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Medical Records on Your Cell Phone
Computer Scientists Turn Cell Phones into Health Care Resource

New software technology allows cell phone and PDA users to download their medical records, making them quickly accessible in case of emergency. The new software, to be available in a year, can even ... > watch video

Gadgets Getting Smaller
Electrical Engineers Envision Broad, Transformational Use of Flash Memory

With their high capability and no moving parts, flash drives safely store data in camera memory sticks and in some MP3 players, and they also hide in gadgets such as cell phones. Experts say once ... > watch video

Screens of the Future
Engineers Make Cheaper, Brighter Displays Out Of Organic Materials

Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) are plastic-based materials that are able to emit light. Engineers are beginning to make displays out of OLEDs by spraying the materials on a surface, the way an ... > watch video

Holographic Movie Storage
Physical Chemists Develop New High-Capacity Storage Technology

Holograms allow permanent optical data storage and retrieval with far higher densities than CDs or DVDs, using the interference patterns of two lasers. Physical chemists are now developing the ... > watch video

Space Pilot for Computers
Ergonomists Reduce Repetitive Stress with Computer-Mouse Alternative

An alternative to the mouse, the SpacePilot 3D motion controller combines programmable keys with a circular controller that can sense and adapt to the user's needs. In a recent study, ergonomists ... > watch video

The New Virtual Reality
Human-Interface Engineers Create Virtual-Reality Experience by Letting Users Walk in Rotating Sphere

A new invention allows users to explore virtual worlds while moving around safely in their real physical environment. Wearing a virtual-reality helmet, users walk inside a rotating, hollow sphere, ... > watch video

Virtual Reality for Navigation Skills
Vision Researchers Test Theory on Visual Orientation

Vision researchers suspect that people who do not need maps to find their way may be remembering visual landmarks. To test this theory, the scientists are having volunteers navigate through a virtual ... > watch video

Voting Machines: Make Your Vote Count!
Engineers Establish Accuracy and Usability Standards

Human-factors engineers, along with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a rigorous, standardized test for all electronic voting machines -- whose error rate is ... > watch video

Virtual Reality Field Trips
Psychologists, Human-Factors Engineers Design Computer-Generated Educational Outings

Psychologists Janis Cannon-Bowers and Alicia Sanchez are part of the team that created virtual reality field trips -- not just for fun, but to help children learn. Employing some of the latest ... > watch video

Virtual Human Body
An Interactive, 3D Voyage into Human Anatomy

Anatomists and biochemists have created a detailed virtual view of vital organs in the human body, down to the level of tissues and cells. The software recreates the visualization from a combination ... > watch video

Life-Sized Holograms
Computer Scientists Refine Hologram Technology, Usher In Host of New Applications

New hologram technology is producing some of the most accurate and realistic 3D images ever made, making them potentially useful for new applications from car design to city planning. The new ... > watch video

Targeting Cancer in 3D
Medical Physicists Improve Vision for Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy requires visualizing exactly where a tumor is located, usually from looking at hundreds of different X-ray , CT or PET scan images. A new system patches together 2D images into one ... > watch video

Science or Art?
Musician Puts Love for Computer Science into Minimalist Synthesizer

Recycled CD cases become bare-bones music players with the addition of a simple microchip and handful of other components, in a creation by a New York University graduate student in interactive ... > watch video

Dancing With Robots
Robotic Camera Will Take Motion X-Rays by Following Patients' Movements

... > watch video

Wireless Wonders
Computer Engineers Improve Wireless Networks by Making Users Connect Through Each Other

Several cities, including Philadelphia and San Francisco, are considering installing city-wide wireless internet connections of a new generation. These so-called wireless mesh networks will enable ... > watch video

Forest Robot Fleet
Electrical Engineers Monitor Environment with Robotic Sensors

Fleets of robotic sensors, networking through thin cables, can track environmental changes such as biogeochemical cycles or loss of biodiversity, helping to manage wild lands. The technology is the ... > watch video

Save Energy at Your PC
Energy Scientists Propose Color-Coding Standard for PC Sleep Mode

Different computers use different indicator lights to signal that they are in energy-saving, or "sleep" mode. Users are often unsure if their PC is truly saving energy, rather than just turning its ... > watch video

Sports Injury Prevention & Performance
3D Imaging System Helps Athletes Recover from Injuries

A new computer-based system gives physical therapists real-time, objective measures of the motion of each joint in the patient's body. The system uses magnetic trackers to read the positions of ... > watch video

Board Games of the Future
Computer Engineers Bring a Bit of Virtual Reality to a Holiday Tradition

In a new kind of hybrid board/video game machine, a 30-inch LCD screen embedded in a table displays the board and uses infrared sensors to detect how the players move their pieces. The system ... > watch video

Detecting Deadly Chemicals
Computer Scientists Develop Portable Evidence-Gathering Tool

Investigators on a crime scene can now use a new tool for collecting chemical or biological samples. The sampler gun collects samples on a cotton pad -- eliminating direct contact with anything ... > watch video


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Summaries | Headlines

Transparent Transistors To Bring Future Displays, 'E-paper' (June 26, 2007) -- Researchers have used nanotechnology to create transparent transistors and circuits, a step that promises a broad range of applications, from e-paper and flexible color screens for consumer ... > full story

American Psychiatric Association Considers 'Video Game Addiction' (June 26, 2007) -- Several media outlets have reported on an upcoming vote of the American Medical Association (AMA), which could recommend that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) consider including "video game ... > full story

Using Computerized Sense Of Touch Over Long Distances: Haptics For Industrial Applications (June 22, 2007) -- Firstly, what is "Haptics"? This term means "of or relating to the sense of touch." Haptic technology, or haptics, refers to the technology that connects the user to a computerized system via the ... > full story

Scientists Create Electron Surf Machine (June 13, 2007) -- Scientists have found a new way to control the movement of individual electrons -- they are making them ride the crests of energy waves like ... > full story

New Quantum Key System Combines Speed, Distance (June 11, 2007) -- Researchers have built a prototype high-speed quantum key distribution system, based on a new detector system that achieves dramatically lower noise levels than similar ... > full story

Silicon Nanowires Upgrade Data-storage Technology (June 11, 2007) -- Scientists have fabricated a memory device that combines silicon nanowires with a more traditional type of data-storage. Their hybrid structure may be more reliable than other nanowire-based memory ... > full story

Virtual Nature Via Video Raises Concerns For Conservation (June 1, 2007) -- Biologists have found that in addition to promoting an unhealthy lifestyle, the rising use of video games correlates with a reduction in outdoor nature experiences, and experiencing only "virtual ... > full story

First 4D Virtual Human Created, Dubbed CAVEman (May 28, 2007) -- Scientists have created the world's first complete object-oriented computer model of a human body. The 4D human atlas, dubbed the CAVEman by the team who created it, allows scientists to literally ... > full story

Video Gaming Magazines' Depictions Of Male Strength Influences Boys (May 22, 2007) -- Researchers have found a surprising cultural influence on some boys' drive for muscularity. In a new study researchers discovered that exposure to video gaming magazines has a stronger influence on ... > full story

Walk Like An Egyptian -- Or A Roman: Experience What The Past Really Looked Like (May 15, 2007) -- Computer scientists and cultural heritage researchers are assessing whether today's increasingly sophisticated 3-D computer technology can be combined with the most recent historical evidence to ... > full story

Retinal Implants May Be Significantly Enhanced With New Software (April 13, 2007) -- Neural computation scientists have created a software system that is hoped to improve the function of retinal implants significantly: With the aid of the software, the visual prosthesis "learns" to ... > full story

Virtual Research On Earthquake Resistant Structures (April 12, 2007) -- The powerful earthquake struck suddenly, shaking the seven-story building so hard it bent, cracked and swayed in ... > full story

< more recent summaries | earlier summaries >

User interface design -- User interface design or user interface engineering is the design of computers, gadgets, appliances, machines, mobile communication devices, software applications, and websites with the focus on the ... > full article

Graphical user interface -- A graphical user interface (or GUI, often pronounced "gooey"), is a particular case of user interface for interacting with a computer which employs graphical images and widgets in addition to text to ... > full article

3D computer graphics -- 3D computer graphics are works of graphic art that were created with the aid of digital computers and specialized 3D software. In general, the term may also refer to the process of creating such ... > full article

Application software -- Application software is a loosely defined subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly to a task that the user wishes to ... > full article

Scientific visualization -- Scientific and Information visualization are branches of computer graphics and user interface which are concerned with the presentation of interactive or animated digital images to users to ... > full article

Computer-generated imagery -- Computer-generated imagery (CGI) is the application of the field of computer graphics (or more specifically, 3D computer graphics) to special effects. CGI is used in films, television programs and ... > full article

Streaming media -- Streaming media is media that is consumed (read, heard, viewed) while it is being delivered. Streaming is more a property of the delivery system than the media ... > full article

Webcast -- The word webcast is derived from "web" and "broadcast". Its use has varied over the past decade by different types of organisation and as the nature of the medium came into public ... > full article

Computer software -- Software is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system (hardware). This includes application software such as a word processor, ... > full article

Computer animation -- Computer animation is the art of creating moving images via the use of computers. It is a subfield of computer graphics and animation. Increasingly it is created by means of 3D computer graphics, ... > full article

Webcam -- A web camera (or webcam) is a real time camera whose images can be accessed using the World Wide Web, instant messaging, or a PC video calling ... > full article

Videoconferencing -- A videoconference (also known as a videoteleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions ... > full article

Fractal -- A fractal is a geometric object which is rough or irregular on all scales of length, and therefore appears to be 'broken up' in a radical way. Fractals of many kinds were originally studied as ... > full article

Computer and video games -- A computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment. A video game is essentially the same form of entertainment, but ... > full article

Computing -- Originally, the word computing was synonymous with counting and calculating, and a science that deals with the original sense of computing mathematical ... > full article

Ellipse -- In mathematics, an ellipse is a plane algebraic curve where the sum of the distances from any point on the curve to two fixed points is constant. An ellipse can be drawn with two pins, a loop of ... > full article

Graph drawing -- As a branch of graph theory, Graph drawing applies topology and geometry to derive two- and three-dimensional representations of graphs. Graph drawing is motivated by applications such as VLSI ... > full article

Computer -- A computer is a machine for manipulating data according to a list of instructions - a program. Computers can be extremely versatile. In fact, they are universal information processing machines. ... > full article

Instant messaging -- Instant messaging is the act of instantly communicating between two or more people over a network such as the ... > full article

Computer vision -- Computer vision is the science and technology of machines that see. As a scientific discipline, computer vision is concerned with the theory and technology for building artificial systems that obtain ... > full article

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