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Predicting the Weather: Getting It Right!
Meteorologists Are Getting Better at Forecasting

The U.S. experiences more severe storms than any other country in the world. Recent improvements in forecasting technology -- especially in computer simulations have brought five-day weather ... > watch video

Hurricanes: Predicting 2006
Meteorologists, Atmospheric Scientists Perfect Next-Generation Weather Simulation

Three category-5 hurricanes hit the U.S. in 2005 -- a record. Weather forecasters now hope to reduce the loss of lives caused by hurricanes with better computer modeling. With more precise ... > watch video

Predicting Major Weather Disasters
Disaster Experts Map Risk Across the Nation

Disaster experts including meteorologists and seismologists have identified the types of catastrophic events the United States is most likely to face, quantifying the risk of earthquakes, urban ... > watch video

Hurricanes: Inside the Storm
Meteorologists, Atmospheric Scientists Fly Through Storms to Gather Data

During hurricane season, scientists fly aboard NOAA aircraft to pinpoint the precise path of the eye of a storm, and to take data to send back to the National Hurricane Center. The planes are now ... > watch video

Summer Forecast: La Niņa
Cool Pacific Waters May Not Affect Upcoming Hurricane Season

Like their more dramatic cousins El Niños, La Niñas -- the periodic cooling of ocean waters -- can have a dramatic impact on hurricanes, meteorologists say. The current La Niña, ... > watch video

Heat and Health Alert
Meteorologists Can Now Issue Precise Local Excessive-Heat Warnings

Heat kills more people than tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning and flash floods -- combined. The National Weather Service now gives heat-wave warnings to better forecast local conditions for 16 ... > watch video

Scientist Profile: Young Hurricane Expert
Meteorologist Will Take Lead in Issuing Closely Watched Forecasts

Bill Gray, the lead author of closely-watched seasonal hurricane forecasts, is passing the torch to his collaborator Phil Klotzbach, a man whose accomplishments are all the more surprising ... > watch video

Aerosols and Pollution
Late NASA Scientist Linked Aerosols to Cloud Formation

A NASA scientist, who died recently, helped understand how the color of aerosols determines its role in cloud formation. Light-colored aerosols -- such as those that predominantly occur in nature -- ... > watch video

Mission for NASA
Students Help Meteorologists Make Sense of Satellite Radar Data

One hundred schools in 11 countries are participating in a program to help NASA calibrate the measurements from CloudSat, a remote-sensing satellite. Students record the type of clouds and ... > watch video

Heads Up on Severe Weather
Atmospheric Scientists Can Now Predict Storm Formation

A new weather warning system can alert airplane pilots when a thunderstorm is likely to form along their route within the next hour. It uses satellite infrared imaging to detect when cloud tops are ... > watch video

New Tornado Scale
Meteorologists, Wind Engineers Standardize Fujita Scale

The Fujita Scale rates tornadoes based on the damage inflicted upon buildings, so accurate rating requires knowing how resistant buildings were in the first place. Starting February 2007, the ... > watch video

Wind Farms Impacting Weather
Environmental Engineers Detect Turbines' Turbulence Effects

Wind farms may have an impact on local weather patterns. As environmental engineers have discovered, wind farm propellers create a lot of turbulence in their wake, mixing air up and down with effects ... > watch video

Rip Current Secrets Revealed
Oceanographers Uncover The Physics Of Rip Currents

Rip currents flow in very erratic patterns, not in steady courses as previously believed -- which may help explain why they can be so dangerous even for experienced swimmers. Oceanographers have ... > watch video

Greener Grass, Less Water
Scientist Measures Land Used by Lawns

Using census data, satellite images, aerial photographs, and computer simulations, a NASA scientist estimated that turf grass is the single-largest irrigated crop in the United States, three times ... > watch video

Harder Rain, More Snow
Meteorologists See Future of Increasingly Extreme Weather Events

While raising average global temperatures, climate change could also bring more snow, harder rain, or heat waves, meteorologists say. Computer models based on climate data from nine countries ... > watch video

Forecasting Aftershocks
U.S.G.S., Caltech Seismologists Develop Online Tool to Predict Aftershocks

With a new online map, scientists can better forecast when and where aftershocks may happen. The maps calculate information based on historical earthquake patterns and known behavior of aftershocks. ... > watch video

Building Better Dams
Civil Engineers Learn from Dutch Flood Barrier System

A group of U.S. civil engineers and city officials went on a recent trip to the Netherlands -- a country much of which is below sea level -- to study the country's storm surge barrier system. The ... > watch video

Meteorologists Describe Little-Known Giant Windstorms

Derechos are elongated, straight-lined windstorms that often have bands of rapidly moving thunderstorms associated with it. These little-known atmospheric phenomena often stretch for hundred of miles ... > watch video

Fire Sensors
Ecologists Deploy Wireless Sensors for Early Detection of Wildfires

New fire-sensing devices can spot a fire in its earliest stages, up to six miles away, and they can relay the information to emergency responders through a computer network and even automatically ... > watch video

Ranking Winter Storms
Meteorologists' New Scale Will Help in Emergency Planning

Those who live in the Northeaster United States will be able to plan ahead for major storms thanks to a new ranking scale that predicts not only how many inches of snow will fall, but also how long ... > watch video


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Did Dust Bust The 2006 Hurricane Season Forecasts? (March 28, 2007) -- A recent NASA study suggests that tiny dust particles may have foiled forecasts that the 2006 hurricane season would be another active ... > full story

Lake Superior Summer Temperatures Rising Faster Than Regional Air Temperatures (March 23, 2007) -- A new analysis of data from buoys, weather stations, and historical ice records indicates that summer surface temperatures of Lake Superior have increased approximately 2.5 degrees C since 1979, ... > full story

Global Warming Could Be Reversing A Trend That Led To Bigger Human Brains (March 23, 2007) -- Early humans developed larger brains as they adapted to colder climates, according to University at Albany ... > full story

Dry Winters In North Mediterranean Stoke Hot European Summers (March 22, 2007) -- Shortages of winter rainfall over southern Europe precede hot summers further north on the continent, a new study ... > full story

Rocket Launches To Examine Alaskan Auroras (March 17, 2007) -- It may have been 40 degrees below zero at the Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska, but aurora and weather came together one recent winter night in a perfect match for Clemson University researchers ... > full story

Global December-February Temperature Warmest On Record (March 16, 2007) -- NOAA reports that February's combined global land and ocean surface temperature was the sixth warmest on record, but a strong El Nino in January helped push the winter to its highest value since ... > full story

Global 'Sunscreen' Has Likely Thinned, Report NASA Scientists (March 16, 2007) -- A new NASA study has found that an important counter-balance to the warming of our planet by greenhouse gases -- sunlight blocked by dust, pollution and other aerosol particles -- appears to have ... > full story

NASA Peers Deep Inside Hurricanes (March 14, 2007) -- Determined to understand why some storms grow into hurricanes while others fizzle, NASA scientists recently looked deep into thunderstorms off the African coast using satellites and ... > full story

Airborne Pollutants Know No Borders (March 12, 2007) -- Mounting evidence suggests that gas and aerosol pollutants are routinely transported by winds across and between continents and can affect the air and climate of areas far from their ... > full story

Pollution From China And India Affecting World's Weather (March 7, 2007) -- Severe pollution from the Far East is almost certainly affecting the weather near you, says a Texas A&M; University researcher who has studied the problem and has published a landmark paper on the ... > full story

NASA Detects Trends In Rainfall Traits From Drizzles To Downpours (March 6, 2007) -- Detection of long-term global rainfall has been considered a "mission impossible," yet the need to know whether trends in rainfall exist is urgent because of how enormously it affects people ... > full story

Corals That Can Fight Global Warming May One Day Help Fragile Reefs (March 5, 2007) -- Global warming is threatening corals, reported Cornell's Drew Harvell at the AAAS meeting February 18. But some corals can fight diseases as temperatures rise and may provide clues in how to protect ... > full story

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Numerical weather prediction -- Numerical weather prediction is the science of predicting the weather using "models" of the atmosphere and computational techniques. Manipulating the huge datasets and performing the complex ... > full article

Storm Prediction Center -- The Storm Prediction Center is responsible for forecasting (identifying, describing, and quantifying) the risk of severe weather caused by severe convective storms (specifically, those producing ... > full article

National Hurricane Center -- The U.S. National Hurricane Center is the division of National Weather Service's Tropical Prediction Center responsible for tracking and predicting the likely behavior of tropical depressions, ... > full article

Doppler radar -- Doppler radar uses the Doppler effect to measure the relative velocity information from a radar system. The Doppler effect shifts the frequency of the radar reflection based on the relative velocity ... > full article

Derecho -- A derecho is a widespread and long-lived, violent convectively induced windstorm that is associated with a fast-moving band of severe thunderstorms usually taking the form of a bow echo. Derechos are ... > full article

Weather forecasting -- Weather forecasting is the application of current technology and science to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time and a given location. Weather forecasts are made by collecting as ... > full article

Meteorology -- Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and forecasting. Meteorological phenomena are observable weather events which illuminate and are explained by ... > full article

National Weather Service -- The National Weather Service (NWS) is one of the six scientific agencies that make up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States government. It is tasked with ... > full article

Waterspout -- A waterspout is an intense columnar vortex (usually appearing as a funnel shaped cloud) that occurs over a body of water and is connected to a cumuliform cloud. In the common form, it is a ... > full article

Instrumental temperature record -- The instrumental temperature record shows the fluctuations of the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans since the invention of ... > full article

Climate -- The climate is the weather averaged over a long period of time. Weather is the combination of events in the atmosphere and climate is the overall accumulated weather in a certain location. Over ... > full article

Weather -- Weather is a term that encompasses phenomena in the atmosphere of a planet. The term is normally taken to mean the activity of these phenomena over short periods of time, usually no more than a few ... > full article

Severe weather terminology (United States) -- This article describes severe weather terminology used by the U.S. National Weather Service. The National Weather Service has developed a multi-tier concept for forecasting all types of hazardous ... > full article

Winter storm -- A winter storm is a type of precipitation in which the dominant varieties of precipitation are forms that only occur at cold temperatures, such as snow or sleet, or a rainstorm where ground ... > full article

Monsoon -- A monsoon is a periodic wind, especially in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia. The word is also used to label the season in which this wind blows from the southwest in India and adjacent areas that ... > full article

Precipitation (meteorology) -- In meteorology, precipitation is any form of water that falls from the sky as part of the weather to the ground. This includes snow, rain, sleet, freezing rain, hail, and virga. Precipitation is a ... > full article

Climate model -- Climate models use quantitative methods to simulate the interactions of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice. They are used for a variety of purposes from study of the dynamics of the ... > full article

Typhoon Tip -- Typhoon Tip was the most intense and largest tropical cyclone on record. The storm weakened greatly before landfall, but still caused widespread flood damage across most of Japan during the 1979 ... > full article

Storm surge -- A storm surge is an onshore rush of water associated with a low pressure weather system, typically a tropical cyclone. Storm surge is caused primarily by high winds pushing on the ocean's ... > full article

Storm chasing -- Storm chasing is broadly defined as the intentional pursuit of a thunderstorm, regardless of motive. A person who storm chases is known as a storm chaser, or simply a chaser. While witnessing a ... > full article

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