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Newts Regrow Hearts: Scientists Reveal Molecular Details Of Regeneration In Amphibians (December 5, 2006) -- When a newt loses a limb, the limb regrows. What is more, a newt can also completely repair damage to its heart. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim have ... > full story

Cities Change The Songs Of Birds (December 5, 2006) -- By studying the songs of a bird species that has succeeded in adapting to urban life, researchers have gained insight into the kinds of environmental pressures that influence where particular ... > full story

Living View In Animals Shows How Cells Decide To Make Proteins (December 1, 2006) -- Scientists at Duke University Medical Center have visualized in a living animal how cells use a critical biological process to dice and splice genetic material to create unique and varied ... > full story

A Giant Among Minnows: Giant Danio Can Keep Growing (December 1, 2006) -- Two fish that share much in common genetically appear to have markedly different abilities to grow, a finding that could provide a new way to research such disparate areas as muscle wasting disease ... > full story

Save The Whales? Sure, But How Many? (November 30, 2006) -- In a new paper appearing in the journal Bioscience, the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society examines the current hodgepodge of population target levels (PTLs) being used by wildlife ... > full story

Ancient Predator Had Strongest Bite Of Any Fish, Rivaling Bite Of Large Alligators And T. Rex (November 29, 2006) -- Dunkleosteus terrelli may have been the world's first apex predator. The force of its bite was remarkably powerful: 11,000 pounds. The bladed dentition of this 400-million-year-old extinct fish ... > full story

Mode Of Seed Dispersal Greatly Shapes Placement Of Rainforest Trees (November 29, 2006) -- The apple might not fall far from the tree, but new research shows that how it falls might be what is most important in determining tree distribution across a forest. This study of the seed dispersal ... > full story

Mass Extinction 250 Million Years Ago Sparked Dramatic Shift To Complex Marine Ecosystems (November 28, 2006) -- The biggest mass extinction did more than eliminate species: It fundamentally changed the basic ecology of the oceans. Ecologically complex marine communities displaced simple communities, setting a ... > full story

Human Taste For Rarity Spells Disaster For Endangered Species (November 28, 2006) -- A model shows how the value that humans place on rarity fuels disproportionate exploitation of rare species, rendering them even rarer and thus more desirable, ultimately leading them into a vortex ... > full story

Predicting Impact Of Climate Change On Organisms: Latitude's Not Enough (November 27, 2006) -- According to a recent study, predicting the impact of climate change on organisms is more complicated than simply looking at species northern and southern range limits. Studying the California Sea ... > full story

Advance Helps Explain Stem Cell Behavior (November 21, 2006) -- Biochemists at Oregon State University have developed a new method to identify the "DNA-binding transcription factors" that help steer stem cells into forming the wide variety of cells that ... > full story

New Moth Variety Disarms Plants Guarded By Selenium (November 21, 2006) -- In new work, researchers report that the ability of plants to defend themselves by accumulating high levels of a toxic element can be overcome by some insects, and that such adaptation potentially ... > full story

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Vertebrate -- Vertebrata is a subphylum of chordates, specifically, those with backbones or spinal columns. About 57,739 species of vertebrates have been ... > full article

Wildlife gardening -- Wildlife gardening is a school of gardening that is aimed at creating an environment that is attractive to various forms of wildlife such as birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, mammals and so on. A ... > full article

Carnivore -- A carnivore is an animal that eats a diet consisting mainly of meat, whether it comes from live animals or dead ones (scavenging). Some animals are considered carnivores even if their diets contain ... > full article

Snapping turtle -- Snapping turtles (or snappers) are large, New World freshwater turtles of the family Chelydridae. Snapping turtles are noted for their powerful beak-like jaws and pugnacious disposition. They have a ... > full article

Larva -- A larva is a juvenile form of animal with indirect development, undergoing metamorphosis (for example, insects or amphibians). The larva can look completely different from the adult form, for ... > full article

Reptile -- Reptiles (also called 'herps') are tetrapods and amniotes, animals whose embryos are surrounded by an amniotic membrane. Reptiles were defined as the set of animals that includes crocodiles, ... > full article

Egg (biology) -- In most birds and reptiles, an egg is the zygote, resulting from fertilization of the ovum. It nourishes and protects the embryo. Oviparous animals are animals that lay eggs, with little or no other ... > full article

Zoo -- A zoological garden, zoological park, or zoo is an institution where mainly wild and exotic animals are restricted within enclosures, bred and displayed to the ... > full article

Amphibian -- Amphibians generally spend part of their time on land, but they do not have the adaptations to an entirely terrestrial existence found in most other modern tetrapods (amniotes). There are about 5,950 ... > full article

American Alligator -- The American Alligator is a member of one of the three families of crocodile-like reptiles, whose members are living fossils from the Age of Reptiles, having survived on earth for 200 million years. ... > full article

Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small
Want to learn how to speak the language of critters, large and small? Easy-to-read and understand, Ted Andrews's bestselling Animal Speak shows readers how to identify his or her animal totem and ... > read more

Timothy; or, Notes of an Abject Reptile
Few writers have attempted to explore the natural history of a particular animal by adopting the animal’s own sensibility. But Verlyn Klinkenborg—with his deeply empathetic relation to ... > read more

Animals in Translation : Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior
I don't know if people will ever be able to talk to animals the way Doctor Doolittle could, or whether animals will be able to talk back. Maybe science will have something to say about that. But I do ... > read more

Evolution of the Insects
This book chronicles the complete evolutionary history of insects--their living diversity and relationships as well as 400 million years of fossils. Introductory sections cover the living species ... > read more

Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound
Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound outlines the basic physical principles of ultrasound, as well as imaging artifacts and the use of ultrasonography, in a logical body-systems approach. This second ... > read more

The Third Chimpanzee : The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
Jared Diamond states the theme of his book up-front: "How the human species changed, within a short time, from just another species of big mammal to a world conqueror; and how we acquired the ... > read more

Fundamentals of Entomology, Sixth Edition
Insects are one of the most remarkable animal groups on the earth, and they merit study for at least two major reasons. First, insects have unsurpassed diversity and niches; because of this ... > read more

A PocketExpert Guide to Marine Invertebrates: 500+ Essential-to-Know Aquarium Species
Following in the wake of the hugely popular PocketExpert Guide to Marine Fishes is this eagerly awaited title in the Microcosm/T.F.H Professional Series. Interest in marine invertebrates is exploding ... > read more

Small Animal Surgery
The most widely used surgical text on the market, Small Animal Surgery concisely explains and demonstrates the most common surgical procedures in veterinary practice. It offers an overview of general ... > read more

The Singing Life of Birds : The Art and Science of Listening to Birdsong
Listen to birds sing as you"ve never listened before, as the world-renowned birdsong expert Donald Kroodsma takes you on personal journeys of discovery and intrigue. Read stories of wrens and ... > read more

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