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Brain Studies Reveal Mechanisms Of Voluntary Control Of Visual Attention (January 5, 2007) -- Neuroscientists at Duke University have mapped the timing and sequence of neural activations that unfold in the brain when people focus their attention on specific locations in their visual ... > full story

Paying Attention Sets Off Symphony Of Cell Synchronization (December 26, 2006) -- A Northwestern University study uses a new strategy to show precisely how paying attention alters brain activity. Digging deep to summon that extra ounce of attention engages a symphony of brain ... > full story

The Nose Knows: How Your Brain Helps You Become A Wine Expert (December 24, 2006) -- You don't need to sign up for pricey wine appreciation classes to parse the subtle difference between the bouquet of a pinot noir and a cabernet. Just pour yourself a couple glasses and sniff. Your ... > full story

On The Golf Tee Or Pitcher's Mound, Brain Dooms Motion To Inconsistency (December 22, 2006) -- If you've ever wondered why your golf swings, fastballs or free throws don't quite turn out the same way each time, even after years of practice, there is now an answer: It's mostly in your head. ... > full story

How Learning Influences Smell (December 21, 2006) -- The smell of an odor is not merely a result of chemical detection but is also influenced by what the smeller learns about the odor. Now, researchers have discovered how such "perceptual learning" ... > full story

Pioneers In Field Of Functional Genomics Work Toward Gene Therapy For Vision Defects (December 20, 2006) -- For millennia anglers have wondered how fish see colors, and the rainbow of lures in every bait shop reveal that we're still guessing. But, in fish, reptiles and birds, that's all we can do for now, ... > full story

Sniffers Show That Humans Can Track Scents, And That Two Nostrils Are Better Than One (December 20, 2006) -- Do animals use their two nostrils to locate scents in the same way they use two ears to locate sounds? UC Berkeley neuroscientists Noam Sobel and Jess Porter set out to test that question, using ... > full story

Clinical Factors Of Tinnitus Influence Perceived Loudness And Annoyance (December 20, 2006) -- Clinical characteristics of tinnitus such as duration, consistency and other factors influence the way individuals perceive loudness and annoyance associated with the condition, according to a report ... > full story

Researchers Find Biological Clock For Smell In Mice (December 19, 2006) -- Biologists at Washington University in St. Louis have discovered a large biological clock in the smelling center of mice brains and have revealed that the sense of smell for mice is stronger at ... > full story

Memory Experts Show Sleeping Rats May Have Visual Dreams (December 19, 2006) -- Memories of our life stories may be reinforced while we sleep, MIT researchers report December 17 in the advance online edition of Nature ... > full story

Drug Treatment Slows Macular Vision Loss In Diabetics (December 15, 2006) -- A drug commonly used to slow the loss of central vision has shown promise in stemming a common precursor of blindness in diabetics, which involves the same central light-sensitive area of retina, ... > full story

Novel Brain Areas Associated With The Recognition Of Gender, Ethnicity And The Identity Of Faces (December 14, 2006) -- Researchers in Southern California have isolated brain regions that respond selectively to the cues of gender, ethnicity and identity in ... > full story

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Sensory system -- A sensory system is a part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information. A sensory system consists of sensory receptors, neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in ... > full article

Peripheral vision -- Peripheral vision is a part of vision that occurs outside the very center of gaze. There is in actuality a very broad set of non-central points in the field of view that is included in the notion of ... > full article

Motion perception -- Motion perception is the process of inferring the speed and direction of objects that move in a visual scene given some visual input. While this process appears straighforward to most observers, it ... > full article

Olfaction -- Olfaction, the sense of odor (smell), is the detection of chemicals dissolved in air (or in water, by animals that live under water). In vertebrates smells are sensed by the olfactory epithelium ... > full article

Alpha wave -- Alpha waves are electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of 8-12 Hzへるつ arising from synchronous and coherent (in phase / constructive) electrical activity of large groups of neurons in the ... > full article

Visual perception -- Visual perception is one of the senses, consisting of the ability to detect light and interpret (see) it as the perception known as sight or naked eye vision. Vision has a specific sensory system, ... > full article

Sensory neuron -- Sensory neurons are nerve cells within the nervous system responsible for converting external stimuli from the organism's environment into internal electrical impulses. For example, some sensory ... > full article

Hearing impairment -- A hearing impairment is a decrease in one's ability to hear (i.e. perceive auditory information). While some cases of hearing loss are reversible with medical treatment, many lead to a permanent ... > full article

Auditory system -- The auditory system is the sensory system for the sense of hearing. The sound waves enter the ear canal, a simple tube (but one which amplifies sounds that are between 3 and 12 kHzきろへるつ). At the far end ... > full article

Psychophysics -- Psychophysics is an interdisciplinary field occupying the intersection between cognitive psychology and experimental psychology and dealing with the relationship between physical stimuli and their ... > full article

Mind Hacks : Tips & Tricks for Using Your Brain (Hacks)
The brain is a fearsomely complex information-processing environment--one that often eludes our ability to understand it. At any given time, the brain is collecting, filtering, and analyzing ... > read more

Statistics for Dummies
Work through real-world problems From mean to median to probability understand the terms and crunch the numbers with ease Stymied by statistics? No fear this friendly guide offers clear, practical ... > read more

Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing
Revised and updated with a vibrant new two-color interior design, this third edition of the best-selling Anatomy and Physiology of Speech, Language, and Hearing continues to make anatomy and ... > read more

Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (7th Edition)
KEY BENEFIT: Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Seventh Edition featuresenhancements to its award-winning art program and time-saving pedagogy. The coordination between narrative discussions and ... > read more

Introduction to Human Factors Engineering (2nd Edition)
This book describes the capabilities and limitations of the human operator—both physical and mental—and how these should be used to guide the design of systems with which people interact. ... > read more

The Singing Life of Birds : The Art and Science of Listening to Birdsong
Listen to birds sing as you"ve never listened before, as the world-renowned birdsong expert Donald Kroodsma takes you on personal journeys of discovery and intrigue. Read stories of wrens and ... > read more

Inventory Accuracy: People, Processes, & Technology
Inventory accuracy starts with an understanding of the conditions under which errors occur and ends with error-resistant processes, intelligent use of technology, a well-trained and highly motivated ... > read more

Forensic Facial Reconstruction
This book's major contributions include a detailed description of the Manchester method of facial reconstruction, using all the available published data on tissue depths and variation with age, sex, ... > read more

Life's Missing Instruction Manual : The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth
Bestselling author and marketing guru Joe Vitale offers insights and life lessons for achieving success In the simple, straightforward tone of an instructional manual, this little book offers big ... > read more

Human Error
Modern technology has now reached a point where improved safety can only be achieved through a better understanding of human error mechanisms. In its treatment of major accidents, the book spans the ... > read more

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