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The Hydrogen Maser Clock Project: High Precision Time Transfer to Test an H-Maser on Mir
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20060907162330/http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/hmc/TimeTsfr.html

High Precision Time Transfer to Test an H-Maser on Mir

Robert F.C. Vessot, Edward M. Mattison, George U. Nystrom, Laurence M. Coyle, David Boyd and Thomas E. Hoffman
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
E-mail: rvessot@cfa.harvard.edu


A test of a Hydrogen Maser designed for long term operation in space is in preparation for installation on the Russian space station, Mir, in late 1997. The U.S. Space Shuttle will deliver the payload to Mir which will then be transferred from the shuttle cargo bay to the exterior of Mir by U.S. astronauts. Pulsed laser time transfer with a resolution of 10 picoseconds from the primary laser site at the NASA Godddard Space Flight Center at Greenbelt MD will be used to measure the H-Maser's frequency stability. Daily time comparisons made with a precision of better than 86 picoseconds will allow an assessment of the long term stability of the space maser at a level of better than 1 part in 1015. The arrival time of laser pulses will be recorded with a resolution of 10 picoseconds by an event timer on the HMC package and transmitted to earth. The pulses will be reflected back to the earth station and timed with similar resolution to allow removal of the transit time. To provide data for relativistic and gravitational frequency corrections, tracking of Mir with a precision of 1 meter in altitude and 1 mm sec-1 will be done with an on board GPS receiver located in the HMC package. We expect other laser sites in addition to the one at GSFC that have access to high precision time to participate in using this opportunity to demonstrate high precision world wide time transfer.

1. Introduction

The design of a space-worthy hydrogen maser capable of four or more years of continuous operation in space has been completed and flight hardware is now being fabricated and assembled. A test of the maser on the Russian Space Station Mir is planned to begin in October 1997. Frequency comparison of the space maser with an earth-based maser will be made with pulsed laser techniques with time resolution of 10 picoseconds. The space borne maser system is operated using an on-board computer that implements a number of automated procedures for controlling the maser and testing its operational parameters. Future space applications of the maser include very long baseline interferometry, improved navigation systems, high precision time transfer and tests of relativistic gravitation.

2. Mission Objectives

The purpose of the Hydrogen Maser Clock (HMC) project is to design, build, and test a space borne atomic hydrogen maser clock system and to evaluate its performance in the space environment. The following tests will be performed:

(i) Comparison of the maser's frequency relative to international time scales, using laser pulse timing from a satellite laser ranging station equipped with clocks and timing equipment. If possible, high precision time transfer tests with other laser timing stations will be conducted.
(ii) Observation of the maser's operation by adjusting the maser's functions and monitoring its environment and internal operating parameters. Recovery of monitoring and timing data will be performed using Mir's telemetry to earth stations in Russia; command will be done by having a Cosmonaut instigate pre-programmed operations with an onboard computer.
(iii) Determination of the effects of ambient space conditions that could affect the maser's long-term frequency performance.

3. Experiment Overview

The main element of the HMC experiment is a hydrogen maser atomic clock that will be mounted on Mir, which is in a 350 km altitude orbit inclined at 51 degrees. Time comparisons will be made with the laser ranging station at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Laser pulses sent from the ranging station to the spacecraft will be reflected back to the ranging station by cube corner retroreflectors mounted on the spacecraft. A photodetector mounted with the retroreflectors will detect the arrival of a laser pulse at the spacecraft and will trigger a an event timer that records the pulse's arrival time in terms of the spacecraft maser's time scale. The arrival time will be calculated, in terms of the earth-based time scale, from knowledge of the times of pulse transmission and of reception at the earth station. The goal is to understand the long term systematic effects of the space environment; with daily time comparisons at a level of about 80 picoseconds we can assess the frequency drift of the maser over 24 hours with a precision of 1 part in 1015, a precision that improves as the time interval increase. Figures 1 and 2 show block diagrams of the major system components.

Figure 1. HMC experiment overview

Figure 2. Block diagram of major HMC experiment components

4. Structural Overview

The HMC experiment will be delivered to Mir by the NASA shuttle. The experiment is mounted in a tubular structure to be secured on the Docking Module on Mir using a mechanical latching structure. Power and data connection will be made to Mir by a single cable. Thermal control is done by radiation to space mitigated by a concentric array of by heat-added thermal controllers. The experiment configuration will be mounted to the "Get Away Special" (GAS) beam of the shuttle. The package consists of: (i) the hydrogen maser physics unit; (ii) the electronics required to interface with the spacecraft, operate the maser, and measure the arrival time of laser pulses; (iii) laser retroreflector/detector units that time the arrival of a laser pulse at the spacecraft and reflect the pulse back to the ranging station; (iv) a GPS receiver, and (v) a silver zinc rechargeable battery system to maintain continuous operation for several hours in the event of power outages.

5. The Physics Package and its Vacuum System

The H maser oscillator shown in cross-section in Figure 4, consists of a microwave resonant cavity assembly and storage bulb, an RF dissociator that creates a beam of hydrogen atoms that arestate selected and focused into the bulb by a hexapole permanent magnet, and vacuum pumps to remove expended hydrogen and other gases. These are all housed in a titanium and stainless steel vacuum envelope.

Figure 4. Maser oscillator

Expended hydrogen is absorbed by two sorption cartridges that capture only hydrogen. Two small ion pumps with self-contained high voltage supplies, remove other outgassing products.

The cylindrical vacuum tank, made of titanium alloy, contains a cylindrical TE011 mode microwave resonant cavity, within which is mounted a quartz hydrogen storage bulb. The cylinder and end plates of the resonator are made of internally silvered Cer-Vit, a mechanically stable glass-ceramic material having a very low thermal coefficient of expansion. A double Belleville spring clamps the cavity endplates to the cylinder with an axial force of approximately 480 lbs. It is adjusted so that the compressive force is nominally independent of the length of the holddown can and thus the cavity's resonance frequency is approximately independent of the thermal expansion of the hold-down can. The cavity mounting baseplate is attached in cantilever at its center to the base of the vacuum tank for isolation from dimensional changes in the outer vacuum envelope.

The maser signal is picked up by a coupling loop at a level of approximately -100 dBでしべるm and sent through an isolator and amplifier to the receiver. A second loop within the cavity incorporates a reverse-biased varactor tuning diode to make small frequency adjustments to the cavity's resonance frequency.

The source of H2 is about 50 grams of lithium aluminum hydride contained in a heated stainless steel container whose temperature is controlled to maintain a constant hydrogen pressure within the container. Hydrogen flow into the maser is controlled by permeation through a heated palladium silver diaphragm, sensing the pressure in the dissociator by means of a thermistor Pirani gauge, and regulating the diaphragm temperature.

Molecular hydrogen at a pressure of approximately 10-1 torr is led to a cylindrical glass bulb (6 cm long x 3 cm diameter) mounted within the vacuum chamber. A plasma discharge in the bulb is maintained by about 4 watts of 75 MHz RF power to dissociate molecular hydrogen. Atomic hydrogen is collimated into a beam of about 1014 H atoms per second into the state selection magnet that focuses atoms in the upper hyperfine quantum state into the storage bulb.

Frequency shifts from variation of the magnetic field within the maser storage bulb are controlled by 4 layers of passive shielding and by active field compensation. Leakage through the first shield is sensed by a flux-gate magnetometer and nulled by a compensating coil wound on the next innermost magnetic shield. This combination provides a shielding factor, S = dBext/dBint > 2 x 106, for external field variations of ± 0.5 Gauss. A two-layer flexible printed circuit solenoid closely fitted to the inside of the innermost shield produces a 0.5 milliGauss uniform axial magnetic field within the cavity. With the available shielding factor, we can limit the fractional frequency effects of external field variations to less than 1 part in 1015.

The temperature dependence of the resonance frequency of the cavity bulb combination is about -800 Hzへるつ/degrees C. In H-masers, the output frequency is "pulled" by the resonator variation by the ratio Qcavity/Qatomic line times the resonator shift. Our Q ratio is about 1.5 x 10-5 and to maintain stability at a level of 1 part in 1015 we require temperature stability of 10-4 degrees C. The microprocessor controlled temperature servo that we have developed to do this is discussed in a separate paper.1

6. Timing and Tracking Equipment

Corrections for relativistic and gravitational effects are required in the frequency comparisons. The magnitude of the second order Doppler effect from relative motion is about - 3.2 x 10-10; the gravitational red shift is + 5.06 x 10-11. An on board GPS receiver will be used to obtain data to provide position accuracy at the 1 meter level and along-track velocity accuracy at 1 mm per second. This level of precision will allow a maximum fractional frequency error of about 2 x 10-16. Timing data from the GPS receiver will also serve to identify the times (epochs) of the specific light pulse transmitted from the earth stations.

Laser pulses arriving at the spacecraft will be sensed and their arrival times will be recorded in terms of the time scale maintained by the space maser. Pulses will be reflected back to the ground station by the corner reflectors and their round-trip time interval will be recorded at the earth stations with a similar event timer. A complete account of the retroreflector detector event timer system is the topic of a separate paper.2

Each retroreflector array contains twenty solid fused-quartz cube corners mounted in an aluminum housing along with an array of optical fibers that receive laser light and transmit it, via a fiber bundle a few centimeters long, to the optical filter and photodetector and event timer circuit enclosed in the same housing. The photo detector's output pulse goes to a constant-fraction discriminator and then to the event timer and recorded with a resolution of 10 picoseconds. Because the expected pulse length is considerably longer than the desired measurement precision of 10 ps, and the pulse height can vary from pulse to pulse, the constant-fraction discriminator circuit is needed to produce a logic pulse at a time that is largely independent of the laser pulse's amplitude.

Each event timer operates from a 100 MHz maser signal. The event timer consists of standard digital gates and registers, and a hybrid analog time interpolation circuit. The interpolator charges a capacitor by a constant-current source triggered by the incoming pulse, and discharges it at a slower rate through a second constant-current circuit. The discharge time is measured in terms of 10 ns clock periods, with the ratio of discharge-to-charge currents providing a 1000-to-1 "expansion" of time, thus yielding the 10 ps measurement resolution. Timing data from the GPS will also be recorded. Timing data will be sent to the HMC dedicated experiment processor for formatting with other data transmitted to earth.

7. Data Retrieval and Command

Data from the dedicated experiment processor will be stored using a specially modified IBM 750C laptop computer located within the Mir cabin. Data will be recorded daily on a floppy disc and then transferred to the Mir Interface to Payload System (MIPS-2) Controller and Optical Disc System for transmission to the Russian Space Agency's ground stations.

Standard digital circuitry provides the interface between the HMC and the spacecraft's telemetry and telecommand functions. The dedicated experiment computer buffers signals between the HMC and the spacecraft, receiving telecommands and sending data to the IBM 750C. Pre-recorded command sequences will be stored in the laptop for execution by keystroke entry by a Russian Cosmonaut. These commands include the maser power sequence, cavity resonator tuning, RF dissociator operating level, automated magnetic field measurement (Zeeman sweep) and functions for various diagnostic programs.

8. Summary of HMC Size Weight and Power

Physics Package -- Cylindrical structure 43.1 cm dia., 83.9 cm long, and weighs 70.7 kg.
Electronics control box -- 30.5 x 30.5 x 33 cm and weighs 12 kg.
Maser receiver -- 16.5 x 15.2 x 12.7 cm and weighs 2.3 kg.
Experiment microprocessor -- 26.25 x 16 x 14 cm and weighs 3.8 kg.
Reflector detector/event timers -- 2 x 2.5kg = 5 kg
Cabling and connectors -- 3.5 kg
Battery Unit -- 12.7 kg
Power Control Unit -- 3.6 kg
GPS receiver -- 3.4 kg
HMC Structure and thermal radiators -- 75.6kg

The entire experiment will consume on average approximately 156 to 188 watts of 28 VDC power, depending on thermal conditions owing to the orientation of Mir as it orbits the earth.

9. Status of the HMC Program and Acknowledgments

Delivery of a flight-qualified system to the launch site at Kennedy Space Center is scheduled for January 1997. Integration in the Shuttle and installation on Mir is expected in October of 1997.

The HMC contract is supported by NASA's George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama.

10. References

1. E.M. Mattison, D. Boyd, L.M. Coyle and R.F.C. Vessot, "Precise Temperature Control for Precision Frequency Standards"
2. E.M. Mattison, L.M. Coyle, R.C. Smith and R.F.C. Vessot, "A 10 ps Event Timer for Precise Time Transfer in Space"

Links to related Hydrogen Maser Clock Project papers:
"Precise Temperature Control for Precision Frequency Standards"
"A 10 ps Event Timer for Precise Time Transfer in Space"

Hydrogen Maser Clock Project home page