(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Tokyo Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20061220015805/http://tokyotimes.org:80/

Morbid mobile usage

December 19th, 2006 by Lee

“I get the sense that people no longer respect the dead. It’s disturbing.”

A freaked out funeral director after seeing a crowd of mourners clamouring round a coffin to get a few final snapshots.

Mobile phone shutter noises have gradually increased in volume to counter the dark art of upskirt photography, but as one avenue has closed, another appears to have opened, with photography of the dead now a growing trend amongst Japanese phone wielding photographers.

Yet despite the concerns of the lady quoted above, and her worries that “the deceased would never want their faces photographed,” she appears to be behind the times somewhat, with social commentator Toru Takeda claiming, “Some can’t grasp ‘reality’ unless they take a photo and share it with others … It comes from a desire to keep a strong bond with the deceased.”

An assertion that may well hold some truth, but with mobile technology now allowing an array of alterations to be made to a photo, it arguably depends on what kind of images are being shared.

As it’s a fine line between the respectful.


And the perhaps not so respectful.


Donut dementia

December 18th, 2006 by Lee

Despite several other outlets serving similarly sweet foodstuffs – and a few further factors facing the new franchise – the Japanese mantra of ‘if it’s new, we will come – en masse’ has once again been put into effect, with the first Krispy Kreme shop in Japan receiving the customary fad-based fanfare over the weekend.

krispy kreme japan

And whilst an elderly security guard fortunately found the crowd sedate as well as sweet-toothed, the huge amount of people was reminiscent of the recent PlayStation 3 pandemonium – a click on the picture above showing the massive number of sugar lovers willing to wait their turn.

Which in 6 months time could well have dwindled to a couple of foreigners and the odd donut devotee.

Joyous Japan

December 15th, 2006 by Lee

Tokyo may well be dutifully decked out in Christmas decorations, but given that they are often unceremoniously ripped down on the big day itself, and festive fodder consists of ‘traditional’ fast food fried chicken, as an event it can be something of a let down.

But thanks to trusty old Tokyu Hands, parties at least may have a possible perk or two.

sexy santa

And not just for fellas either, as Sexy Santas of other persuasions may also be present.

super sexy santa

Not nailed

December 15th, 2006 by Lee

After equipping his shoes with nails back in June, and fulfilling his desire to “injure the legs of a woman with a good figure” by repeatedly kicking a young lady in the calf muscles, Seitaro Kasai finally found himself in court yesterday.

Yet after declaring that the 32-year-old’s actions were “selfish and mean crimes in which the defendant gratified himself with sexual excitement from seeing women suffering”, Tokyo District Judge Yasutsune Kawada let Kasai off with a 2 1/2-year prison sentence – suspended for 5 years.

However perhaps not wanting to be regarded as a complete soft touch, Judge Kawada did order the confiscation of Seitaro-san’s shoes. Two pairs of them no less, sending out a firm message to modified footwear maniacs throughout the length and breadth of Japan.

nails in shoes

Gritty graffiti

December 14th, 2006 by Lee

Somebody’s name or a an oversized male member daubed on the side of one’s home is far from ideal, but this unusual bit of Tokyo graffiti arguably adds a bit of character to a rather grey and grim concrete construction.

japanese graffiti

(click image for more ample artwork)

Tokyo tact

December 13th, 2006 by Lee

Still no idea what to buy a particularly hard to please loved one this Christmas? Well, you just might be in luck, because if that certain someone likes nothing better than whiling away the hours surfing the internet and smoking like there’s no tomorrow, then look no further than this USB powered ashtray from Japanese company, Green House.

usb ashtray

The dinky little device apparently sucks away the smoke through a filter of some kind, and whilst smoking isn’t all that cool anymore, who says it can’t be cute?

Because look: between cigarettes it doubles as a dainty little car.

japanese usb ashtray

Making it an ideal plaything for kids too – especially those with a burgeoning nicotine habit. Plus, for any female relatives, the extra purchase of two packets of cigarettes will provide the added bonus of a tobacco-based novelty bra.

J-League jamboree

December 12th, 2006 by Lee

Even though the Japanese J-League season recently came to an end, and the video below is hardly new, Tokyo Times has never been terribly topical, so it’s worth a look anyway.

japanese soccer commercial

Plus, as well as being very funny, it is a commercial promoting Ajinomoto stadium – the home of FC Tokyo, and somewhat less famously, the location for this site’s decidedly long in the tooth top of the page banner. Which, unlike the promo, is lacking somewhat on the lady front.

ajinomoto stadium


Tokyo tinsel

December 11th, 2006 by Lee

Japan’s plentiful pachinko parlours are hardly known for their architectural beauty, with gaudy rather than graceful the apparent watchword – standing out from the concrete crowd leaving little space for subtlety or style.

An approach dramatically demonstrated at the rather appropriately named gambling getaway, Beam; the building’s relatively demure daylight persona giving way to a dazzling display of Tokyo tastelessness.

tacky tokyo building

(click image for larger light-based loudness)

Tobacco-based titillation

December 8th, 2006 by Lee

After years – back in the days when it was still allowed – of sponsoring far from sexy sports such as darts and snooker, the news that Japan Tobacco may be about to take over Gallaher, the maker of Benson and Hedges cigarettes, has sent share prices soaring – many investors hoping that the Japanese company will add a touch of titillation to tobacco.

However even if the deal does go through, insiders claim that the hugely popular itsy bitsy baccy bra will almost certainly not see a European release.

sexy smoker

(click image for slightly more salacious cigarette-based sauciness)

Doll devotees

December 7th, 2006 by Lee

Due to the increasing availability of rental options and room-hire services – plus magazines devoted to the subject – it’s perhaps not surprising that state-of-the-art silicone sex dolls are becoming more and more popular in Japan; however despite the high cost, a growing number of men are opting to buy rather than rent – hygiene concerns being a possible factor.

Yet unfortunately for some gentlemen, latex love appears similar to Pringles, as once they’ve popped they simply can’t seem to stop, resulting in a surrender of sorts to silicone satisfaction.

Take the man below for example, as after a shaky start he certainly got to grips with the situation.

silicone sex doll

The video below documenting his now copious collection.

Although in some respects he’s still something of a novice, with another chap cramming an apartment with around forty such companions – their man-made mammaries being a key factor.

japanese silicone sex doll

This video of his abode being fairly safe for work – a blurry boob its only blue bit.

(videos found via JapanSugoi.com)

Professor pervert

December 7th, 2006 by Lee

Well-known economist and former television commentator Kazuhide Uekusa denied charges of groping a high school girl this week, after being arrested in connection with the incident in September.

kazuhide uekusa

At the case’s first hearing in Tokyo on Wednesday, the 45-year-old denied the charges, which according to the indictment took place on a train, with Uekusa allegedly putting his hand up the student’s skirt and feeling her buttocks – an unconventional commuting pastime that resulted in other passengers seizing the perverted professor and handing him over to the police.

In court the accused remained calm, claiming, “I swear to the heavens that I did not commit such an act.” However Uekusa-san’s vision of heaven may not follow conventional norms, as the ex-Waseda University employee was convicted of public indecency in 2004 for trying to peek up a 17-year-old girl’s skirt using a mirror.

Metabolic ministers

December 6th, 2006 by Lee

In a bid to promote healthy living and at the same time combat Japan’s growing obesity problems, two Japanese health ministers have started a website to document their fight against getting fatter.

Both Noritoshi Ishida and Keizo Takemi have been diagnosed with so-called metabolic syndrome, which in layman’s terms appears to mean the possession of a big belly - the pair’s relatively ample abdomens having been measured at the outset of the six-month experiment.

noritoshi ishida and keizo takemi

From their comments, the two men seem intent on succeeding, with Ishida-san (left) explaining, “I have given myself a challenge and decided to open up the diary of my struggle.” The 55-year-old boasting that he will now only use elevators as a last resort, drink just one beer a day, and last but not least, try to walk a whopping 10 minutes a day.

Tubby Takemi is equally gung-ho about getting rid of a bit of girth, although he is well aware of the coming difficulties. “I will be under pressure to make a very serious effort, as I love delicious food. But I want to send a message: ‘If Takemi can do it, everybody can’ ”. An assertion that was immediately backed up by the minister’s pledge to practically starve himself by limiting his dessert intake to a measly one helping a day.