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Antiprism -- An n-sided antiprism is a polyhedron composed of two parallel copies of some particular n-sided polygon, connected by an alternating band of triangles. Antiprisms are a subclass of the prismatoids. ... > full article

Prism (geometry) -- In geometry, an n-sided prism is a polyhedron made of an n-sided polygonal base, a translated copy, and n faces joining corresponding sides. Thus these joining faces are parallelograms. All ... > full article

Virtual reality -- Virtual reality (VR) is a technology which allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated environment, be it a real or imagined one. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily ... > full article

Cube -- A cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets or sides, with three meeting at each vertex. The cube can also be called a regular hexahedron and is one of the five ... > full article

Videoconferencing -- A videoconference (also known as a videoteleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions ... > full article

Graphical user interface -- A graphical user interface (or GUI, often pronounced "gooey"), is a particular case of user interface for interacting with a computer which employs graphical images and widgets in addition to text to ... > full article

Massively multiplayer online game -- A Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG or MMO) is a computer game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously, and is played on the Internet. Typically, this ... > full article

Computer animation -- Computer animation is the art of creating moving images via the use of computers. It is a subfield of computer graphics and animation. Increasingly it is created by means of 3D computer graphics, ... > full article

Tetrahedron -- A tetrahedron (plural: tetrahedra) is a polyhedron composed of four triangular faces, three of which meet at each vertex. A regular tetrahedron is one in which the four triangles are regular, or ... > full article

Grid computing -- Grid computing is an emerging computing model that provides the ability to perform higher throughput computing by taking advantage of many networked computers to model a virtual computer architecture ... > full article

Morphing -- Morphing is a special effect in motion pictures and animations that changes (or morphs) one image into another through a seamless transition. Morphing software continues to advance today and many ... > full article

Scientific visualization -- Scientific and Information visualization are branches of computer graphics and user interface which are concerned with the presentation of interactive or animated digital images to users to ... > full article

Computer software -- Software is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system (hardware). This includes application software such as a word processor, ... > full article

Polyhedron -- A polyhedron is a geometric shape which in mathematics is defined by three related meanings. In the traditional meaning it is a 3-dimensional polytope, and in a newer meaning that exists alongside ... > full article

HTTP cookie -- An HTTP cookie is a packet of information sent by a server to a World Wide Web browser and then sent back by the browser each time it accesses that server. Cookies have been of concern for Internet ... > full article

World Wide Web -- The World Wide Web ("WWW" or simply the "Web") is a global information space which people can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. The term is often mistakenly used as a synonym ... > full article

Computer and video games -- A computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment. A video game is essentially the same form of entertainment, but ... > full article

Artificial intelligence -- Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science and engineering that deals with intelligent behavior, learning, and adaptation in machines. Research in AI is concerned with producing ... > full article

Alan Turing -- Alan Mathison Turing (June 23, 1912 - June 7, 1954) was a British mathematician, logician, and cryptographer. Turing is often considered to be a father of modern computer science. Turing provided an ... > full article

Aspect-oriented programming -- In software engineering, the programming paradigm of aspect-oriented programming (AOP), also called aspect-oriented software development (AOSD), attempts to aid programmers in the separation of ... > full article


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Quality On Peer Review Must Be Raised With Co-operation, Says Report (April 21, 2007) -- Scientists are questioning whether peer review, the internationally accepted form of scientific critique, is able to meet the challenges posed by the rapid changes in the research landscape. A report ... > full story

Retinal Implants May Be Significantly Enhanced With New Software (April 13, 2007) -- Neural computation scientists have created a software system that is hoped to improve the function of retinal implants significantly: With the aid of the software, the visual prosthesis "learns" to ... > full story

Virtual Research On Earthquake Resistant Structures (April 12, 2007) -- The powerful earthquake struck suddenly, shaking the seven-story building so hard it bent, cracked and swayed in ... > full story

Virtual Reality For Virtual Eternity (April 5, 2007) -- Imagine having a discussion with Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein on the nature of the universe, where their 3-D, life-sized representations looked you in the eye, examined your body language, ... > full story

Modeling Exactly How Oil And Water Interact (April 3, 2007) -- How do oil and water really respond to each other? Up until now researchers could only study that in the lab. Dutch researcher Twan Gielen designed a simulation program to study the interactions ... > full story

MIT's Ocean Model Precisely Mimics Microbes' Life Cycles (April 2, 2007) -- Scientists at MIT have created an ocean model so realistic that the virtual forests of diverse microscopic plants they "sowed" have grown in population patterns that precisely mimic their real-world ... > full story

Coming Soon: The Most Realistic Virtual Reality Room In The World (March 27, 2007) -- You're high above the desert peaks. Your aircraft are approaching their targets. Information from instruments, cameras and radar is before your eyes. And with the help of 100 million pixels of bright ... > full story

Stage Theatre Evolves With The Use Of New Technology (March 26, 2007) -- Using new techniques that merge the Internet 2 with traditional stage theatre, the University of Central Florida, Bradley University in Illinois and the University of Waterloo in Canada performed a ... > full story

Finding Math Hard? Blame Your Right Parietal Lobe (March 23, 2007) -- Scientists have, for the first time, induced difficulties with mathematics (dyscalculia) in subjects who normally find math easy. The study, which finds that the right parietal lobe is responsible ... > full story

Handheld 'Smart' Museum Guide Unveiled (March 21, 2007) -- In a cooperative project, researchers from the Caesarea Rothschild Institute at the University of Haifa and The Center for Scientific and Technological Research (ITC-irst) of Trento, Italy developed ... > full story

New Device Safeguards Against Medication Errors At Home (March 20, 2007) -- Patients suffering from chronic illness can take six-to-nine different medications a day -- oftentimes more. Skipped doses, misinterpretation or labels, or confusion over what pills to take at what ... > full story

Virtual Racing Games Linked To Risk Taking (March 19, 2007) -- Psychologists have taken the "media priming" effects of popular video console and PC-based games on the road, finding that virtual racing seems to lead to aggressive driving and a propensity for risk ... > full story

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The Singularity Is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology
The great inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil is one of the best-known and most controversial advocates for the role of machines in the future of humanity. In his latest book, he envisions an ... > read more

LabVIEW for Everyone (2nd Edition)
The #1 step-by-step guide to LabVIEW now completely updated for LabVIEW 6i. No experience necessary! Learn LabVIEW through examples and easy-to-adapt sample code New! Web connectivity, DataSocket, ... > read more

Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts, 10th Edition
Physical geography is presented more consistently from chapter to chapter with major revisions to several chapters. * A foldout map of the world in 1900 is included so that comparisons can be made ... > read more

Inquiry into Life
Learning is much more than reading a textbook. That's why the 10th edition of Inquiry into Life is integrated closely with an Online Learning Center where students and professors alike will benefit. ... > read more

Horizons : Exploring the Universe (with TheSky CD-ROM, AceAstronomy, and Virtual Astronomy Labs)
This newly revised and updated Ninth Edition of HORIZONS shows students their place in the universe ? not just their location, but also their role as planet dwellers in an evolving universe. ... > read more

The Looting of the Iraq Museum, Baghdad : The Lost Legacy of Ancient Mesopotamia
At once heartbreaking and inspiring, this remarkable art book seeks to document what was lost when 15,000 objects at Baghdad's Iraq Museum were lost in the 2003 war and the ongoing art destruction. ... > read more

The Little Book of Bleeps: Excerpts from the Award-Winning Movie What the (#$%&) Bleep Do We Know
For thousands of years, the inner teachings of all great religions have expressed the idea that human beings -- each of us – create our own reality. That is, that the life we experience is a ... > read more

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, Third Edition, represents the state of the art for the theory and practice of qualitative inquiry. Built on the foundations of the landmark first and second ... > read more

What the Bleep Do We Know!?™ : Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality
Gravity sometimes doesn't work. Some things are both waves and particles. . .at the same time. Electrons simply disappear . . . all the time.If the universe is this wild and unpredictable, so ... > read more

The Road to Reality : A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe
If Albert Einstein were alive, he would have a copy of The Road to Reality on his bookshelf. So would Isaac Newton. This may be the most complete mathematical explanation of the universe yet ... > read more

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