day back in the country [from the IMF/World Bank meetings in Washington] and I had to go and see the President

Kenya: White mischief (part two) Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 14 May 2006

A shooting and an arrest in Kenya revive memories of decadent 'Happy Valley' settlers who appear to be above the law

Nigerian petrol thieves suspected as blast kills 200 Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 13 May 2006

A huge explosion tore through an eastern suburb of the Nigerian city of Lagos yesterday, killing up to 200, after people had reportedly gathered to collect oil leaking from a ruptured pipeline that had been damaged by villagers looking for free fuel.

Egyptian trial of pro-reform judges halted after protests Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 12 May 2006

Thousands of riot police locked down central Cairo as the government attempted to discipline two senior judges for speaking out about election fraud.

Sequel to White Mischief as aristocrat kills again Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 12 May 2006

Tom Cholmondeley, heir to Kenya's vast Delamere estates, has been arrested after killing a suspected poacher on his land, just a year after he narrowly escaped facing murder charges for shooting dead a wildlife ranger.

Saved from the sea, the treasures of Alexandria Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 12 May 2006

It is as significant as Pompeii, yet its discovery began just a decade ago in polluted waters four miles off the Egyptian coast. Now, the priceless remains of the ancient port of Alexandria and its predecessor cities, Heracleion and Canopus, are being exhibited for the first time in Berlin.

British farmer building gallows for export to Africa Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 10 May 2006

A British farmer who sold execution equipment to countries such as Zimbabwe and Libya has been accused of "making a mockery" of UK efforts to oppose the death penalty abroad.

ANC's Zuma cleared of rape charge but rebuked by judge Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 09 May 2006

Jacob Zuma, South Africa's former deputy president, has been acquitted of rape after a politically charged case that jeopardised his career and split the ruling African National Congress.

Zuma cleared in South African rape case

Published: 08 May 2006

A judge ruled today that former South African Deputy President Jacob Zuma and an HIV-positive family friend who accused him of rape had consensual sex.

Aid workers 'using under-age African girls for sex'

Published: 08 May 2006

Girls as young as 12 in Liberia are regularly having sex with men - often humanitarian workers and peace-keeping soldiers - in return for money or food, a British charity revealed today.

Refugees too scared to go home despite Darfur deal peace Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 08 May 2006

It is going to take more than a couple of signatures on a piece of paper to persuade Kaltam Ali to go back to her home in Darfur.

Township crew tackles elite of America's Cup Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 07 May 2006

South Africans challenging cream of yachting world

Sudan signs peace deal with rebels over Darfur Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 06 May 2006

Sudan's government and the main rebel group fighting over Darfur's meagre resources have signed a power-sharing peace deal. It is hoped the milestone agreement will help end a conflict that has left more than 180,000 people dead and two million homeless.

Congo's tragedy: the war the world forgot Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 05 May 2006

In a country the size of Western Europe, a war rages that has lasted eight years and cost four million lives. Rival militias inflict appalling suffering on the civilian population, and what passes for political leadership is powerless to stop it. This is Congo, and the reason for the conflict - control of minerals essential to the electronic gadgetry on which the developed world depends - is what makes our blindness to the horror doubly shaming. Johann Hari reports from the killing fields of central Africa

Panadol given to Zimbabwe's Aids patients as life-saving drugs run out Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 04 May 2006

The HIV/Aids epidemic gripping Zimbabwe looks set to spiral further out of control because President Robert Mugabe's foundering government is running out of antiretroviral drugs.

Darfur crisis puts Sudan top of 'failed states' list Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 03 May 2006

The humanitarian crisis in Darfur, which is now spilling over into neighbouring Chad, has pushed Sudan to the top of the Global Index of Failed States.

Ethiopia condemned as opposition leaders are put on trial for treason Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 03 May 2006

Dozens of Ethiopian opposition leaders accused of plotting to overthrow the government appeared in court charged with treason and attempted genocide in a trial condemned by human rights groups as "absurd."

Hopes fade for Darfur peace deal Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 02 May 2006

Peace talks aimed at ending the violence in Darfur have been extended until midnight tonight. But observers in the Nigerian capital are pessimistic that a settlement will be reached.

Sudan accepts Darfur peace deal but rebels dig in Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 01 May 2006

The Sudanese government said that it had accepted a peace plan prepared by the African Union.

Clooney urges action as Sudanese aircraft attack villages in Darfur Independent Porfolio Content

Published: 28 April 2006

The Sudanese government has launched a new military assault in southern Darfur, according to a leading human rights group, attacking villages and displacing thousands of civilians before a deadline for the conclusion of peace talks.

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