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AM - Police may strike to support Palm Island police charge
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Police may strike to support Palm Island police charge


AM - Saturday, 27 January , 2007  08:54:06

Reporter: Lindy Kerin

ELIZABETH JACKSON: But first, police officers across the state of Queensland are said to be furious and are threatening strike action, after news that one of their colleagues is likely to be charged with manslaughter over the death in custody of a Palm Island man two years ago.

Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley is expected to be charged in the next few days over the death of a 36-year-old Aboriginal man known as Mulrunji Doomadgee.

The deceased man's family has welcomed the decision, saying its delayed justice.

But the Queensland Police Union says officers working in remote Aboriginal communities are now worried about their safety.

Lindy Kerin reports.

LINDY KERIN: Mulrunji Doomadgee was arrested for public drunkenness in November 2004.

He was taken into custody and less than an hour later he was dead.

The Coroner found Mulrunji died after being punched and kicked by the arresting police officer Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley.

Last year, the Queensland Director of Public Prosecution's Leanne Clare ruled it was a "terrible accident" and that charges shouldn't be laid.

But the Former New South Wales' chief justice Sir Laurence Street reviewed that decision and disagreed.

Yesterday he said Chris Hurley should be charged with manslaughter and he believes there's a reasonable chance of conviction.

But the move to pursue charges against Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley has outraged the Queensland Police Union.

The Vice President Denis Fitzpatrick has warned the 9,000 strong members of the force could take strike action.

DENIS FITZPATRICK: Police right across this state are absolutely furious with this decision. Now throughout this whole fiasco, our members have remained silent for over two years, we will no longer be silent and over the next few days we'll consult with them over what actions they would like to take.

And I just want to say it's not just noisy minority groups who can march on the parliament

LINDY KERIN: Denis Fitzpatrick says the decision has caused concern among officers working in remote Aboriginal communities.

DENIS FITZPATRICK: There's already indications of things occurring within the Aboriginal community because the word is out there that this is imminent.

Some of our members have already been called murderers and they are particularly concerned, not only for themselves, but also for the families, and other white people in Aboriginal communities

LINDY KERIN: Senior Sergeant Hurley has been suspended from duties on full pay. The Union says it will vigorously defend the charges.

The lawyer representing the Doomadgee family Andrew Boe has called on police to rethink their position and allow the courts to resolve the case.

ANDREW BOE: The police have always watched the criminal justice system playing out for Indigenous offenders and finally, when the spotlight is back on one of their members, they are very critical of it.

I don't want actions being taken by various stakeholders which will now affect the quality of the trial this man has to face.

LINDY KERIN: Andrew Boe says rather than strike action, the police should begin working to improve relations with Indigenous communities.

ANDREW BOE: Let's be a little bit sophisticated about all this, leaving aside, the issue of criminal liability on the part of senior sergeant Hurley, a raft of issues were raised in this investigation which really pointed the focus at how poorly Indigenous communities are served by police officers.

Now is the time to look straight into the mirror and say, how can you improve this relationship?

ELIZABETH JACKSON: Solicitor Andrew Boe ending that report from Lindy Kerin.