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Scientists Close In On 'Superbrakes' For Cars (February 3, 2005) -- A theoretical study of friction between solids that looks at the process just one molecule at a time could soon lead to a more effective way to stop cars in an emergency than simply slamming on the ... > full story

NYU's Dvali Says Change In Laws Of Gravity, Not 'Dark Energy,' Source Of Cosmic Acceleration (March 10, 2005) -- New York University physicist Georgi Dvali concludes that the cosmic acceleration of the universe may be caused by the modification of standard laws of gravity at very large distances, and not by ... > full story

Physicists Demonstrate Quantum Mechanical Nature Of Heat Flow (May 31, 2005) -- A hallmark of quantum mechanics is the wave nature exhibited by particles. A classic demonstration of this is the Aharonov-Bohm effect where electrons are sent along two paths that may be altered by ... > full story

From Cells To Whales: Universal Scaling Laws In Biology (February 2, 1999) -- In a world where scientists have traditionally remained behind the lines that delineate disciplines there are researchers who are able to look beyond their own expertise into the worlds of others and ... > full story

Einstein In Need Of Update? Calculations Show The Speed Of Light Might Change (February 12, 2001) -- In 1905, Einstein made major changes to laws of physics when he established his theory of relativity. Now Einstein's laws might also undergo significant changes. Physicists at Texas A&M; University ... > full story

Experiment Could Reveal "Extra Dimensions," Exotic Forces (October 31, 2002) -- Physicists have devised a new experiment that will be used in the quest for exotic forces in nature and "additional spatial ... > full story

Inner Structure Of Cells Behaves Much As Molten Glass (June 22, 2005) -- An international team led by Jeffrey J. Fredberg, professor of bioengineering and physiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, has found that the cell modulates its mechanical properties in ... > full story

Einstein's Theory 'Improved'? (February 15, 2006) -- A Chinese astronomer from the University of St Andrews has fine-tuned Einstein's groundbreaking theory of gravity, creating a 'simple' theory which could solve a dark mystery that has baffled ... > full story

Understanding Biological Foundation Of Human Behavior Critical To Improving Laws (April 4, 2005) -- Laws and public policy will often miss their mark until they incorporate an understanding of why, biologically, humans behave as they do, scholars from Vanderbilt and Yale universities argue in the ... > full story

Now Scientists Think You'd Be 'Roasted' In A Black Hole (April 20, 2005) -- Contrary to established scientific thinking, you'd be roasted and not "spaghettified" if you stumbled into a supermassive black hole. New research being presented at the Institute of Physics ... > full story


» Ask the Experts - Answers to physics questions at Scientific American.

» Eric Weisstein's Treasure Trove of Physics - Online encyclopedia of physics terms and formulas. Full searchable, and also browsable alphabetically and by topic. Part of Eric's Treasure Troves of Science.

» PhysLINK - Links to physics departments, physical societies, journals, job information, and other physics related information.

» PhysOrg.com - Physics news, semiconductor technology news, space news and a scientific forum.

» Physics Blog - Pointers to stories for the entertainment of physicists, future physicists, and people who work with physicists.

» Physics Central - A page on modern physics, such as quantum mechanics and black holes, and some mathematics.

» Physics News Graphics - Diagrams (with captions) appearing in various AIP publications, sorted by category or by date.

» Physics Post - A tutorial and article driven community. Votes, science news and a discussion forum.

» Physics Today - The flagship publication of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Provides feature articles, news stories, analyses, book and product reviews, a searchable job database, and obituaries.

» Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS) - Hierarchical numbering scheme, developed by the American Institute of Physics, used to identify fields and sub-fields of physics.

» Physics on MathPages - Articles, leaning towards a mathematical description, on a wide range of topics in physics.

» Physics.org - Searchable database of physics resources from the Institute of Physics which matches a person's question, age and knowledge profile to handpicked sites. Also includes the Physics Life animation.

» PhysicsWeb - Physics news, jobs, equipment buyer's guide, and events.

» Physnet: The Physics Departments and Documents Network - Serves information from physics departments and institutes worldwide: departmental information, locally stored documents, authoring tools, free access journals, jobs, conferences and education material.

» Scientific American - Questions That Plague Physics - A conversation with Lawrence M. Krauss, chair of the physics department at Case Western Reserve University.

» The Net Advance of Physics - MIT resource providing discussions at various levels of sophistication that cover all areas of physics.

» The Physical World - Answers to simple physics questions, from New Scientist.

» Usenet Physics FAQ - sci.physics frequently asked questions with answers.

» What You Want To Know About Physics - Summarizes in simple language, without advanced mathematics, the foundations of physics. The index gives direct access to selected topics.

» World Year of Physics 2005 - International effort to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Miraculous Year (1905) and raise public awareness of physics.


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Laws of thermodynamics -- The laws of thermodynamics in principle describe the specifics for the transport of heat and work in thermodynamic ... > full article

Gas laws -- The gas laws are a set of laws that describe the relationship between thermodynamic temperature (T), pressure (P) and volume (V) of gases. Three of these laws, Boyle's law, Charles's law, and ... > full article

Astrophysics -- Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties (luminosity, density, temperature and chemical composition) of astronomical ... > full article

Spacetime -- In physics, spacetime is a model that combines 3-D space and 1-D time into a single construct called the space-time continuum (the 4th ... > full article

Energy -- The term Energy refers to the ability of a physical system to do mechanical work. It is a fundamental concept pertaining to the ability for action. One form of energy can be readily transformed into ... > full article

Electromagnetism -- Electromagnetism is the physics of the electromagnetic field: a field, encompassing all of space, which exerts a force on those particles that possess the property of electric charge, and is in turn ... > full article

List of phases of matter -- This is a list of the different phases of matter including the more exotic ones. Generally phases of matter are distinguished by the pressure and temperature, transforming into other phases as ... > full article

Thermodynamics -- Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that studies the effects of changes in temperature, pressure, and volume on physical systems at the macroscopic scale by analyzing the collective motion of their ... > full article

Geophysics -- Geophysics, the study of the earth by quantitative physical methods, especially by seismic reflection and refraction, geodesy, gravity, magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic, and radioactivity ... > full article

Mechanics -- Mechanics can be seen as the prime, and even as the original, discipline of physics. It is a huge body of knowledge about the natural world. It also constitutes a central part of ... > full article

The Laws of Lifetime Growth : Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past
Growth is a fundamental human need, a desire that stems from a deep love of life and an urge to experience it fully. It is at the root of everything that gives us a feeling of accomplishment, ... > read more

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams (based on Creating Affluence)
Deepak Chopra’s best-selling guide to creating abundance and prosperity is now on CD and read by the author. Based on seven natural laws that govern all creation, this book shatters the myth ... > read more

Warped Passages : Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions
The universe has its secrets. It may even hide extra dimensions, different from anything ever imagined. A whole raft of remarkable concepts now rides atop the scientific firmament, including parallel ... > read more

Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics: A Strategic Approach (Package Edition)
Built from the ground up on our new understanding of how students learn physics, Randall Knight's introductory university physics textbook leads readers to a deeper understanding of the concepts and ... > read more

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
John C. Maxwell offers lively stories about the foibles and successes of Lee Iacocca, Abraham Lincoln, Princess Diana, and Elizabeth Dole in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Readers can ... > read more

Physics for the IB Diploma
This fourth edition of Physics for the IB Diploma has been written for the IB student. It covers the entire new IB syllabus including all options at both Standard and Higher levels. It includes a ... > read more

The Road to Reality : A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe
If Albert Einstein were alive, he would have a copy of The Road to Reality on his bookshelf. So would Isaac Newton. This may be the most complete mathematical explanation of the universe yet ... > read more

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke
If you are tired of struggling to make ends meet but don't know a 401(k) from Special K, this book is for you. Aimed specifically at "Generation Broke"--those in their twenties and thirties who are ... > read more

The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory
There is an ill-concealed skeleton in the closet of physics: "As they are currently formulated, general relativity and quantum mechanics cannot both be right." Each is exceedingly accurate in its ... > read more

Introductory Chemistry (2nd Edition)
Focus on Chemistry develops a systematic approach to problem solving that will guide students through the process of solving chemical problems. Problem solving skills are emphasized throughout each ... > read more

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