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Small Molecule Interactions Were Central To The Origin Of Life (May 16, 2006) -- An important new paper argues against the widely held theory that the origin of life began with the spontaneous appearance of a large, replicating molecule such as RNA. Instead, Robert Shapiro (NYU) ... > full story

Methane-belching Bugs Inspire A New Theory Of The Origin Of Life On Earth (May 12, 2006) -- Scientists at Penn State have discovered a previously unknown biochemical process that has led to their development of a fundamental new theory of the origin of life on Earth. The new theory ... > full story

Controversial Findings Help Explain Evolution Of Life (April 8, 2006) -- Chemists have developed a controversial theory about how supposedly-stable DNA bases can be pushed into a "dark state" in which they are highly vulnerable to damage from ultraviolet radiation -- an ... > full story

'Accelerated Evolution' Converts RNA Enzyme To DNA Enzyme In Vitro (March 27, 2006) -- Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have successfully converted an RNA enzyme (ribozyme) into a DNA enzyme (deoxyribozyme) through a process of accelerated in vitro evolution. The molecular ... > full story

A New Tree Of Life Allows A Closer Look At The Origin Of Species (March 4, 2006) -- A group at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg has developed a computational method that resolves many of the remaining open questions about evolution and has produced what ... > full story

Clay Material May Have Acted As 'Primordial Womb' For First Organic Molecules (November 12, 2005) -- Arizona State University geochemist Lynda Williams and her colleagues have discovered that clay minerals under conditions at the bottom of the ocean may have acted as incubators for the first organic ... > full story

Life's Origins Were Easier Than Was Thought (September 19, 2005) -- An international team of scientists, leaded by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona researchers, has discovered that RNA early molecules were much more resistant than was thought until now. According to ... > full story

New Insights Into The Software Of Life (September 4, 2005) -- A series of discoveries by an international consortium of scientists, including a team from The University of Queensland's Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB), will transform our understanding ... > full story

Scientists Crack 40-year-old DNA Puzzle And Point To 'Hot Soup' At The Origin Of Life (August 16, 2005) -- A new theory that explains why the language of our genes is more complex than it needs to be also suggests that the primordial soup where life began on earth was hot and not cold, as many scientists ... > full story

U. Of Colorado Study Shows Early Earth Atmosphere Hydrogen-rich, Favorable To Life (April 25, 2005) -- A new University of Colorado at Boulder study indicates Earth in its infancy probably had substantial quantities of hydrogen in its atmosphere, a surprising finding that may alter the way many ... > full story

Researchers Shed Light On Intron Evolution (December 27, 2004) -- By comparing four fungal genomes, researchers from MIT and the Broad Institute have described some of the dynamics of the evolution of introns, the non-coding portions of genes that comprise a large ... > full story

Battle Of The Bubbles May Have Sparked Evolution (September 6, 2004) -- The first survival-of-the-fittest competition was likely a physical duel between fatty bubbles stuffed with genetic material, researchers from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute are proposing. The ... > full story

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Gene -- Genes are the units of heredity in living organisms. They are encoded in the organism's genetic material (usually DNA or RNA), and control the physical development and behavior of the organism. ... > full article

Crust (geology) -- In geology, a crust is the outer layer of a planet, part of its lithosphere. Planetary crusts are generally composed of a less dense material than that of its deeper layers. The crust of the Earth is ... > full article

Genetic drift -- Genetic drift is the term used in population genetics to refer to the statistical drift over time of gene frequencies in a population due to random sampling effects in the formation of successive ... > full article

Microorganism -- A microorganism or microbe is an organism that is so small that it is microscopic (invisible to the naked eye). Microorganisms are often illustrated using single-celled, or unicellular organisms; ... > full article

Prokaryote -- Prokaryotes are organisms without a cell nucleus, or indeed any other membrane-bound organelles, in most cases unicellular (in rare cases, multicellular). This set of characteristics is distinct from ... > full article

Natural selection -- Natural selection is the phrase Charles Darwin used in 1859 for the process he proposed to explain the origin of species and their apparent adaptation to their environment. Along with the rules of ... > full article

Methane -- The simplest hydrocarbon, methane, is a gas with a chemical formula of CH4.A principal component of natural gas, methane is a significant ... > full article

Evolution -- In biology, evolution is the process by which populations of organisms acquire and pass on novel traits from generation to generation. The modern understanding of evolution is based on the theory of ... > full article

Timeline of human evolution -- The timeline of human evolution outlines the major events in the development of our species and the evolution of our ... > full article

Fossil -- Fossils are the mineralized or otherwise preserved remains or traces (such as footprints) of animals, plants, and other organisms. The totality of fossils and their placement in fossiliferous ... > full article

Modern Cosmology
Modern Cosmology begins with an introduction to the smooth, homogeneous universe described by a Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric, including careful treatments of dark energy, big bang ... > read more

Myths of the Archaic State : Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States, and Civilizations
Classical archaeology promotes the view that a state's evolution reflects general, universal forces. Norman Yoffee challenges the model in this book by presenting more complex and multi-linear models ... > read more

Gen-e-sis: The Scientific Quest for Life's Origins
Life on Earth arose nearly 4 billion years ago, bursting forth from air, water, and rock. Though the process obeyed all the rules of chemistry and physics, the details of that original event pose as ... > read more

Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life
One of the best descriptions of the nature and implications of Darwinian evolution ever written, it is firmly based in biological information and appropriately extrapolated to possible applications ... > read more

Evolution in Four Dimensions : Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life (Life and Mind: Philosophical Issues in Biology and Psychology)
Ideas about heredity and evolution are undergoing a revolutionary change. New findings in molecular biology challenge the gene-centered version of Darwinian theory according to which adaptation ... > read more

Biology : The Unity and Diversity of Life (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac)
Cecie Starr and Ralph Taggart are among the most successful authors in introductory, biological science instruction because of their lively approach, engaging writing style, current coverage of the ... > read more

Earth: Portrait of a Planet
This survey is the first to weave together the three major intellectual revolutions in the Earth Sciences that have occurred in the last forty years--the theory of plate tectonics, the ... > read more

Biological Science (2nd Edition)
Infused with the spirit of inquiry, Freeman's Biological Science helps teach readers the fundamentals while introducing them to the excitement that drives the science. By presenting unifying concepts ... > read more

The Third Chimpanzee : The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
Jared Diamond states the theme of his book up-front: "How the human species changed, within a short time, from just another species of big mammal to a world conqueror; and how we acquired the ... > read more

Genes VIII
Genes VIII changed the approach to begin with the sequence of the human and other genomes and starts with complete coverage of recent advances in genomics. The coverage of genomics is then ... > read more

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