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Exposure To Volcanic Mineral Associated With Increased Mesothelioma Incidence In Turkey (March 20, 2006) -- High exposure to a fibrous volcanic mineral called erionite was associated with a high incidence of a type of cancer called mesothelioma, according to a study in the March 15 issue of the Journal ... > full story

Elevated Blood Levels Of A Protein Are Linked To Asbestos-induced Cancers (October 17, 2005) -- Researchers at New York University School of Medicine and Wayne State University have found a molecule that reveals the early stages of pleural mesothelioma, a chest cancer caused by asbestos. The ... > full story

Naturally Occurring Asbestos Linked To Lung Cancer (July 15, 2005) -- Everyday exposure to naturally occurring asbestos increases the risk of developing malignant mesothelioma, according to a study by UC Davis researchers. The study - the largest to examine the ... > full story

Workers Exposed To Libby Vermiculite Ore Have High Rate Of Chest Wall Abnormalities (July 10, 2005) -- More than one-quarter of tested workers at an Ohio manufacturing plant historically exposed to asbestos-containing vermiculite ore exhibited signs of scarring of the chest wall lining, or pleural ... > full story

No Role For Simian Virus 40 In Human Pleural Mesotheliomas (September 27, 2004) -- A study, published in the September 25 issue of Lancet, calls into question the proposed link between SV40 and pleural mesothelioma and provides a possible explanation for the discrepancies in the ... > full story

Penn Researchers Find That PET Imaging Sheds More Light On Complex, Microscopic Cancers (September 12, 1998) -- Managing cancer is challenging for physicians in and of itself, but with certain types of cancer, diagnosis is difficult as well. In cancers based in unusual locations, such as in the lining of the ... > full story

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Breast Cancer Trials: How Have They Changed Breast Cancer Therapy?
Today there are a wide variety of treatments for breast cancer. But recently, several clinical trials have focused light on a category of treatment known as hormonal therapy. Three types of drugs constitute hormonal therapy. The selective estrogen receptor modulators, or SERMs which include tamoxifen (Nolvadex), Evista (raloxifene) and Fareston (tormifene). The aromatase inhibitors which include Arimidex (anastrozole), Femara (letrozole) and Aromasin (exemestane). And the estrogen receptor downregulators which currently only have one family member, fulvestrant (Faslodex). Although they're mechanism of action differs, the goal of all of these agents is to inhibit the effect of estrogen on breast cancer cells. Tamoxifen has long been considered the "gold standard" of breast cancer treatment. But in 2002 the ATAC trial found that Arimidex (anastrozole) appeared to delay the recurrence of breast cancer more than tamoxifen. Follow up studies released in 2005 confirmed thi


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Mesothelioma -- Mesothelioma is an uncommon form of cancer, usually associated with previous exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant (cancerous) cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that ... > full article

Tumor suppressor gene -- A tumor suppressor gene is a gene that reduces the probability that a cell in a multicellular organism will turn into a tumor cell. A mutation or deletion of such a gene will increase the probability ... > full article

Carcinogen -- In pathology, a carcinogen is any substance or agent that promotes cancer. Carcinogens are also often, but not necessarily, mutagens or teratogens. Carcinogens may cause cancer by altering cellular ... > full article

Metastasis -- Metastasis is the spread of cancer from its primary site to other places in the body (e.g., brain, liver). Cancer cells can break away from a primary tumor, penetrate into lymphatic and blood ... > full article

Asbestos -- Asbestos describes any of a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals of the hydrous magnesium silicate variety. When asbestos is used for its resistance to fire or heat, the fibers are typically mixed ... > full article

Lung cancer -- Lung cancer is a malignant tumour of the lungs. Most commonly it is bronchogenic carcinoma (about 90%). Lung cancer is the most lethal malignant tumour worldwide, causing up to 3 million deaths ... > full article

Glioma -- A glioma is a type of primary central nervous system (CNS) tumor that arises from glial cells. The most common site of involvement of a glioma is the brain, but they can also affect the spinal cord, ... > full article

Tumor -- Tumor (American English) or tumour (British English) originally means "swelling", and is sometimes still used with that meaning. Tumor meaning swelling is one of the five classical characteristics of ... > full article

Leukemia -- Leukemia (leukaemia in Commonwealth English) is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal proliferation of blood cells, usually white blood cells (leukocytes). It is part of ... > full article

Ovarian cancer -- Ovarian cancer is a malignant ovarian neoplasm (an abnormal growth located on the ovaries). Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer death in women, the leading cause of death from ... > full article

Asbestos: Medical and Legal Aspects, Fifth Edition
Written by one of the leading asbestos experts for both plaintiff and defense attorneys, occupational and environmental health professionals, as well as others in the field of toxic substances ... > read more

Asbestos: Risk Assessment, Epidemiology, and Health Effects
Asbestos is the most litigated issue of the past century and the largest volume pollutant listed in the EPA's Toxic Release Inventory. Exposure remains a looming problem in the developed world and ... > read more

Lung Cancer
Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related death in men, and in women, it has surpassed even breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2001, there will be about 169,500 ... > read more

Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work
When you "OUTSMART" your cancer, only the cancer cells die - not your healthy cells! In writing "Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work", Tanya Harter Pierce interviewed ... > read more

The Cure for All Cancers: Including over 100 Case Histories of Persons Cured
Cancer can now be cured, not just treated We are not accustomed to thinking about a cure for cancer. We think of remission as the only possibility. But this book is not about remission. It is about ... > read more

Challenge Cancer and Win! Step-By-Step Nutrition Action Plans for Your Specific Cancer
This book is all about taking action against cancer! Inside, you'll discover easy to follow action plans for many kinds of cancer, including bladder, breast, colorectal, digestive tract, ... > read more

Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer
From the worlds leading urologist and author of The Prostate comes the ultimate book on surviving prostate cancernow updated to include the most recent advancements.This year, an estimated 31,500 ... > read more

The Cure For All Advanced Cancers
Cancer can now be cured, not only the early stages, but also advanced cancer, stages four and five, including imminent death. We are not accustomed to thinking about a cure. We think of remission as ... > read more

Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book: New Edition 2005
Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book has been considered the bible of breast-care books since it appeared in 1990. In 1995, Love completely updated the book in a 600-page second edition, including new biopsy ... > read more

How to Fight Cancer & Win
Maximize your chance of recovery from cancer - and learn how to prevent it - with this down-to-earth, practical guide that has saved and improved lives since its first publishing in 1992. This ... > read more

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