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Threat ChaosWritten by Richard Stiennon RSS Feed | 3 comments
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Top Ten Threats for 2007

   I had some time last week to think ahead a bit. I was on a twelve hour round trip flight to Maui just to get frequent flier points with Northwest.  I know it sounds like a horrible waste but you do crazy things when you are ...more

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Release 0.9Written by Esther Dyson RSS Feed | 7 comments
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Are we our workers' keepers?

Last week I had dinner with Omid Moghadam [below left] and Anne Chapman of Intel.  They had just had an interesting day meeting with a variety of would-be supporters in Washington: The Wall Street Journal had just broken – a week early – the news of a new coalition of employers ...more

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All About MicrosoftWritten by Mary Jo Foley RSS Feed | 22 comments
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Vista: What will you say when you see it?

It's not surprising Microsoft will be touting Windows Vista at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. But the slogan the company has chosen to tout its new version of Windows may catch some off-guard. There will be an entire Vista pavillion (a fancy tent) outside the main ...more

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Emerging TechWritten by Roland Piquepaille RSS Feed
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Alerting vests for soldiers

If you were a soldier, I'm sure you would like to be warned in real time of an imminent danger. According to New Scientist, MIT researchers have developed a vibrating vest which could send alerts to soldiers. But here comes the tricky part: the alerts will wirelessly be sent to ...more

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Real World ITWritten by George Ou RSS Feed | 51 comments
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How to detect RAM problems to stabilize Vista

I had a rough weekend testing Vista RTM on multiple hardware configurations because of some minor hardware issues that never surfaced previously.  It appears that Vista is extremely sensitive to any kind of memory error possibly because of ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization).  It turned out that I had a ...more

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Ed Bott's Microsoft ReportWritten by Ed Bott RSS Feed | 3 comments
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Five things you didn't know about me

I got tagged (and Mary Jo played along, so far be it from to be the curmudgeon). Here's my contribution to a fad that is rapidly turning into the online equivalent of The Wave: My high school debate partner (briefly) was Chris Isaak. Yes, that Chris Isaak.Speaking of ...more

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BriefingsDirectWritten by Dana Gardner RSS Feed | 1 comment
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Nice rundown of the top SOA happenings of 2006

Michael Meehan, news editor at SearchWebServices.com, has identified the top eight SOA stories for 2006. Not only does he quote me liberally, which might just prompt me to blog as a vanity exercise, but he advances SOA understanding by choosing and ranking these trends and topics well.The story comes in ...more

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John CarrollWritten by John Carroll RSS Feed | 121 comments
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Ideal DRM

Bill Gates recently commented that copy protections for digital media are too complex for most consumers. In the end of the day incentive systems (for artists) make a difference... ...But we don't have the right thing here in terms of simplicity or interoperability. An ideal DRM system, at least from ...more

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Digital MarketsWritten by Donna Bogatin RSS Feed | 2 comments
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Are Google blogs just PR?

No news from Google this 2007, and it is already January 3!Avid Google watcher that I am, I woke up yesterday morning wondering if Google would come out of the 2007 gate strong with a major announcement: multi-billion dollar acquisition, Google Phone launch, YouTube compensation to content owners…The Google “Press ...more

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Over the HorizonWritten by Justin Rattner RSS Feed | 1 comment
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Polaris Points the Way to Terascale Computing

Two months ago at the Intel Developer Forum, Intel’s CEO, Paul Otellini, unveiled a 300mm wafer that contained hundreds of massively multi-core prototype processors each consisting of 80 simple, but programmable floating-point cores. While it was an early wafer fresh from Intel’s Fab 24 in Ireland, it generated a lot ...more

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Between the LinesDan Farber & Larry Dignan
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Time for plastic electronics? Plastic Logic, a Cambridge UK startup, is getting $100 million in venture capital to build plastic electronics on a commercial scale. The facility ...more 1 comment
Berlind's TestbedDavid Berlind
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Digital New Year's resolutions: 1. Unsubscribe. 2. Delete. 3. Don't hire a hacker I'm looking for some good digital New Year's resolutions, so if you have any, feel free to comment below or pass them my way (to ...more 6 comments
All About MicrosoftMary Jo Foley
Microsoft image
Vista: What will you say when you see it? It's not surprising Microsoft will be touting Windows Vista at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. But the slogan the company has ...more 22 comments
Real World ITGeorge Ou
ou image
How to detect RAM problems to stabilize Vista I had a rough weekend testing Vista RTM on multiple hardware configurations because of some minor hardware issues that never surfaced previously.  It appears that ...more 51 comments
Ed Bott's Microsoft ReportEd Bott
bott image
Five things you didn't know about me I got tagged (and Mary Jo played along, so far be it from to be the curmudgeon). Here's my contribution to a fad that ...more 3 comments
The Apple CoreJason D. O'Grady
Apple image
Month of Apple bugs being fixed Today is the third day in the Month of Apple Bugs (a.k.a. MOAB). MOAB is run by a hacker known as LMH, sponsor of the ...more 43 comments
Hardware 2.0Adrian Kingsley-Hughes
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iPod nano owners complain of high-pitched whining noise Back in September a thread was started on the Apple support forum by an iPod nano owner who wanted to know if "a high-pitched whine or ...more 1 comment
Open SourceDana Blankenhorn
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Expanding the open source business model How much would you pay for some really good open source documentation?It's an important question. As a business model, we have seen that open source ...more 7 comments
Googling GoogleGarett Rogers
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Rough times for Gmail in the new year It seems the bug I referred to in my last post is only partially fixed -- but I am confident it will be closed up ...more 4 comments
IP TelephonyRussell Shaw
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NIST reports "highly critical vulnerability" in QuickTime NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) reports that a "Highly Critical" vulnerability exists in the Apple QuickTime handling of rtsp:// URLs. The exploit ...more 2 comments
Enterprise Web 2.0Dion Hinchcliffe
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Enterprise 2.0: Ten Predictions for 2007 I explored the rise of Enterprise 2.0 this year in last week's year in review post, but 2007 will likely prove to be a much ...more 2 comments
Software as ServicesPhil Wainewright
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SaaS in 2007: It's about services, doh! In my trio of predictions for SaaS in 2007, I've saved the biggest trend till last. The coming year will see a growing acknowledgement that ...more 2 comments
Dev ConnectionEd Burnette
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MySQL shies away from GPLv3, free version Peter Zaitsev reported recently that new versions of MySQL Community edition are no longer available for download from the MySQL Download Area. This provoked a ...more 5 comments
Managing L'unixPaul Murphy
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Unix vs. Windows or: sometimes a fool is just a fool The December 19th issue of the Economist had an unsigned article under the title Consumer technologies are invading corporate computing, celebrating the end ...more 15 comments
Digital MarketsDonna Bogatin
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Are Google blogs just PR? No news from Google this 2007, and it is already January 3!Avid Google watcher that I am, I woke up yesterday morning wondering if Google ...more 2 comments
Emerging TechRoland Piquepaille
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Alerting vests for soldiers If you were a soldier, I'm sure you would like to be warned in real time of an imminent danger. According to New Scientist, MIT ...more
John CarrollJohn Carroll
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Ideal DRM Bill Gates recently commented that copy protections for digital media are too complex for most consumers. In the end of the day incentive systems (for ...more 121 comments
The Mobile GadgeteerMatthew Miller
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Will Cingular and Palm announce the Treo 750 at CES? According to Engadget Mobile Palm and Cingular may be announcing the Treo 750 Windows Mobile Phone Edition device at CES. The Treo 750 is currently ...more
Rational RantsMitch Ratcliffe
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Is Islamist cryptography evil? The Global Islamic Media Front announced in an advertisement on January 1 that it will release "the first Islamic computer program for secure exchange on ...more 1 comment
Release 0.9Esther Dyson
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Are we our workers' keepers? Last week I had dinner with Omid Moghadam [below left] and Anne Chapman of Intel.  They had just had an interesting day meeting with a variety ...more 7 comments
The Universal DesktopRyan Stewart
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Microsoft's Mix 07 registration opens I saw over on Cnet that Microsoft has opened registration for Mix 07. I think Mix is going to be a very, very solid conference. ...more
The Social WebSteve O'Hear
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Digg's seven-step recovery program Muhammad Saleem has written a short paper outlining seven steps that Digg needs to take in order to achieve success in 2007. For those that ...more
LawgarithmsDenise Howell
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The Web's video library includes Saddam Hussein's uncut execution As law professor, blogger, and sentencing law expert Douglas A. Berman writes, "[a]ll over the blogosphere, one can now access an uncut video of Saddam ...more
Digital ID WorldPhil Becker & Eric Norlin
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Identity predictions for 2007 Having graded our identity predictions from last year, its time to venture forth into the uncharted waters of 2007. The following are our divinations on ...more 2 comments
Threat ChaosRichard Stiennon
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Top Ten Threats for 2007    I had some time last week to think ahead a bit. I was on a twelve hour round trip flight to ...more 3 comments
E-Communications & CommunityMaurene Caplan Grey
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Microsoft knights voice services with OCS Like a Don Quixote, Microsoft's voice services are championing Microsoft's unified communications strategy. Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS) was released to private beta this week. OCS ...more
Office EvolutionMarc Orchant
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OmniDrive Mac client coming soon A post on the OmniDrive forums states that a beta of the long-awaited Mac client for the online storage service will be made available next ...more 1 comment
Service OrientedJoe McKendrick
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Some unabashed predictions for the year ahead in SOA "We can safely say from reports that have come out in 2006 that somewhere between 10% and 90% of enterprises will be doing SOA."  -Dana ...more
Enterprise Anti-matterJoshua Greenbaum
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Oracle Losing the Transparency War. Microsoft Trying Too. Yesterday's release of Oracle's most recent financials continued to push Oracle into a race for last place in the world of corporate transparency. Its disclosures ...more 2 comments
Tom Foremski: IMHOTom Foremski
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dotMobi aims around the wireless Telcos to boost mobile Internet Accessing the Internet from cell phones is possible but the experience is poor. Mobile web browser performance is clunky, few web sites are designed for ...more 2 comments
BriefingsDirectDana Gardner
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Nice rundown of the top SOA happenings of 2006 Michael Meehan, news editor at SearchWebServices.com, has identified the top eight SOA stories for 2006. Not only does he quote me liberally, which might just ...more 1 comment
Over the HorizonJustin Rattner
intelcto image
Polaris Points the Way to Terascale Computing Two months ago at the Intel Developer Forum, Intel’s CEO, Paul Otellini, unveiled a 300mm wafer that contained hundreds of massively multi-core prototype processors each ...more 1 comment

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