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Astronomers Detect Black Hole In Tiny 'Dwarf' Galaxy (January 8, 2007) -- Astronomers have found evidence of a supermassive black hole at the heart of a dwarf elliptical galaxy about 54 million light years away from the Milky Way galaxy where Earth ... > full story

Hubble Maps The Cosmic Web Of 'Clumpy' Dark Matter In 3-D (January 8, 2007) -- An international team of astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has created a three-dimensional map that provides the first direct look at the large-scale distribution of dark matter in the ... > full story

Astronomers Discover New Kind Of Black Hole Explosion (December 29, 2006) -- Scientists have discovered what appears to be a new kind of cosmic explosion -- a "hybrid gamma-ray burst" -- which will be the subject of four articles to be published in the journal Nature on 21 ... > full story

The Universe's Dark Side: New Way To Form Black Hole Uncovered (December 28, 2006) -- Nature has again thrown astronomers for a loop. Just when they thought they understood how gamma-ray bursts formed, they have uncovered what appears to be evidence for a new kind of cosmic explosion. ... > full story

New Kind Of Black Hole Explosion Discovered (December 20, 2006) -- Scientists using NASA data are studying a newly recognized type of cosmic explosion called a hybrid gamma-ray burst. As with other gamma-ray bursts, this hybrid blast is likely signaling the birth of ... > full story

European Spacecraft To Detect Exoplanets Orbiting Around Other Stars And Probe Mysteries Of Stellar Interiors (December 20, 2006) -- On December 27, COROT is to be launched into space on a unique astronomy mission: its twin goals are to detect exoplanets orbiting around other stars and to probe the mysteries of stellar interiors ... > full story

NASA Telescope Picks Up Glow Of Universe's First Objects (December 18, 2006) -- New observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope strongly suggest that infrared light detected in a prior study originated from clumps of the very first objects of the universe. The recent data ... > full story

The Rise of a Giant: European Extremely Large Telescope Will Probe The Universe (December 18, 2006) -- The future of European astronomy is poised to enter a new era of discovery with the decision announced by ESO's governing body to proceed with detailed studies for the European Extremely Large ... > full story

Giant Radio Telescope Imaging Could Make Dark Matter Visible (December 14, 2006) -- The stars and gas which are seen in galaxies account for only a few percent of the gravitating material in the Universe. Most of the rest has remained stubbornly invisible and is now thought to be ... > full story

New Math Technique Opens Clearer Window On Universe (December 11, 2006) -- A fast, efficient image enhancement technique developed at NIST and originally applied to improving monochrome microscope images has proved itself equally effective at the other end of the scale -- ... > full story

NASA Telescope Sees Black Hole Munch On A Star (December 5, 2006) -- A giant black hole has been caught red-handed dipping into a cosmic cookie jar of stars by NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer. This is the first time astronomers have seen the whole process of a black ... > full story

The Topsy-turvy Galaxy (November 28, 2006) -- ESO's VLT has taken an image of the starburst galaxy NGC 1313, whose captivating appearance belies its inner turmoil. The dense clustering of bright stars and gas in its arms, a sign of an ongoing ... > full story

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Space observatory -- A space observatory is any instrument in outer space which is used for observation of distant planets, galaxies, and other outer space objects. A large number of observatories have been launched into ... > full article

European Southern Observatory -- The European Southern Observatory (ESO, also more formally the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere) is an intergovernmental research organisation for astronomy, ... > full article

Active optics -- Active optics is a relatively new technology for reflecting telescopes developed in the 1980s, which has more recently enabled the construction of a generation of telescopes with 8 metre primary ... > full article

Telescope -- A telescope is an instrument designed for the observation of remote objects. The term usually refers to optical telescopes, but there are telescopes for most of the spectrum of electromagnetic ... > full article

Green Bank Telescope -- The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) is the world's largest fully mobile radio telescope. It is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) at Green Bank, West Virginia ... > full article

Compton Gamma Ray Observatory -- The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) was the second of the NASA "Great Observatories" to be launched to space, following the Hubble Space Telescope. The observatory was launched on the Space ... > full article

Radio telescope -- A radio telescope is a form of radio receiver used in astronomy. In contrast to an "ordinary" telescope, which receives visible light, a radio telescope "sees" radio waves emitted by radio sources, ... > full article

Barred spiral galaxy -- A barred spiral galaxy is a spiral galaxy with a band of bright stars emerging from the center and running across the middle of the ... > full article

Chandra X-ray Observatory -- Chandra X-ray Observatory is a satellite launched on STS-93 by NASA on July 23, 1999. It was named in honor of Indian-American physicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar who is known for determining the ... > full article

Astrophysics -- Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties (luminosity, density, temperature and chemical composition) of astronomical ... > full article

Physics for Scientists and Engineers (3rd Edition)
Physics for Scientists and Engineers combines outstanding pedagogy with a clear and direct narrative and applications that draw the reader into the physics. The new edition features an unrivaled ... > read more

Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd edition (Space Technology Library) (Space Technology Library)
This practical handbook for Space Mission Engineering draws on leading aerospace experts to carry readers through mission design, from orbit selection to ground ops. SMAD III updates the technology, ... > read more

Building Electro-Optical Systems: Making It All Work
While most books on electro-optical systems concentrate on an individual subfield, this one presents an overview of the whole field, providing researchers with working knowledge of a number of ... > read more

The Production of Space
Henri Lefebvre has considerable claims to be the greatest living philosopher. His work spans some sixty years and includes original work on a diverse range of subjects, from dialectical materialism ... > read more

Riding Rockets : The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut
On February 1, 1978, the first group of space shuttle astronauts, twenty-nine men and six women, were introduced to the world. Among them would be history makers, including the first American woman ... > read more

DietMinder Personal Food & Fitness Journal (A Food and Exercise Diary)
The DietMinder is a deluxe food diary with plenty of room to record quantities and food counts (calories, fat, carbs, protein, etc.) of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. A special area for daily ... > read more

Continuing in the bestselling tradition of Animal and Earth, DK brings you Universe - a truly definitive guide that takes you on a tour from the Solar System to the farthest limits of ... > read more

A Briefer History of Time
Stephen Hawking’s worldwide bestseller, A Brief History of Time, has been a landmark volume in scientific writing. Its author’s engaging voice is one reason, and the compelling subjects ... > read more

First Man : The Life of Neil A. Armstrong
On July 20, 1969, the world stood still to watch thirty-eight-year-old American astronaut Neil A. Armstrong become the first person ever to step on the surface of another heavenly body. Perhaps no ... > read more

Men's Health Home Workout Bible: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Burning Fat and Building Muscle
Get bigger biceps, broad shoulders, a bigger bench press, powerful legs, cut abs . . . without ever leaving your home! The body you want, in the space you have. The strength you want, with the ... > read more

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