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Astronomers Detect Black Hole In Tiny 'Dwarf' Galaxy (January 8, 2007) -- Astronomers have found evidence of a supermassive black hole at the heart of a dwarf elliptical galaxy about 54 million light years away from the Milky Way galaxy where Earth ... > full story

Scientists Discover New, Readily Available Source Of Stem Cells (January 8, 2007) -- Scientists have discovered a new source of stems cells and have used them to create muscle, bone, fat, blood vessel, nerve and liver cells in the laboratory. The first report showing the isolation of ... > full story

Weed Implicated In Potato Blight Persistence (January 8, 2007) -- Late blight, the devastating tuber disease that triggered the Irish potato famine of the mid-1800s, has a new partner in crime. Scientists with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in Orono, ... > full story

In-shell Vaccine For Chick Disease (January 8, 2007) -- Infectious bronchitis virus causes devastating losses to the poultry industry but scientists are now developing a new way to vaccinate chicks against the disease -- one that can be delivered while ... > full story

Researchers Use Wikipedia To Make Computers Smarter (January 8, 2007) -- Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have found a way to give computers encyclopedic knowledge of the world to help them "think smarter," making common sense and broad-based ... > full story

Pregnant Women In The Dark On Prenatal Screening (January 8, 2007) -- Soon-to-be mums admit they feel "left in the dark" when it comes to being told about the possible implications of prenatal screening - tests which could lead them down a path where they have to make ... > full story

Hubble Maps The Cosmic Web Of 'Clumpy' Dark Matter In 3-D (January 8, 2007) -- An international team of astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has created a three-dimensional map that provides the first direct look at the large-scale distribution of dark matter in the ... > full story

Radiation Therapy Combo Cures Prostate Cancer Long-term (January 8, 2007) -- Seventy-four percent of men treated with a combination of radiation seed implants and external beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer are cured of their disease 15 years following their ... > full story

Bottleneck In Blood Supply Makes Brain Vulnerable To Strokes (January 8, 2007) -- A team of University of California, San Diego physicists and neuroscientists has discovered a bottleneck in the network of blood vessels in the brain that makes it vulnerable to strokes. The finding ... > full story

Medication Does Not Appear To Offer Benefit For Certain Heart Attack Patients Undergoing PCI (January 8, 2007) -- Use of the drug pexelizumab immediately before and for 24 hours after stent placement or angioplasty for certain heart attack patients did not have any significant treatment effect compared to ... > full story

MRI Of The Ankle Changes Patient Treatment And Improves Referring Physician Confidence In Diagnosis (January 8, 2007) -- MR imaging can make a dramatic difference in the management of patients with ankle pain, changing treatment in about one-third of the patients, a new study ... > full story

Vision Following Extended Congenital Blindness: New Study Challenges 'Critical Period' In Childhood Vision Development (January 8, 2007) -- Early sensory stimulation may not be required for vision development, suggests a unique case study that appears in the December 2006 issue of Psychological ... > full story

Imaging Pinpoints Brain Regions That 'See The Future' (January 7, 2007) -- Using brain imaging, researchers from Washington University in St. Louis have identified several brain regions that are involved in the uniquely human ability to envision future events. The study, to ... > full story

Headaches Form Over A Possible New Form Of Aspirin (January 7, 2007) -- New scientific insights into the packaging of molecules in solids may tempt jokesters to add a second line to that old medical axiom, "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning." Insiders familiar ... > full story

Computer Scientists Discover New Way To Spin Up Pulsars (January 7, 2007) -- A team of scientists using Oak Ridge National Laboratory supercomputers has discovered the first plausible explanation for a pulsar's spin that fits the observations made by ... > full story

Cough And Phlegm Cause Fourfold Increase In COPD Incidence (January 7, 2007) -- Young adults (ages 20 to 44) with normal lung function who later develop chronic cough and phlegm have a fourfold higher risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary ... > full story

Getting Livestock Vaccines Past A Maternal Block (January 7, 2007) -- Use of a virus linked to the common cold is among the novel approaches Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in Iowa are using to bypass maternal defenses that thwart vaccination of very ... > full story

Age, Gender Major Factors In Severity Of Auto-accident Injuries (January 7, 2007) -- Understanding the differences among drivers in different gender and age categories is crucial to preventing serious injuries, said researchers in a new study showing stark statistical differences in ... > full story

Chemistry Of Volcanic Fallout Reveals Secrets Of Past Eruptions (January 6, 2007) -- A team of American and French scientists has developed a method to determine the influence of past volcanic eruptions on climate and the chemistry of the upper atmosphere, and significantly reduce ... > full story

Renegade RNA: Clues To Cancer And Normal Growth (January 6, 2007) -- Researchers at Johns Hopkins have discovered that a tiny piece of genetic code apparently goes where no bit of it has gone before, and it gets there under its own internal ... > full story

Making Wheat Flour More Nutritious (January 6, 2007) -- Your favorite bread, breakfast cereal or pasta might tomorrow be made with wheat flour that's more nutritious than ever. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and university scientists have identified ... > full story

The Shape Of Health To Come: Customized Fitness Program Helps Endometrial Cancer Survivors (January 6, 2007) -- While millions of Americans place fitness as one of their top New Year's resolutions to improve shape, muscle tone and overall appearance, cancer survivors have another priority -- life. Researchers ... > full story

Invention Detects Hidden Dried Plum Pits (January 6, 2007) -- Festive gift trays of sweet, sun-ripened fruits often include delicious dried plums--also known as prunes. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in California have invented an inexpensive ... > full story

Should Smokers Be Refused Surgery? (January 6, 2007) -- Last year a primary care trust announced it would take smokers off waiting lists for surgery in an attempt to contain costs. In this week's British Medical Journal, two experts go head to head over ... > full story

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