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Rasmussen Reports™: Politics
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20060830172321/http://www.rasmussenreports.com:80/politics.htm
'...dead on this election. Both nationally and at the state level...' Slate magazine proclaimed Rasmussen #1 in accuracy for Election 2004. Read the full report here!
Top Headlines
Statistic of the Day



Bush Job Approval
Forty percent (41%) approve of the President's job performance. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.
Polling Methodology: Job Approval Ratings
When comparing Job Approval ratings between different polling firms, it’s important to focus on trends rather than absolute numbers.
Senate Balance of Power

Updated regularly throughout the campaign season, the Balance of Power summary is a measure of shifts in the electoral landscape.


A Year After Katrina:
Recovery Too Slow, Most Say

Just 36% of Americans think emergency services are now better prepared to cope with disasters of comparable scale.

Voters Everywhere Agree Political System “Badly Broken”
A plurality of voters in each of 32 states agree that the political system in the U.S. is “badly broken.”
75% in Arkansas, Alabama Believe Bible Literally True
Alabama and Arkansas came out on top as 75% say they believe the Bible is literally true. 
The Ideological Continuum: Gore and Bush Bookends on Scale

Rasmussen Reports surveys of leading national political figures find that Al Gore is perceived as a bit more liberal by the voting public than either Bill or Hillary Clinton.

The Immigration Factor
An overwhelming majority of the 1,000 adults surveyed—78%—say that the issue of immigration will play an important role in their decision making when they go to the polls this November.
War on Terror Update
Confidence that the U.S. and its allies are winning the War on Terror has fallen sharply in the past month.
Hillary Meter

The Hillary Meter currently places the former First Lady a net 56 points to the left of the nation's political center.

Economy, National Security Are Top Issues

Election 2006 is the first election since the 9/11 terrorist attacks that has not been completely dominated by the War on Terror as a defining issue.


Daily Snapshot
The Daily Snaphot is updated daily for Premium Member Only and features our latest polling data on Gubernatorial and Senatorial races, the Rasmussen Consumer Index, Bush Job Approval and breaking news stories.
Minnesota Governor & Senate

In the race for Minnesota Governor, Incumbent Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) holds an edge against Mike Hatch (D). Amy Klobuchar (D) continues to hold a significant lead over Mark Kennedy (R) in the Minnesota Senate race.

Arizona Governor & Senate
See the latest in the Senate race between Republican Jon Kyl and Democrat Jim Pederson. In the race for Governor, Janet Napolitano (D) widens her lead against her GOP challengers.
Oklahoma Governor
Incumbent Brad Henry (D) takes on Republican challenger Ernest Istook (R).
California Governor
Results in the race for California Governor between Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) and Phil Angelides (D) show...
Scott's Page
The gap between Republicans and Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot is closing. Read Scott Rasmussen's take on what it means.
Senate Scoreboard
Complete summary of last two surveys for Senate Race in every state.
Governor Scoreboard
Complete summary of past two surveys for Governor's Race in every state.


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