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Power station -- A power station or power plant is a facility for the generation of electric power. At the centre of nearly all power stations is a generator, a rotating machine that converts mechanical energy into ... > full article

Renewable energy -- Renewable energy (sources) or RES capture their energy from existing flows of energy, from on-going natural processes, such as sunshine, wind, flowing water, biological processes, and geothermal heat ... > full article

Liquid nitrogen economy -- A liquid nitrogen economy is a hypothetical proposal for a future economy in which the primary form of energy storage and transport is liquid nitrogen. It is proposed as an alternative to liquid ... > full article

Solar panel -- Solar panels are devices for capturing the energy in sunlight. The term solar panel can be applied to either solar hot water panels (usually used for providing domestic hot water) or solar ... > full article

Fuel cell -- A fuel cell is an electrochemical device similar to a battery, but differing from the latter in that it is designed for continuous replenishment of the reactants consumed; i.e. it produces ... > full article

Solar power -- Solar power describes a number of methods of harnessing energy from the light of the Sun. It has been present in many traditional building methods for centuries, but has become of increasing interest ... > full article

Future energy development -- Energy development is the ongoing effort to provide abundant and accessible energy, through knowledge, skills and constructions. When harnessing energy from primary energy sources and converting them ... > full article

Solar radiation -- Solar radiation is radiant energy emitted by the sun, particularly electromagnetic energy. About half of the radiation is in the visible short-wave part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The other ... > full article

Water turbine -- A water turbine is a rotary engine that takes energy from moving water. Water turbines were developed in the nineteenth century and were widely used for industrial power prior to electrical grids. ... > full article

Nuclear power plant -- A nuclear power plant (NPP) is a thermal power station in which the heat source is one or more nuclear reactors. Nuclear power plants are base load stations, which work best when the power output is ... > full article

Alternative fuel cars -- Alternative fuel cars refers to cars run on Alternative fuel such as hydrogen, solar power or steam power; any method of powering an engine that does not involve petroleum. Diesel-powered cars can ... > full article

Hadley cell -- The major driving force of atmospheric circulation in the tropical regions is solar heating. Because of the Earth's 23.5 ° axial tilt, the sun is never more than a few tens of degrees from directly ... > full article

Fossil fuel -- Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. In common dialogue, the term fossil fuel also includes ... > full article

Planetary boundary layer -- The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is also known as the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). It is the lowest part of the atmosphere and its behavior is directly influenced by its contact with the ... > full article

Desalination -- Desalination or desalinization refers to any of several processes that remove the excess salt and other minerals from water in order to obtain fresh water suitable for animal consumption or ... > full article

Hydroelectricity -- Hydroelectricity is electricity obtained from hydropower. Most hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy of dammed water driving a water turbine and generator. Less common variations make ... > full article

Wind turbine -- A wind turbine is a machine for converting the mechanical energy in wind into electrical energy. If the mechanical energy is used directly by machinery, such as a pump or grinding stones, the machine ... > full article

Nuclear fission -- Nuclear fission is a process in nuclear physics in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei as fission products, and usually some by-product particles. Hence, fission is a ... > full article

Ethanol fuel -- The use of ethanol as a fuel for internal combustion engines, either alone or in combination with other fuels, has been given much attention mostly because of its possible environmental and long-term ... > full article

Solar wind -- A solar wind is a stream of charged particles (i.e., a plasma) which are ejected from the upper atmosphere of a star. When originating from stars other than the Earth's Sun, it is sometimes called a ... > full article


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Summaries | Headlines

New Hydrogen Fuel System Promises A New Generation Of Renewable Energy (February 26, 2007) -- With energy costs soaring, Nevada professor has the answer to a cleaner, more environmentally friendly and completely renewable form of energy through a million grant -- work to make hydrogen ... > full story

MIT Experts Foresee Efficient Ethanol Production (February 12, 2007) -- As the search for alternative fuel sources intensifies, more and more attention has been focused on ethanol -- a fuel many see as desirable because it burns cleanly and can be produced from plants. ... > full story

Researchers Find Substantial Wind Resource Off Mid-Atlantic Coast (February 6, 2007) -- The wind resource off the Mid-Atlantic coast could supply the energy needs of nine states from Massachusetts to North Carolina, plus the District of Columbia -- with enough left over to support a 50 ... > full story

Pond Scum: Fueling Our Future? (February 2, 2007) -- Utah State University researchers are using an innovative approach that takes oil from algae and converts it to biodiesel fuel. USU is currently conducting research on algae and plans to produce an ... > full story

Something New Under The Sun (February 1, 2007) -- That plants grow better if grown in a greenhouse in the correct climate is nothing new. Dutch researcher Rachel van Ooteghem has designed a control system for an improved solar greenhouse that yields ... > full story

Aerosol Pollution Slows Down Winds And Reduces Rainfall (January 23, 2007) -- Near-surface winds provide a renewable source of clean energy and evaporate water, helping rain clouds to build up. But aerosolized particles created from vehicle exhaust and other contaminants can ... > full story

'Heat Mining' Backed In Geothermal Energy Report (January 23, 2007) -- A comprehensive new MIT-led study of the potential for geothermal energy within the United States has found that mining the huge amounts of heat that reside as stored thermal energy in the Earth's ... > full story

Survey Shows Strong Support For Offshore Wind Power (January 17, 2007) -- Delawareans are strongly in favor of offshore wind power as a future source of energy for the state, according to a survey conducted by University of Delaware researchers. When asked to select from a ... > full story

Marine Bacteria Can Create Environmentally Friendly Energy Source (January 15, 2007) -- Bacteria in the world's oceans can efficiently exploit solar energy to grow, thanks to a unique light-capturing pigment. This discovery was made by researchers at University of Kalmar in Sweden, in ... > full story

Space Researchers To Solve Aurora Mystery (January 11, 2007) -- On Feb. 15, NASA will launch the largest number of scientific satellites ever sent into orbit aboard a single rocket. A handful of Alberta scientists will be at Kennedy Space Center watching and ... > full story

Fuels Made From Prairie Biomass Reduce Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (December 11, 2006) -- Highly diverse mixtures of native prairie plant species have emerged as a leader in the quest to identify the best source of biomass for producing sustainable, bio-based fuel to replace petroleum. A ... > full story

Invention Could Solve 'Bottleneck' In Developing Pollution-free Cars (December 7, 2006) -- Hydrogen-powered cars that do not pollute the environment are a step closer thanks to a new discovery which promises to solve the main problem holding back the ... > full story

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The Solar House: Passive Heating and Cooling
Passive solar heating and passive cooling—approaches known as natural conditioning—provide comfort throughout the year by reducing, or eliminating, the need for fossil fuel. Yet while heat ... > read more

Photovoltaics : Design and Installation Manual
Producing electricity from the sun using photovoltaic (PV) systems has become a major industry worldwide. But designing, installing and maintaining such systems requires knowledge and training, and ... > read more

Beyond Oil : The View from Hubbert's Peak
With world oil production about to peak and inexorably head toward steep decline, what fuels are available to meet rising global energy demands? That question, once thought to address a fairly ... > read more

The End of Oil : On the Edge of a Perilous New World
The End of Oil is a "geologic cautionary tale for a complacent world accustomed to reliable infusions of cheap energy." The book centers around one irrefutable fact: the global supply of oil is being ... > read more

The Weather Makers : How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth
Sometime this century the day will arrive when the human influence on the climate will overwhelm all other natural factors. Over the past decade, the world has seen the most powerful El Niño ... > read more

Elemental Geosystems, Fourth Edition
This book gives readers an accessible, systematic, non-mathematical, and visually appealing start in physical geography. It features a distinctive, holistic integration of human-Earth relationships, ... > read more

Energy Efficiency Manual: for everyone who uses energy, pays for utilities, designs and builds, is interested in energy conservation and the environment (Energy Efficiency Manual)
This is the primary reference, how-to guide, and sourcebook for energy conservation. It lets you improve efficiency and save money in all types of buildings and plants, ranging from individual ... > read more

The Core Performance : The Revolutionary Workout Program to Transform Your Body & Your Life
Core Performance, the breakthrough fitness program that has already shipped more than 50,000 copies in hardcover, is the first program that delivers strength and muscle mass, endurance and a lean ... > read more

Ask and It Is Given
For almost 20 years Jerry and Esther Hicks have been presenting workshops, producing tapes and writing books to help people create the life they desire. And desire is no small word in this agenda. ... > read more

Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
For the first time ever, over five dozen top-secret military,government, intelligence and corporate witnesses to secret projects tell their true stories which disclose the greatest covert program in ... > read more

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