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Scientists Unveil Piece Of HIV Protein That May Be Key To AIDS Vaccine Development (February 18, 2007) -- In a finding that could have profound implications for AIDS vaccine design, researchers led by a team at the NIAID have generated an atomic-level picture of a key portion of an HIV surface protein as ... > full story

Biochip Allows Genes To Express Themselves (February 18, 2007) -- Biochip platforms that work as artificial cells are attractive for medical diagnostics, interrogation of biological processes, and for the production of important biomolecules. In a major ... > full story

Protein Sensor For Fatty Acid Buildup In Mitochondria (February 16, 2007) -- Just as homes have smoke detectors, cells have an enzyme that responds to a buildup of fatty acids by triggering the production of a key molecule in the biochemical pathway that breaks down these ... > full story

Stem Cells Determine Their Daughters' Fate (February 16, 2007) -- From roundworm to human, most cells in an animal's body ultimately come from stem cells. When one of these versatile, unspecialized cells divides, the resulting "daughter" cell receives instructions ... > full story

Researchers Improve Soy Processing By Boosting Protein And Sugar Yields (February 16, 2007) -- In Iowa State University laboratory tests, adding ultrasonic treatment to soy processing has increased the release of soy proteins by 46 percent. The treatment has also boosted sugar yields by 50 ... > full story

'Regressive Evolution' In Cavefish: Natural Selection Or Genetic Drift (February 16, 2007) -- "Regressive evolution," or the reduction of traits over time, is the result of either natural selection or genetic drift, according to a study on cavefish by researchers at New York University's ... > full story

Out Of Africa -- Bacteria, As Well: Homo Sapiens And H. Pylori Jointly Spread Across The Globe (February 16, 2007) -- When man made his way out of Africa some 60,000 years ago to populate the world, he was not alone: He was accompanied by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis in many people ... > full story

Scientists See DNA Get 'Sunburned' For The First Time (February 16, 2007) -- For the first time, scientists have observed DNA being damaged by ultraviolet (UV) light. Chemists used a special technique to watch strands of DNA in the laboratory sustain damage in real time. They ... > full story

Paper Challenges Controversial Theories About Mode Of Formation Of Spinal Precursors (February 16, 2007) -- Tadahiro Iimura, Ph.D., senior research associate in the Pourquié Lab, is the lead author on a paper challenging controversial theories about the mode of formation of the vertebral column precursor, ... > full story

What Recognizes What In Plant Disease Resistance? (February 15, 2007) -- How do plant resistance gene recognize the cognate pathogen? These authors dissect the interaction of a resistance gene and a viral ... > full story

Rats' Senses A Whisker Away From Humans (February 15, 2007) -- The sophisticated way in which rats use their whiskers in their surrounding environments show significant parallels with how humans use their fingertips, according to new research carried out at the ... > full story

Protein Discovery Targets Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria; Model Could Be Used In New Treatments For Food Poisoning, Typhoid (February 15, 2007) -- A new type of protein discovered by Queen's University researchers may be useful in developing treatments for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as those that cause food poisoning and ... > full story

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Organelle -- In cell biology, an organelle is one of several structures with specialized functions, suspended in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell. Eukaryotes are the most structurally complex known cell type, ... > full article

Cell membrane -- A cell membrane, plasma membrane or plasmalemma is a selectively permeable lipid bilayer coated by proteins which comprises the outer layer of a cell. The plasma membrane works between the machinery ... > full article

Chloroplast -- Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells and eukaryotic algae that conduct photosynthesis. Chloroplasts absorb sunlight and use it in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide gas to produce ... > full article

Protein biosynthesis -- Protein biosynthesis (Synthesis) is the process in which cells build proteins. The term is sometimes used to refer only to protein translation but more often it refers to a multi-step process, ... > full article

Cell (biology) -- The cell is the structural and functional unit of all living organisms, and is sometimes called the "building block of life." Some organisms, such as bacteria, are unicellular, consisting of a single ... > full article

Plant cell -- There are three major classes of plant cells that can then differentiate to form the tissue structures of roots, stems, and leaves. (The three distinct types of plant cells are classified according ... > full article

Eukaryote -- A eukaryote is an organism with a complex cell or cells, in which the genetic material is organized into a membrane-bound nucleus or nuclei. Eukaryotes (also spelled "eucaryotes") comprise animals, ... > full article

Prokaryote -- Prokaryotes are organisms without a cell nucleus, or indeed any other membrane-bound organelles, in most cases unicellular (in rare cases, multicellular). This set of characteristics is distinct from ... > full article

Mitochondrion -- In cell biology, a mitochondrion (plural mitochondria) is an organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are sometimes described as "cellular power plants," because their primary function ... > full article

RNA -- Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a nucleic acid polymer consisting of covalently bound nucleotides. RNA nucleotides contain ribose rings and uracil unlike deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which contains ... > full article

Cell and Molecular Biology : Concepts and Experiments
Now fully updated and revised, the new Fourth Edition of Cell and Molecular Biology not only offers you and your students all of the latest research, it also gives students the tools they need to ... > read more

Essential Cell Biology, Second Edition
Univ. of California, San Francisco. Textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students and provides a straightforward explanation of the workings of a living cell. Focuses on the way in ... > read more

The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles
The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology. Author Dr. Bruce Lipton is a former medical school professor and research scientist. His experiments, and those of other ... > read more

Short Protocols in Molecular Biology (Short Protocols in Molecular Biology)
Recently expanded to 2 volumes, Short Protocols in Molecular Biology, Fifth Edition, provides condensed descriptions of more than 700 methods compiled from Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. ... > read more

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants
Biochemistry Molecular Biology of Plants is a major contribution to the plant sciences literature, superbly edited by three distinguished scientists, Bob B. Buchanan, Wilhelm Gruissem, and Russell ... > read more

Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fourth Edition
...covers every important aspect in the field, from experimental techniques and basic concepts to reviews... excellent university course ... > read more

Disorders of Hemoglobin: Genetics, Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Disorders of Hemoglobin is the first comprehensive reference on the genetic and acquired disorders of hemoglobin in over a decade. It stands as the definitive work on the genetics, pathophysiology, ... > read more

Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (7th Edition)
KEY BENEFIT: Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Seventh Edition featuresenhancements to its award-winning art program and time-saving pedagogy. The coordination between narrative discussions and ... > read more

Introduction to Protein Structure
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Textbook on the atomic structures of proteins. For students. Includes colorful illustrations. Previous edition: c1991. Softcover, hardcover also ... > read more

Lung Cancer
Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related death in men, and in women, it has surpassed even breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2001, there will be about 169,500 ... > read more

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