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Pregnant Women In The Dark On Prenatal Screening (January 8, 2007) -- Soon-to-be mums admit they feel "left in the dark" when it comes to being told about the possible implications of prenatal screening - tests which could lead them down a path where they have to make ... > full story

Interviewing Technique Reduces Risk For Binge Drinking, Unplanned Pregnancies (January 5, 2007) -- A University of Virginia Health System researcher and colleagues have just published findings showing that just a few targeted counseling sessions had a notably positive impact on women at high risk ... > full story

Malaria Poses Additional Risks For First-time Mothers (December 29, 2006) -- Preeclampsia is thought to be more common in parts of the world where there is a serious malaria problem and it has often been speculated that there might be a connection. Malaria is more common in a ... > full story

Maternal Diet During Pregnancy Can Impact Offspring For Generations, Study Shows (December 28, 2006) -- Children's Hospital and Research Center, Oakland, Calif., scientists are the first to show that maternal diet during pregnancy can impact obesity, diabetes and cancer issues in offspring for ... > full story

Dangerous Parasite Gains New Attention In Battles Against AIDS, Bioterrorism (December 26, 2006) -- Montana State University researchers and their collaborators are gaining widespread attention for discoveries involving a common parasite that can threaten everyone from babies to AIDS patients. ... > full story

Fish Oil Supplements For Pregnant Moms Boost Kids' Hand-eye Coordination (December 26, 2006) -- Fish oil supplements given to pregnant mothers boost the hand-eye coordination of their babies as toddlers, reveals a small study published ahead of print in the Archives of Disease in Childhood ... > full story

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Doubles Risk Of Pregnancy Complications (December 26, 2006) -- Inflammatory bowel disease roughly doubles the chances of pregnancy complications, reveals research published ahead of print in Gut. Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD for short, is an umbrella term ... > full story

Protection Against Cancer May Begin During Pregnancy, Nursing (December 24, 2006) -- Pregnant and nursing women who eat generous amounts of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage could help protect their children from cancer, both as infants and later in life. A new study ... > full story

Risk Of Spina Bifida Associated With Choline Metabolism Genes, But Unrelated To Choline Intake (December 22, 2006) -- A new study finds an association between two genes involved in choline metabolism and the risk of spina bifida. The study, published in the open access journal BMC Medicine, also shows that this ... > full story

One Gene 90 Percent Responsible For Making Common Parasite Dangerous (December 16, 2006) -- More than a decade of searching for factors that make the common parasite Toxoplasma gondii dangerous to humans has pinned 90 percent of the blame on just one of the parasite's approximately 6,000 ... > full story

Young Women Unfamiliar With Safety, Effectiveness Of IUD (December 16, 2006) -- The IUD might be one of the best-kept birth control secrets for young women, according to researchers at the University of Rochester Medical ... > full story

Incontinence A Common Postnatal Problem (December 13, 2006) -- Almost a quarter of all mothers have problems with exertion incontinence one year after childbirth, according to a new doctoral thesis from Karolinska Institutet. However, despite many physical ... > full story

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Gynecologic hemorrhage -- Gynecologic hemorrhage represents exessive bleeding of the female reproductive ... > full article

Miscarriage -- Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is the natural or accidental termination of a pregnancy at a stage where the embryo or the fetus is incapable of surviving, generally defined at a gestation of ... > full article

Stillbirth -- A stillbirth occurs when a fetus, of mid-second trimester to full term gestational age, which has died in the womb or during labour or delivery, exits the maternal ... > full article

Maternal bond -- The maternal bond is typically the relationship between a mother and her child. While it typically occurs due to pregnancy and childbirth, it may also occur between a woman and an unrelated child, ... > full article

Pregnancy -- Pregnancy is the carrying of one or more embryos or fetuses by female mammals, including humans, inside their bodies. In a pregnancy, there can be multiple gestations (for example, in the case of ... > full article

Fertility -- Fertility is the ability of people or animals to produce healthy offspring in abundance, and of the earth to bear fruit. Human fertility depends on factors of nutrition, sexual behavior, culture, ... > full article

Colostrum -- Colostrum (also known as beestings or first milk) is a form of milk produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy and the few days after giving birth. Colostrum is high in carbohydrates, protein ... > full article

Nutrition and pregnancy -- Nutrition and pregnancy refers to the nutrient intake, and dietary planning that is undertook before, during and after pregnancy. Not only have physical disorders been linked with ill-nutrition ... > full article

Birth weight -- Birth weight is the weight of a baby at its birth. It has direct links with the gestational age at which the child was born and can be estimated during the pregnancy by measuring fundal ... > full article

Childbirth -- Childbirth (also called labour, birth, partus or parturition) is the culmination of a human pregnancy with the emergence of a newborn infant from its mother's uterus. A woman is considered to be in ... > full article

The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy
Beginning with the "10 Greatest Lies About Pregnancy" (number 10: Lamaze works), and ending with postpartum dementia, Vicki Iovine's Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy has fast become the laywoman's ... > read more

Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth
Brimming with the author's signature frankness and humor, a no-holds-barred account of what you can really expect when you're expecting. Oh, the joys of pregnancy! There's the gasiness, ... > read more

The Pregnancy Journal: A Day To Day Guide To A Healthy And Happy Pregnancy
Whether this is pregnancy number 1 or number 10, nothing makes it easier to connect with a growing baby than knowing exactly what magical development is happening every day. Filling the need for ... > read more

Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health (Revised Edition)
This comprehensive book explains in lucid, assured terms how to practice the fertility awareness method (FAM), a natural, scientifically proven but little-known form of birth control (which is not to ... > read more

My Boys Can Swim!: The Official Guy's Guide to Pregnancy
Finally—A Pregnancy Book That Won't Put Men to SleepMy Boys Can Swim! tells real men everything they really want to know about pregnancy, such as: How much is it going to cost? Why does your ... > read more

What to Expect When You're Expecting Pregnancy Organizer
Marrying the friendly authority of What to Expect When You're Expecting with the ease-of-use of a daily planner, here is a companion for every stage of pregnancy. It's a complete planner, and ... > read more

The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies
For thousands of years, Chinese women have trusted traditional Chinese medicine to help them conceive. A recent medical study found that women who augmented Western fertility treatments with TCM, ... > read more

Your Pregnancy Week by Week, Fifth Edition
Pregnancy should be a time of wonder and hope, but these days, it's associated more often with paranoia. Dr. Glade Curtis is keenly aware of the anxieties heaped upon expectant women: he has ... > read more

Before Your Pregnancy: A 90 Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy Conception
Before Your Pregnancy is a breakthrough book for prospective parents—a completely detailed resource that prepares mothers and fathers-to-be to conceive the healthiest baby possible, to make ... > read more

What to Expect When You're Expecting, Third Edition
Eighteen years after it first hit the shelves and having sold more than 10 million copies, What to Expect When You're Expecting is still on nearly every mother-to-be's reading list. This completely ... > read more

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