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Tropospheric ozone -- Ozone (O3) is a key constituent of the troposphere. Photochemical and chemical reactions involving it drive many of the chemical processes that occur in the atmosphere by day and by night. ... > full article

Smog -- Smog is a kind of air pollution, originally named for the mixture of smoke and fog in the air. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burning in an area and is caused by a mixture of smoke ... > full article

Air pollution -- Air pollution is a broad term applied to any chemical, physical (particulate matter), or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a complex, ... > full article

Automobile emissions control -- Automobile emissions control covers all the technologies that are employed to reduce the air pollution-causing emissions produced by ... > full article

Nitrogen oxide -- NOx is a generic term for the various nitrogen oxides produced during combustion. They are believed to aggravate asthmatic conditions, react with the oxygen in the air to produce ozone, which is also ... > full article

Atmospheric chemistry -- Atmospheric chemistry is a branch of atmospheric science in which the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere and that of other planets is studied. It is a multidisciplinary field of research and draws ... > full article

Water pollution -- Water pollution is a large set of adverse effects upon water bodies (lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater) caused by human activities. Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, storms, earthquakes ... > full article

Atmospheric dispersion modeling -- Atmospheric dispersion modeling is the mathematical simulation of how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. It is performed with computer programs that solve the mathematical equations ... > full article

Inversion (meteorology) -- A temperature inversion is a meteorological phenomenon in which air temperature increases with height for some distance above the ground, as opposed to the normal decrease in temperature with height. ... > full article

Pollution -- Environmental pollution is the release of environmental contaminants, generally resulting from human activity. Carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor ... > full article

Planetary boundary layer -- The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is also known as the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). It is the lowest part of the atmosphere and its behavior is directly influenced by its contact with the ... > full article

Acid rain -- Acid rain is defined as any type of precipitation with a pH that is unusually low. Dissolved carbon dioxide dissociates to form weak carbonic acid giving a pH of approximately 5.6 at typical ... > full article

Smoke -- Smoke is a suspension in air (aerosol) of small particles resulting from incomplete combustion of a fuel. It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires (including stoves and lamps) and fireplaces, ... > full article

Smoulder -- Smouldering (or smoldering in American spelling) combustion is a flameless form of combustion, deriving its heat from oxidations occurring on the surface of a solid fuel. Common examples are the ... > full article

Environmental impact assessment -- An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the likely human environmental health impact, risk to ecological health, and changes to nature's services that a project may have. The ... > full article

Surface runoff -- Surface runoff is water, from rain, snowmelt, or other sources, that flows over the land surface, and is a major component of the water cycle. Runoff that occurs on surfaces before reaching a channel ... > full article

Environmental engineering -- Environmental engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to improve the environment (air, water, and/or land resources), to provide healthful water, air, and land for human ... > full article

Fossil fuel -- Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. In common dialogue, the term fossil fuel also includes ... > full article

Ozone -- Ozone (O3) is an allotrope of oxygen, the molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms instead of the more stable diatomic O2. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent. It is present in ... > full article

Carbon monoxide -- Carbon monoxide, with the chemical formula CO, is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas. It is the product of the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing compounds, notably in ... > full article


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NASA Data Link Indonesian Wildfire Flare-up To Recent El Nino (March 1, 2007) -- Scientists using NASA satellite and rainfall data have linked the recent El Nino to the greatest rise in wildfire activity in Indonesia since the record-breaking 1997-98 El ... > full story

Sex Reversal In Frogs ­An Effect Of Drugs In The Environment (February 28, 2007) -- Frogs are more sensitive to hormone-disturbing environmental pollutants than was previously thought. Male tadpoles that swim in water with relevant levels of such substances become females, according ... > full story

Diesel Exposure Model Reduces Allergy Risk Assessment Errors (February 27, 2007) -- University of Cincinnati environmental health experts say their research improves prior methods of classifying exposure to diesel exhaust particulates that help minimize inaccuracies and better ... > full story

From Icehouse To Hothouse: Melting Ice And Rising Carbon Dioxide Caused Climate Shift (February 27, 2007) -- Three hundred million years ago, Earth's climate shifted dramatically from icehouse to hothouse, with major environmental consequences. That shift was the result of both rising atmospheric carbon ... > full story

New Evidence Of Link Between Carbon Dioxide Emissions And Climate Change In Boreal Ecosystems (February 27, 2007) -- New research aimed at understanding the link between carbon dioxide emissions and climate change in boreal systems has found clear links between both spring and fall temperature changes and carbon ... > full story

In Presence Of Fragrant Cleaning Products, Air Purifiers That Emit Ozone Can Dirty The Air (February 24, 2007) -- Indoor air purifiers that produce even small quantities of ozone may actually make the air dirtier when used at the same time as household cleaning products, scientists at UC Irvine have ... > full story

Americans Believe Global Warming Is Real, Want Action, But Not As A Priority (February 23, 2007) -- Most Americans believe global warming is real but a moderate and distant risk. While they strongly support policies like investing in renewable energy, higher fuel economy standards and international ... > full story

Harmful Environmental Effects Of Livestock Production On The Planet 'Increasingly Serious,' Says Panel (February 22, 2007) -- The harmful environmental effects of livestock production are becoming increasingly serious at all levels -- local, regional, national and global -- and urgently need to be addressed, according to ... > full story

Taking The Fungal Route Through The Soil (February 21, 2007) -- Fungal hyphae play a greater role in the spread of bacteria in the soil than was previously suspected. This is the finding reported by scientists from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research ... > full story

Air Contaminants Databases Ease Healthy Homes Planning (February 19, 2007) -- Air pollution sources are everywhere in the home, from the bacon and eggs frying in the kitchen, to the woodburning stove in the family room, the newly painted hallway, and even the carpet in the ... > full story

Over 50s Have The Highest Carbon Footprint In The UK (February 18, 2007) -- Over 50s have the highest carbon footprint, yet are most concerned over climate change and are calling for stronger leadership from the government to combat global warming, according to new research ... > full story

Health Of Nation's Water Supply May Be Found At The Head Of The River (February 16, 2007) -- Recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court have focused national attention on what bodies of water fall under federal jurisdiction for protection under the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA). The CWA ... > full story

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Risk: A Practical Guide for Deciding What's Really Safe and What's Really Dangerous in the World Around You
An indispensable and timely guide, Risk is the authority for assessing threats to your health and safety.We continually face new risks in our world. This essential family reference will help you ... > read more

Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes
MASTER THE LATEST TECHNOLOGIES POWERING THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY! If staying on top of the latest developments in the petroleum refining process industry is part of your work, here's the one-stop ... > read more

Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (2nd Edition)
NEW ORGANIZATION. The second edition consists of five parts, following two introductory chapters: I. Automation and control technologies: industrial computer control, control system components, ... > read more

Soils in Our Environment, 10th Edition
The tenth edition of Soils in Our Environment contains the most current information available and addresses perplexing issues and problems associated with preserving our soils. Based on the most ... > read more

The Singularity Is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology
The great inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil is one of the best-known and most controversial advocates for the role of machines in the future of humanity. In his latest book, he envisions an ... > read more

Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
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Detox Box
The Detox Box, created by holistic physician Mark Hyman, M.D., gives you everything you need to complete a safe, effective, and medically informed detoxification program at home. Designed for total ... > read more

Process Control Instrumentation Technology
This manual is designed to provide users with an understanding and appreciation of some of the theoretical concepts behind control system elements and operations, without the need of advanced math ... > read more

The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles From The World's Greatest Manufacturer
How to speed up business processes, improve quality, and cut costs in any industry In factories around the world, Toyota consistently makes the highest-quality cars with the fewest defects of any ... > read more

The Big Oyster : History on the Half Shell
Before New York City was the Big Apple, it could have been called the Big Oyster. Now award-winning author Mark Kurlansky tells the remarkable story of New York by following the trajectory of one of ... > read more

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