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Earth science

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Earth science (also known as geoscience, the geosciences or the Earth Sciences), is an all-embracing term for the sciences related to the planet Earth. It is arguably a special case in planetary science, being the only known life-bearing planet. There are both reductionist and holistic approaches to Earth science. The major historic disciplines use physics, geography, mathematics, chemistry, and biology to build a quantitative understanding of the principal areas or spheres of the Earth system:


Earth's spheres

However, given the numerous interactions between the spheres many modern fields take an interdisciplinary approach and thus do not sit comfortably in this scheme. Even the above specialisms do not operate in isolation. For example to understand the circulation of the oceans needs an understanding of ocean - atmosphere interactions.

Interdisciplinary fields

Other types of research are even more interdisciplinary and interactions between different disciplines are central to them, for example:

  • Biogeochemistry follows the cycling of elements through the spheres mediated by biological and geological processes, and especially their distribution and fluxes between reservoirs.
  • Mineralogy and Mineral Physics consider the rock-forming minerals on the atomic length-scale, both as part of geosystems and increasingly with an eye towards technological applications (for instance, as catalysts or exploiting their potential ferroelectric properties); in this, there is extensive and increasing overlap with solid-state physics, crystal chemistry and Materials Science.
  • Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology use the properties of sediments, ice cores, or biological material to infer past states of the ocean, atmosphere or climate.
  • Meteorology describes, explains and predicts the weather based on the interaction of principally the ocean and atmosphere.
  • Climatology describes and explains the climate in terms of the interaction of the litho-, pedo-, hydro-, atmo-, cryo-, and bio- spheres.
  • Atmospheric chemistry describes, explains and predicts the chemical composition of the atmosphere in principlly terms of the interactions of the ocean, atmosphere, biosphere and human influence.

Earth system science

Many scientists are now starting to use an approach known as Earth system science which treats the entire Earth as a system in its own right, which evolves as a result of positive and negative feedback between constituent systems. The systems approach, enabled by the combined use of computer models as hypotheses tested by global satellite and ship-board data, is increasingly giving scientists the ability to explain the past and possible future behaviour of the Earth system.

Complex computer models which seek to model several different parts of the Earth system and the interactions between them are known as Earth system models. Many are based on Global climate models and include sub models for the ocean, atmosphere, biosphere and other parts of the earth system. These interactions are of particular importance when trying to understand changes over decade to centuries and longer periods.

Gaia theories explain the behaviour of the Earth system in terms of the influence of the biosphere.


Like all other scientists, earth scientists apply the scientific method: formulate hypotheses after observation of and gathering data about natural phenomena and then test those hypotheses. In earth science, data usually plays a critical role in testing and formulating hypotheses.

Partial list of the major Earth Science topics

The solid Earth

Soil science





Atmospheric science

Systems or multidisciplinary

See also

General subfields within the Natural sciences
Astronomy | Biology | Chemistry | Earth science | Ecology | Physical science | Physics

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Accurate "Thermometers" In Space: The State Of Climate Measurement Science (October 6, 1997) -- Just how accurate are space-based measurements of the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere? In a recent edition of Nature, scientists Dr. John Christy of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and ... > full story

Earth-Observing Terra Spacecraft Open For Business (April 20, 2000) -- After a picture-perfect launch into space last December, NASA's premier Earth Observing System Satellite, Terra, has completed on-orbitcheckout and verification and is "open for ... > full story

Centuries Of Land-use Practices Profoundly Impact Earth System, Scientists Report (July 14, 2006) -- In a paper published in the July 2006 issue of Global Change Biology, University of New Hampshire scientists and coauthors show that land-use activities over the last 300 years have substantially ... > full story

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Other Planets Influence Earth's Climate, University Of Toronto Scientist Says (December 18, 1997) -- A University of Toronto professor says a better understanding of the Earth's climate requires a better understanding of the interaction between the planet's geophysical processes and the dynamics of ... > full story

Brentwood, Missouri, High School To Monitor New Satellite (September 24, 1999) -- Scientists will present computer and software equipment to Brentwood (Mo.) High School on September 27, thanks to 1999 graduate Sasha Jones. She won a NASA-AGU contest to name a new satellite, Terra. ... > full story

NASA Climate Modeling Spurs Next Computing Revolution (June 4, 2001) -- NASA would like to examine our home planet just as scientists study living cells under a microscope or an atom in an accelerator. NASA wants to understand how nature's energy is transformed and used ... > full story

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First Galileo Signals Transmitted By GIOVE-A (January 18, 2006) -- The GIOVE-A satellite is in good health and started transmitting the first Galileo signals from medium Earth orbit on 12 January. GIOVE-A is the first element of the Galileo In-Orbit Validation ... > full story

Established EBay Sellers Get Higher Prices For Good Reputations (July 8, 2006) -- EBay sellers with established reputations can expect about 8 percent more revenue than new sellers marketing the same goods, a new University of Michigan study ... > full story

Earth science -- Many scientists are now starting to use an approach known as Earth system science which treats the entire Earth as a system in its own right, which evolves as a result of positive and negative ... > full article

Feedback -- In cybernetics and control theory, feedback is a process whereby some proportion or in general, function, of the output signal of a system is passed (fed back) to the input. Often this is done ... > full article

Equatorial bulge -- An equatorial bulge is a planetological term which describes a bulge which a planet may have around its equator, distorting it into an oblate spheroid. Because of a planet's equatorial bulge, its ... > full article

Global climate model -- A global climate model or general circulation model (GCM) aims to describe geophysical flow by integrating a variety of fluid-dynamical, chemical, or even biological equations. The global climate ... > full article

Atmospheric chemistry -- Atmospheric chemistry is a branch of atmospheric science in which the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere and that of other planets is studied. It is a multidisciplinary field of research and draws ... > full article

Near-Earth object -- Near-Earth objects (NEO) are asteroids, comets and large meteoroids whose orbit intersects Earth's orbit and which may therefore pose a collision ... > full article

Geomagnetic reversal -- A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the orientation of Earth's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south become interchanged. The Earth's magnetic north pole is ... > full article

Climate model -- Climate models use quantitative methods to simulate the interactions of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice. They are used for a variety of purposes from study of the dynamics of the ... > full article

Numerical weather prediction -- Numerical weather prediction is the science of predicting the weather using "models" of the atmosphere and computational techniques. Manipulating the huge datasets and performing the complex ... > full article

Instructional design -- Instructional design, also known as instructional systems design, is the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of ... > full article

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What types of control systems will you face in the real world? The same ones you'll face in Nise's Fourth Edition of CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. Emphasizing the practical application of control ... > read more

Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems (5th Edition)
This introduction provides an in-depth, comprehensive treatment of a collection of classical and state-space approaches to control system design. It ties the methods together so that a designer is ... > read more

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