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Deer-free Areas May Be Haven For Ticks, Disease (September 4, 2006) -- Excluding deer could be a counterproductive strategy for controlling tick-borne infections, because the absence of deer from small areas may lead to an increase in ticks, rapidly turning the area ... > full story

Antioxidants May Protect Against Tick-borne Illness (August 9, 2006) -- For hikers, campers and others who enjoy the outdoors, summer can bring concerns about tick bites and related illnesses such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Researchers are investigating the role ... > full story

Velvet Worm Brains Reveal Secret Sisterhood With Spiders (July 25, 2006) -- Velvet worms, living fossils that look like a child's rendition of caterpillars, are more closely related to spiders and scorpions than to butterflies, according to new research. Known to scientists ... > full story

Gatekeeping: Penn Researchers Find New Way To Open Ion Channels In Cell Membranes (July 17, 2006) -- Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have discovered a new way to open ion channels, in the membrane of cells. They found that an enzyme splits a lipid that surrounds the ... > full story

How Parachute Spiders Invade New Territory (July 12, 2006) -- Researchers have developed a new model that explains how spiders are able to "fly" or "parachute" into new territory on single strands of silk -- sometimes covering distances of hundreds of miles ... > full story

Spider Silk Researchers Uncover Treasure Trove Of Genetic Information About The Wonder Fibers (June 25, 2006) -- Scientists seeking the genetic origins of spider orb-web silks have discovered evidence indicating that wagon-wheel shaped nets are extremely old, so old that dinosaurs may have seen them. The ... > full story

Infectious Disease Experts Offer Advice To Prevent And Treat Lyme Disease (May 25, 2006) -- It's tick season, but gardeners, hikers, and others enjoying the great outdoors shouldn't let concerns about Lyme disease keep them inside. A few tips to keep ticks away, and some advice from ... > full story

A New View On Lyme Disease: Rodents Hold The Key To Annual Risk (May 10, 2006) -- A long-term study of tick dynamics simultaneously assesses the impact of multiple ecological variables on Lyme disease risk and strongly implicates a role for rodent hosts and their food ... > full story

Why A Spider Hanging From A Thread Does Not Rotate (April 10, 2006) -- The extraordinary properties of spider's thread are like a blessing for researchers working on polymers. However, the amazing twisting properties it displays are still not very well understood. How ... > full story

'Scent Of A Woman' Tells Male Redback Spiders To Find A Mate (April 5, 2006) -- If men think finding a nice partner to settle down and raise children with is tough, consider the plight of the male Australian redback spider. Instead of personality conflicts, spats over in-laws ... > full story

Amber Reveals Ecology Of 30 Million Year Old Spiders (March 1, 2006) -- Scientists at The University of Manchester and the Manchester Metropolitan University have carried out the first comparative scientific study of ancient spiders trapped in amber more than 30 millions ... > full story

Ticks, Flukes, And Genomics: Emerging Pathogens Revealed (February 19, 2006) -- Ehrlichiosis is no star of science. This emerging disease has an awkward name, vague flu-like symptoms, and a nasty habit of being caused by bacteria that live inside ticks and flatworms. But in the ... > full story

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Yellow sac spider -- The Yellow sac spider (Cheiracanthium inclusum) is not a true sac spider but a long-legged sac spider. It is one of a handful of spiders in North America whose bites are generally considered to be ... > full article

Brown recluse spider -- The brown recluse spider is a venomous spider, Loxosceles reclusa. It is usually between 1/4 and 3/4 inch (6.4-19.1mm) but may grow larger. It is brown and usually has markings on the dorsal side of ... > full article

Mite -- The mites and ticks, order Acarina or Acari, belong to the Arachnid and are among the most diverse and successful of all the invertebrate groups, although some way behind the ... > full article

Hobo spider -- The Hobo Spider (Tegenaria agrestis) is a member of the genus of spiders known colloquially as funnel web spiders. The spider's venom is strong enough to cause considerable local pain and also to ... > full article

Widow spider -- The widow spiders are members of the spider genus Latrodectus, a subset of the family Theridiidae. Latrodectus includes approximately 31 recognized highly poisonous species, with the black widow ... > full article

Black widow spider -- The black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans) is a spider notorious for its neurotoxic venom. Adult female black widow spiders are shiny black with an hourglass shape marking on the bottom of its ... > full article

Tick -- Tick is the common name for the small arachnids that, along with mites, constitute the order Acarina. Ticks are ectoparasites (external parasites), living by hematophagy on the blood of mammals, ... > full article

Necrosis -- Necrosis is the name given to unprogrammed death of cells and living tissue. It is less orderly than apoptosis, which are part of programmed cell ... > full article

Wikipedia:List of images/Nature/Animals/Spiders -- The Spider Gallery contains pictures of ... > full article

Tularemia -- Tularemia (also known as "rabbit fever") is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. The disease is endemic in North America, and parts of Europe and Asia. The primary ... > full article

Indoor Marijuana Horticulture - The Indoor Bible
The new edition is completely rewritten, beginning to end. The classic "Indoor Bible" puts all the latest information on indoor cultivation at your fingertips. Learn how growers maximize yields, ... > read more

Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble
In this new edition, Lester Brown outlines a survival strategy for our early twenty-first civilization.The world faces numerous environmental trends of disruption and decline such as rising ... > read more

Radical Evolution : The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies -- and What It Means to Be Human
In Radical Evolution, bestselling author Joel Garreau, a reporter and editor for the Washington Post, shows us that we are at an inflection point in history. As you read this, we are engineering the ... > read more

A Million Little Pieces
News from Doubleday & Anchor Books The controversy over James Frey's A Million Little Pieces has caused serious concern at Doubleday and Anchor Books. Recent interpretations of our previous ... > read more

Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports
Fascinating and factual accounts of the world's most recentand compelling crashes Industry insiders James Walters and Robert Sumwalt, trained aviation accident investigators and commercial airline ... > read more

Come Hell or High Water: Hurricane Katrina and the Color of Disaster
What Hurricane Katrina reveals about the fault lines of race and poverty in America-and what lessons we must take from the flood-from best-selling "hip-hop intellectual" Michael Eric Dyson Does ... > read more

High Noon 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them
The most impressive idea to emerge from the recent World Economic Summit in Davos, Switzerland: a new approach to identifying and managing the world's twenty most pressing problems. In this age of ... > read more

Healthy Black Hair: Step-by-Step Instructions for Growing Longer, Stronger Hair
Healthy Black Hair-step-by-step instructions for growing longer, stronger hair is not just another hair care book. Although chock full of styling and hair care tips, it includes a complete hair care ... > read more

Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel
Be very, very afraid. When you step through your door for an innocent excursion, grave danger awaits. You might be mugged; tied up; attacked by scorpions, piranhas, or tarantulas; trapped in a ... > read more

My Life as a Quant : Reflections on Physics and Finance
Emanuel Derman was one of the first physicists to move to Wall Street, and his career paralleled the growth of quantitative trading over the past twenty years. In My Life as a Quant , he traces his ... > read more

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