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Researchers Use Wikipedia To Make Computers Smarter (January 8, 2007) -- Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have found a way to give computers encyclopedic knowledge of the world to help them "think smarter," making common sense and broad-based ... > full story

Robotic Crawler Detects Wear In Power Lines (December 27, 2006) -- To your left runs a high-voltage power cable that is worn, but still physically sound. To your right runs a cable that looks identical, but damaged insulation means the cable is vulnerable to a ... > full story

Snake-like Robot And Steady-hand System Could Assist Surgeons (December 25, 2006) -- Engineers are designing new high-tech medical tools to equip the operating room of the future, in an effort to help doctors treat patients more safely and effectively and allow them to perform ... > full story

Researchers Demonstrate Direct Brain Control Of Humanoid Robot (December 15, 2006) -- University of Washington researchers had demonstrated they can control the movement of a humanoid robot with signals from a human ... > full story

Computer Scientists Unravel 'Language Of Surgery' (December 11, 2006) -- Computer scientists are building mathematical models to represent the safest and most effective ways to perform surgery, including tasks such as suturing, dissecting and joining ... > full story

Heal Thyself: Robot Adapts To Injury When It Loses One Of Its Limbs (November 17, 2006) -- Researchers have built a robot that works out its own model of itself and can revise the model to adapt to injury. First, it teaches itself to walk. Then, when damaged, it teaches itself to limp. The ... > full story

Making Robotic Movement Of Goods More 'Pallet-able' (November 10, 2006) -- Under a cooperative research and development agreement with Transbotics, a Charlotte, N.C., AGV manufacturer, NIST is developing advanced sensor processing and modeling algorithms to help robot ... > full story

Machinima Group Animates Life 'In-world': Technique Harnesses 3-D Game Engines (November 6, 2006) -- Student researchers working with Beth Coleman, assistant professor in comparative media studies and in the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies, are exploring machinima, one branch of the ... > full story

Pulsating Gels Could Power Tiny Robots (November 5, 2006) -- When Belousov-Zhabotinsky gels are put into a solution, they beat like hearts. The way those gels change shape had never been theoretically examined, until now. Researchers at the University of ... > full story

3-D Ultrasound Scanner Could Guide Robotic Surgeries (November 1, 2006) -- Duke University engineers have shown that a three-dimensional ultrasound scanner they developed can successfully guide a surgical ... > full story

Good Information? It's Not All About The Brain (October 27, 2006) -- An Indiana University neuroscientist and University of Tokyo roboticist have figured out a way to model the popularly accepted idea that it takes all types of sensory information to help us make ... > full story

Robotic Chair Falls Apart, Reassembles Itself Autonomously (October 20, 2006) -- A seemingly simple, sturdy, wood-veneer chair has become an online video hit. With its "brain" in its seat, the chair collapses into a disheveled, disconnected heap; its legs then slowly find each ... > full story

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Artificial intelligence -- Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science and engineering that deals with intelligent behavior, learning, and adaptation in machines. Research in AI is concerned with producing ... > full article

Robotic surgery -- Robotic surgery is the use of robots in performing surgery. Three major advances aided by surgical robots have been remote surgery, minimally invasive surgery, and unmanned surgery. Major potential ... > full article

Industrial robot -- An industrial robot is an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator programmable in three or more axes. The field of industrial robotics may be more practically defined as ... > full article

Robot calibration -- Robot calibration is the process of identifying the real geometrical parameters in the kinematic structure of an industrial robot, i.e., the relative position and orientation of links and joints in ... > full article

Humanoid robot -- A humanoid robot is a robot with its overall appearance based on that of the human body. In general humanoid robots have a torso with a head, two arms and two legs, although some forms of humanoid ... > full article

Computer vision -- Computer vision is the science and technology of machines that see. As a scientific discipline, computer vision is concerned with the theory and technology for building artificial systems that obtain ... > full article

Android -- An android is a robot made to resemble a human, usually both in appearance and behavior. The word android has been used to denote several different kinds of artificially constructed beings: a robot ... > full article

Robot -- A robot is a mechanical device that can perform physical tasks. A robot may act under the direct control of a human (eg. the robotic arm of the space shuttle) or autonomously under the control of a ... > full article

Speech recognition -- Speech recognition technologies allow computers equipped with a source of sound input, such as a microphone, to interpret human speech. The challenge for developers of Automatic Speech ... > full article

Computing power everywhere -- Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) integrates computation into the environment, rather than having computers which are distinct objects. Other terms for ubiquitous computing include pervasive computing, ... > full article

Pattern Classification (2nd Edition)
The first edition, published in 1973, has become a classic reference in the field. Now with the second edition, readers will find information on key new topics such as neural networks and ... > read more

Game Theory : A Nontechnical Introduction
Fascinating, accessible introduction to enormously important intellectual system with numerous applications to social, economic, political problems. Newly revised edition offers overview of game ... > read more

Programming the Universe : A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes On the Cosmos
Is the universe actually a giant quantum computer? According to Seth Lloyd—Professor of Quantum-Mechanical Engineering at MIT and originator of the first technologically feasible design for a ... > read more

Technology In Action- Introductory (2nd Edition)
This book was designed to spark reader interest by covering practical concepts that they want to learn (such as setting up a wireless network in their home) while giving background information (such ... > read more

Control Systems Engineering
What types of control systems will you face in the real world? The same ones you'll face in Nise's Fourth Edition of CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. Emphasizing the practical application of control ... > read more

Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language (5th Edition)
As the SAS© programming language continues to evolve, this guide follows suit with timely coverage of the combination statistical package, database management system, and high-level programming ... > read more

Discrete-Time Signal Processing (2nd Edition)
This is the standard text for introductory advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate level courses in signal processing. The text gives a coherent and exhaustive treatment of discrete-time ... > read more

LabVIEW for Data Acquisition
Preface I've been interested in gadgets and computers since grade school, particularly gadgets connected to computers. My first real gadget-to-computer project, at age 16, was an alarm for my car ... > read more

Game Theory : Analysis of Conflict
Eminently suited to classroom use as well as individual study, Roger Myerson's introductory text provides a clear and thorough examination of the models, solution concepts, results, and ... > read more

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists
Are you just another AFC ("average frustrated chump") trying to meet an HB ("hot babe")? How would you like to "full-close" with a Penthouse Pet of the Year? The answers, my friend, are in Neil ... > read more

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