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Saturn News

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Cassini Finds Lakes On Titan's Arctic Region (July 28, 2006) -- NASA's Cassini spacecraft has found lakes on Saturn's moon Titan. The lakes are most likely the source of hydrocarbon smog in the frigid moon's atmosphere. Finding the source of the complex soup of ... > full story

Cassini Reveals Titan's Xanadu Region To Be An Earth-Like Land (July 23, 2006) -- New radar images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft revealed geological features similar to Earth on Xanadu, an Australia-sized, bright region on Saturn's moon ... > full story

Saturn's Faint Rings Share Some Of Their Secrets (July 5, 2006) -- Dramatic Cassini images of Saturn's diaphanous G and E rings are yielding new clues about their structure and formation, namely that Enceladus' geysers are the main supply for the E ring, and that a ... > full story

NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Marks Mission Halfway Point (June 27, 2006) -- As the Cassini spacecraft reaches the halfway mark in its four-year tour of the Saturn system, discoveries made during the first half of the mission have scientists revved up to find out what's in ... > full story

NASA'S Cassini Spacecraft Captures Saturnian Moon Ballet (June 22, 2006) -- The cold, icy orbs of the Saturn system come to life in a slew of new movie clips showing the ringed planet's moons in ... > full story

Study Says Saturn's Moon Enceladus Rolled Over (June 1, 2006) -- Saturn's moon Enceladus -- an active, icy world with an unusually warm south pole -- may have performed an unusual trick for a planetary body. New research shows Enceladus rolled over, literally, ... > full story

Titan's Seas Are Sand, Cassini's Images of Saturn's Moon Show (May 8, 2006) -- Until a couple of years ago, scientists thought the dark equatorial regions of Titan might be liquid oceans. New radar evidence shows they are seas -- but seas of sand dunes like those in the ... > full story

Cassini Flies By Saturn's Moon Titan, Sees More Craters (May 4, 2006) -- Saturn's moon Titan continued to surprise scientists during a flyby that took Cassini into regions previously unexplored by radar. Two very noticeable circular features, possible impact craters or ... > full story

How Long Is A Day On Saturn? (May 3, 2006) -- Measuring the rotation period of a rocky planet like the Earth is easy, but similar measurements for planets made of gas, such as Saturn, pose problems. Researchers from JPL, Imperial College London ... > full story

New Cassini Image Shows 'A' Ring Contains More Debris Than Once Thought (April 11, 2006) -- Views of Saturn's stunning ring system from above by the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft now orbiting the planet indicate the prominent A ring contains more debris than once thought, according to a new ... > full story

Blue Ring Discovered Around Uranus (April 7, 2006) -- The outermost ring of the planet Uranus turns out to have a bright blue color, according to a report in the April 7 issue of the journal Science. That makes it only the second blue ring to be found ... > full story

Cassini Finds 'Missing Link' Moonlet Evidence In Saturn's Rings (March 30, 2006) -- Scientists with NASA's Cassini mission have found evidence that a new class of small moonlets resides within Saturn's rings. There may be as many as 10 million of these objects within one of Saturn's ... > full story

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Saturn's natural satellites -- Saturn has 47 confirmed natural satellites. Saturn is currently known to have 47 moons, many of which were discovered very recently, and 3 suspected ... > full article

Saturn -- Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. It is a gas giant, the second-largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. Saturn has a prominent system of rings, consisting of mostly ice particles ... > full article

Titan (moon) -- Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest moon in the solar ... > full article

Neptune's natural satellites -- Neptune has 13 known moons. The largest by far is ... > full article

Uranus' natural satellites -- Uranus has 27 known ... > full article

Gas giant -- A gas giant (sometimes also known as a Jovian planet after the planet Jupiter) is a large planet that is not primarily composed of rock or other solid ... > full article

Equatorial bulge -- An equatorial bulge is a planetological term which describes a bulge which a planet may have around its equator, distorting it into an oblate spheroid. Because of a planet's equatorial bulge, its ... > full article

Jupiter -- Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and by far the largest within the solar system. Jupiter is usually the fourth brightest object in the ... > full article

Neptune -- Neptune is the eighth or, occasionally, the ninth planet from the Sun due to Pluto's eccentric orbit, and the outermost gas giant in our solar system. Although the smallest of the gas giants, Neptune ... > full article

Uranus -- Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It is a gas giant, the third largest by diameter and fourth largest by ... > full article

Atlas of the Moon
The definitive Moon atlas is back! Revised, updated, and improved with expanded text and maps, this venerable atlas is the ideal reference guide for beginning Moon-gazers and expert lunar observers ... > read more

Prentice Hall Molecular Model Set For Organic Chemistry (2nd Edition)
This kit enables users to build virtually all simple molecules encountered in organic chemistry. Includes space-filling models that simulate the true shape of saturated compounds. Provides open ... > read more

Tactics of the Crescent Moon: Militant Muslim Combat Methods
Tactics of the Crescent Moon comes none too soon for deployed U.S. service personnel. Little, if any, of their battlefield intelligence has been tactically interpreted. U.S. analysts are generally ... > read more

First Man : The Life of Neil A. Armstrong
On July 20, 1969, the world stood still to watch thirty-eight-year-old American astronaut Neil A. Armstrong become the first person ever to step on the surface of another heavenly body. Perhaps no ... > read more

The Happiness Hypothesis
An award-winning psychologist exposes traditional wisdom to the scrutiny of science to show why ancient insights still help us live more meaningful-and healthy-lives Your grandmother was smarter ... > read more

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