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Living Cradle-to-Cradle

Two Virginia architects complete the first house that meets William McDonoughfs strict environmental protocol



Green Wonders of the World

Green building technology has reached a tipping point that makes it more feasible — and elegant — choice for new construction
Slide Show: Green Wonders of the World



A World of Light and Glass

Architect James Carpenter is known for startling designs that make the invisible visible. Now two New York towers that bear his mark are going up
Slide Show: Lightening Up Landmark Buildings



From Towers to Dishes

Judging from Gregory Klosowski's lineage -- his father was a machinist; his grandfather, a mason -- it is not much of a stretch to imagine him leaning toward a career within a craft-oriented field. MORE >

Cruz Finds Solutions for Border Living

The San Diego architect and his firm are designing affordable housing for immigrants in a California border town MORE >

The Reluctant Starchitect

Joshua Prince-Ramus separates from OMA to form a new firm and he's sure of REX's ability to attract clients without the Koolhaas star magnet MORE >


Innovation Careers

Hundreds of job openings with design-driven companies.

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Jul 5
Whirlpool Corporation,  Benton Harbor , Michigan

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Jul 7
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Urban Discourse


Tax Incentives Go Green

The federal government and several states are offering credits to encourage sustainable development

That's All Folks!

Three years after the Walt Disney Concert Hall opened, the company and architect Frank Gehry have settled with contracts who claimed they were owed $43.3 million

Architects Are Building Brands

A growing number of companies are turning to "starchitects" to boost sales by designing everything from household items to luxury goods
Slide Show: Blueprints for Fabulousness

The Stirling's Little Brother

The Royal Institute of British Architects announces the winner of the first Lubetkin Prize

Coat of a Different Color

Publicolor applies color to neglected school hallways and instills hope in its young volunteers

Award-Winning Green

The AIA's Committee on the Environment has announced its Top Ten sustainable buildings of the year

Making Their Mark

The runners-up in this year's Next Generation Design Competition aim to build a better world

Chicago's Green Light for Permits

The Second City looks to be first in environmentally friendly building with a year-old program that expedites permits for green projects

Where Architecture Meets Race

Popular music reflects the full melting pot of American culture. So why is architecture still so white?



In a slew of new projects, smart facades automatically control daylighting, ventilation, and more, benefiting occupants and the environment alike. Call it auto-tecture

They Can Build That?

In China, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill is working on 15 skyscrapers -- and turning the skyline into an architectural laboratory

Square Feet. Oh, How Square!

The rise of mobile workers has companies unloading space and rethinking what's left

Spiral Sculptural Skyscraper for Moscow

British architects RMJM won the contract to build a 46-story tower in the Russian metropolis. It will have two intertwined coils

William McDonough: Design For Living

The visionary eco-architect and designer wants a renewable world

Watching L.A.'s Young Architects

Once considered an architectural wasteland, this Southern California city is gaining increased attention due to the newest generation

Prefab Sprouts

A Los Angeles realty firm adds a division that specializes in the promising housing form

Out of the Computer

Virginia San Fratello tries to convert her Next Generation prize-winning proposal for a Hydro Wall from digital rendering to material prototype
Slide Show: The Hydro Wall

Apple's New Store is Pure Glass

The latest outpost on posh 5th Avenue boasts see-through stairs, hundreds of tester iPods -- and a resemblance to the failed Macintosh G4 Cube
Slide Show: Apple in the Big Apple

Hometown Firm to Build Chicago Skyscraper

Studio/Gang has announced its design for a unique 83 story tower with rippling edges and a two story podium with a green roof

Green and Gleaming Towers

Eco-friendliness used to mean a house with a solar roof. Now skyscrapers are rising to the occasion with stunning innovations


The Koolhaas Kids Come of Age

Joshua Prince-Ramus explains why disciples of Rem Koolhaas are moving beyond the iconic Dutch architect's ideas, with a more collaborative style

New Blueprints for China's Skyline

It's not about pagoda-shaped skyscrapers, says Beijing architect Yung Ho Chang. It's about buildings that affect people's daily lives
Slide Show: Buildings Born with a Delicate Balance


Thinking Out of the Cube

A celebrated industrial designer and workplace pioneer takes a last stab at that beleaguered staple of American corporate life: the office system

Prefab in the Heartland

Three elegant houses, designed and built by Studio 804, prove that modular housing is a hit in Kansas

AIA Honor Awards: Antoine Predock

To draw inspiration for his buildings, this Albuquerque-based architect looks to ancient Anasazi Indian masonry

Buildings with Bling

For his brand-epitomizing design of retail stores for Chanel, Dior, and others, Peter Marino is known as architect to the icons of glamour

Parks, Plazas, and Public Spaces

The American Institute of Architects announces its Honor Awards for urban design

Step Inside the Best Rooms of the Year

The American Institute of Architects announces its Honor Awards for interior spaces

The Best Buildings of the Year

The American Institute of Architects announces its Honor Awards for architecture

Welcome to the Art Hotel

Innkeepers around the world are tapping local artists to make their work an essential element of a new breed of hostelry
Slide Show: Giving In to the Art Lobby

From Reviled to Revered

It can take time for an architectural monument to go from being the disgrace of a city to becoming a world-famous icon
Slide Show: From Reviled to Revered

Italy's Architectural Wonders

Richard Meier's new museum in Rome is leading the trend of the modern in a country steeped in history
Slide Show: Italy's Building Renaissance

Dubai's Architectural Wonders

As oil reserves dwindle, Dubai's attention-grabbing construction projects, including an underwater hotel, are aimed at drawing tourist dollars
Slide Show: Dubai's World-Beating Buildings

China's New Architectural Wonders

In our ongoing series on the world's most amazing buildings we look at the unprecedented building boom in Beijing and beyond
Slide Show: 10 Wonders of the New China


Big Blue Brainstorm

IBM is putting some 100,000 heads together for an online Innovation Jam

Sguig: The Chair That Bounces Backs

With its Pilates pedigree, this ergonomic office chair lets workers bounce and pivot, which does wonders for their vertebrae
Slide Show: Want to Sguig?

Interaction Design: An Introduction

Adaptive Path's Dan Saffer explains the emerging field of designing interactive systems for everyday products and services like iPods and TiVo

Hero of the High-Design Headset

Designer Darrin Caddes is hewing to Plantronics' design-heavy strategy by aiming iconic products straight at Bluetooth users—and women
Slide Show: Plantronics: In Search of Iconic Status

Eight Tips for Better Brainstorming

Should your team brainstorm as a group or as individuals? At creative companies, switching between the two modes can be seamless—and highly productive

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