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Computer Scientists Lay Out Vision For A 'Science Of The Web' (August 11, 2006) -- Researchers need a clear agenda to harness the rapidly evolving potential of the World Wide Web, according to an article in the Aug. 11 issue of the journal, Science. Calling for the creation of an ... > full story

Computer Scientists Put Social Network Theory To The Test (August 11, 2006) -- For years, researchers studied the structure of social networks; a field whose implications range from disaster management to how many friends connect to your MySpace page. Now, engineers at the ... > full story

Cardiff Researchers Discover Online Banking Security Problem (August 10, 2006) -- Two researchers working within Cardiff University's School of Computer Science, Professor Antonia J Jones and Joseph R Rabaiotti, together with a third independent researcher Stuart P Goring, have ... > full story

Texts To Reveal 'Whodunnit' (August 10, 2006) -- Psychologists at the University of Leicester are to investigate texting language to provide new tools for criminal investigation. The forensic linguistic study based in the Forensic Section of the ... > full story

Technologies For People With Disabilities Pave The Way For Next Generation Mobile Web (August 9, 2006) -- Scientists at the University of Manchester have a launched a new project which seeks to combine Web accessibility with cutting-edge mobile phone ... > full story

Digital Cameras And Internet Ease The Pain Of Oral Disease (August 8, 2006) -- Dental researchers are combining the ease of digital photography with the Internet to develop a new and inexpensive way to screen for a common childhood oral disease that predominantly plagues ... > full story

Kayaks Adapted To Test Marine Robotics (August 8, 2006) -- MIT researchers are working toward the day when robots could be put into action like a team of Navy SEALs - doing such dangerous work as searching for survivors after devastating hurricanes or ... > full story

Informatics Researchers Throttle Notion Of Search Engine Dominance (August 7, 2006) -- Search engines are not biased toward popular Web sites, and may even be egalitarian in the way they direct traffic, say Indiana University School of Informatics ... > full story

JitterBugs Could Turn Your Computer Keyboard Against You, Warn Engineers (August 7, 2006) -- Engineers from the University of Pennsylvania warn against an entirely new threat to computer security: bugs implanted in peripheral devices, such as keyboards or mice. This new class of devices ... > full story

Scientists Develop Artwork That Changes To Suit Your Mood (August 4, 2006) -- Computer scientists from Bath and Boston have developed electronic artwork that changes to match the mood of the person who is looking at it. Using images collected through a Web cam, special ... > full story

Female-name Chat Users Get 25 Times More Malicious Messages (July 31, 2006) -- A study by the University of Maryland's A. James Clark School of Engineering found that chatroom participants with female usernames received 25 times more threatening and/or sexually explicit private ... > full story

Fingertip device helps computers read hand gestures (July 28, 2006) -- With the tap of a single finger, computer users soon may be drawn deeper into the virtual world using a new device developed in the University at Buffalo's Virtual Reality ... > full story

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Instant messaging -- Instant messaging is the act of instantly communicating between two or more people over a network such as the ... > full article

Cyber-bullying -- Cyber-bullying (cyberbullying, online bullying) is the use of electronic information and communication devices such as e-mail, instant messaging, text messages, mobile phones, pagers and defamatory ... > full article

Application software -- Application software is a loosely defined subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly to a task that the user wishes to ... > full article

Malware -- Malware ("malicious software") is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system, without the owner's consent. The term describes the intent of the creator, rather than any particular ... > full article

Local area network -- A local area network (LAN) is a computer network covering a small local area, like a home, office, or small group of buildings such as a home, office, or college. Current LANs are most likely to be ... > full article

Videoconferencing -- A videoconference (also known as a videoteleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions ... > full article

Streaming media -- Streaming media is media that is consumed (read, heard, viewed) while it is being delivered. Streaming is more a property of the delivery system than the media ... > full article

Voice over IP -- Voice over Internet Protocol (also called VoIP, IP Telephony, Internet telephony, and Broadband Phone) is the routing of voice conversations over the Internet or any other IP-based network. The voice ... > full article

Webcam -- A web camera (or webcam) is a real time camera whose images can be accessed using the World Wide Web, instant messaging, or a PC video calling ... > full article

Webcast -- The word webcast is derived from "web" and "broadcast". Its use has varied over the past decade by different types of organisation and as the nature of the medium came into public ... > full article

Technology In Action- Introductory (2nd Edition)
This book was designed to spark reader interest by covering practical concepts that they want to learn (such as setting up a wireless network in their home) while giving background information (such ... > read more

Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means
How is the human brain like the AIDS epidemic? Ask physicist Albert-László Barabási and he'll explain them both in terms of networks of individual nodes connected via complex but ... > read more

Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing
Revised and updated with a vibrant new two-color interior design, this third edition of the best-selling Anatomy and Physiology of Speech, Language, and Hearing continues to make anatomy and ... > read more

Control Systems Engineering
What types of control systems will you face in the real world? The same ones you'll face in Nise's Fourth Edition of CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. Emphasizing the practical application of control ... > read more

Successful Scientific Writing: A Step-By-step Guide for Biomedical Scientists
This new edition of the acclaimed step-by-step guide encompasses all aspects of typescript preparation from first to final draft, including efficient use of word processing, electronic database ... > read more

Programming the Universe : A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes On the Cosmos
Is the universe actually a giant quantum computer? According to Seth Lloyd—Professor of Quantum-Mechanical Engineering at MIT and originator of the first technologically feasible design for a ... > read more

Pattern Classification (2nd Edition)
The first edition, published in 1973, has become a classic reference in the field. Now with the second edition, readers will find information on key new topics such as neural networks and ... > read more

Inventory Accuracy: People, Processes, & Technology
Inventory accuracy starts with an understanding of the conditions under which errors occur and ends with error-resistant processes, intelligent use of technology, a well-trained and highly motivated ... > read more

Brain Tumors: Leaving the Garden of Eden--A Survival Guide to Diagnosis, Learning the Basics, Getting Organized, and Finding Your Medical Team
A guidebook for the 150,000+ people/ year and families affected by brain tumors. This book will help you learn the basics about diagnosis, getting organized and finding your medical team. Included ... > read more

Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C#
By using C# and the final beta of NET 2.0, this book covers Windows Forms and GDI+ namespaces thoroughly for the .NET programmer in 2005. Experienced author Matthew MacDonald achieves this by ... > read more

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