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FeedBlitz - The Leading RSS and Blog to Email Service
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20061220201506/http://feedblitz.com:80/
FeedBlitz - the leading RSS and blog to email service FeedBlitz - easy email blog to mail and newsletter management
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FeedBlitz Stats - 1,308,050 Active Circulation - 83,003 Active Feeds

Join the Leading Blog and RSS to Email Service

RSS, Blogs, XML, readers and aggregators can be confusing. Adding email services to your blog isn't. Email RSS feed and blog subscriptions powered by FeedBlitz can:

  • Boost your readership to reach the largest possible market
  • Give you valuable insights into your readership
  • All using the familiar, most pervasive Internet application - Email.

It's easy too! No gurus required. The basic service is free to all - no restrictions, no ads, no limits on your subscriber base. Plus, you can subscribe to any blog or RSS feed by email with FeedBlitz, even if that blog does not use FeedBlitz itself.

The Industry's Most Flexible Customization Options

  • Want your own logos, graphics, promotions and ads in your emails? Change subject lines, from and reply-to addresses, and much, much more. Want a custom RSS landing page? You get it all when you upgrade your syndication to a Pro account. Find out more »
  • Tailor your delivery schedule: Choose your timezone for your free daily update, or upgrade for on-demand, real-time, weekly or monthly options.

Read the FeedBlitz FAQs

How? What? Can I? When? All the answers in our newly updated Q&A Find out more »

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