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Magnetic Explosions In The Distant Universe (February 9, 2007) -- A new theory to explain the high-energy gamma-ray emissions from collapsing stars has been put forward by an international team of researchers. Their results will be published shortly in the Monthly ... > full story

Integral Sees The Galactic Centre Playing Hide And Seek (January 18, 2007) -- The European Space Agency's gamma ray observatory Integral has caught the centre of our galaxy in a moment of rare quiet. A handful of the most energetic high-energy sources surrounding the black ... > full story

Triple Interactions Of Supermassive Black Holes Found To Be Common In Early Universe (January 10, 2007) -- New cosmological computer simulations produced by a team of astronomers from Northwestern University, Harvard University and the University of Michigan show for the first time that supermassive black ... > full story

Chandra Discovers Light Echo From The Milky Way's Black Hole (January 10, 2007) -- Like cold case investigators, astronomers have used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to uncover evidence of a powerful outburst from the giant black hole at the Milky Way's ... > full story

Quasar Light Variability Linked To Black Hole Mass (January 10, 2007) -- Quasars are some of the most luminous and distant objects in the universe -- and appear to have something in common with ordinary light bulbs, say researchers at the University of Illinois at ... > full story

Astronomers Detect Black Hole In Tiny 'Dwarf' Galaxy (January 8, 2007) -- Astronomers have found evidence of a supermassive black hole at the heart of a dwarf elliptical galaxy about 54 million light years away from the Milky Way galaxy where Earth ... > full story

Black Hole Boldly Goes Where No Black Hole Has Gone Before (January 4, 2007) -- Astronomers have found a black hole where few thought they could ever exist, inside a globular star cluster. The finding has broad implications for the dynamics of stars clusters and also for the ... > full story

The Universe's Dark Side: New Way To Form Black Hole Uncovered (December 28, 2006) -- Nature has again thrown astronomers for a loop. Just when they thought they understood how gamma-ray bursts formed, they have uncovered what appears to be evidence for a new kind of cosmic explosion. ... > full story

No Matter Their Size Black Holes 'Feed' In The Same Way (December 28, 2006) -- Research by UK astronomers reveals that the processes at work in black holes of all sizes are the same and that supermassive black holes are simply scaled up versions of small Galactic black holes. ... > full story

New Type Of Massive Stellar Death (December 24, 2006) -- So far we have thought that the signature of the death of a massive star was an energetic explosion called a "supernova." New observations show that this is not always the case. On the contrary, a ... > full story

New Kind Of Black Hole Explosion Discovered (December 20, 2006) -- Scientists using NASA data are studying a newly recognized type of cosmic explosion called a hybrid gamma-ray burst. As with other gamma-ray bursts, this hybrid blast is likely signaling the birth of ... > full story

NASA Telescope Sees Black Hole Munch On A Star (December 5, 2006) -- A giant black hole has been caught red-handed dipping into a cosmic cookie jar of stars by NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer. This is the first time astronomers have seen the whole process of a black ... > full story

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Black hole -- A black hole is a concentration of mass great enough that the force of gravity prevents anything from escaping it except through quantum tunnelling behaviour (known as Hawking Radiation). The ... > full article

Quasar -- A quasar is an astronomical source of electromagnetic energy, including light, which shows a very high redshift. The scientific consensus is that this high redshift is the result of Hubble's law. ... > full article

Stellar evolution -- In astronomy, stellar evolution is the sequence of changes that a star undergoes during its lifetime; the hundreds of thousands, millions or billions of years during which it emits light and heat. ... > full article

Astrophysics -- Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties (luminosity, density, temperature and chemical composition) of astronomical ... > full article

Gravitation -- Gravity is a force of attraction that acts between bodies that have mass. Gravity is the reason for the very existence of the earth, the sun and other celestial bodies; without it matter would not ... > full article

General relativity -- General relativity (GR) is the geometrical theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein in 1915. It unifies special relativity and Sir Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation with the ... > full article

Introduction to general relativity -- General relativity (GR) is the geometrical theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein in 1916. It unifies Einstein's earlier special relativity with Sir Isaac Newton's law of universal ... > full article

Chandra X-ray Observatory -- Chandra X-ray Observatory is a satellite launched on STS-93 by NASA on July 23, 1999. It was named in honor of Indian-American physicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar who is known for determining the ... > full article

Spacetime -- In physics, spacetime is a model that combines 3-D space and 1-D time into a single construct called the space-time continuum (the 4th ... > full article

Gravitational wave -- In physics, in terms of a metric theory of gravitation, a gravitational wave is a fluctuation in the curvature of space-time which propagates as a wave, traveling outward from a moving object or ... > full article

Decoding the Universe: How the New Science of Information Is Explaining Everything in the Cosmos, from Our Brains to Black Holes
As Charles Seife reveals in this energetic new book, information theory, once the province of philosophers and linguists, has emerged as the crucial science of our time, shedding new light on the ... > read more

The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory
There is an ill-concealed skeleton in the closet of physics: "As they are currently formulated, general relativity and quantum mechanics cannot both be right." Each is exceedingly accurate in its ... > read more

A Brief History of Time : The Updated and Expanded Tenth Anniversary Edition
Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists in history, wrote the modern classic A Brief History of Time to help nonscientists understand the questions being asked by scientists ... > read more

Come Hell or High Water: Hurricane Katrina and the Color of Disaster
What Hurricane Katrina reveals about the fault lines of race and poverty in America-and what lessons we must take from the flood-from best-selling "hip-hop intellectual" Michael Eric Dyson Does ... > read more

Hiding in the Mirror : The Mysterious Allure of Extra Dimensions, from Plato to String Theory and Beyond
Beginning well before Plato’s allegory of the cave and continuing to modern scientific breakthroughs from relativity to quantum mechanics, as well as to pop cultural icons like Twilight Zone ... > read more

Parallel Worlds : A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
In this thrilling journey into the mysteries of our cosmos, bestselling author Michio Kaku takes us on a dizzying ride to explore black holes and time machines, multidimensional space and, most ... > read more

Healthy Black Hair: Step-by-Step Instructions for Growing Longer, Stronger Hair
Healthy Black Hair-step-by-step instructions for growing longer, stronger hair is not just another hair care book. Although chock full of styling and hair care tips, it includes a complete hair care ... > read more

My Life as a Quant : Reflections on Physics and Finance
Emanuel Derman was one of the first physicists to move to Wall Street, and his career paralleled the growth of quantitative trading over the past twenty years. In My Life as a Quant , he traces his ... > read more

Warped Passages : Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions
The universe has its secrets. It may even hide extra dimensions, different from anything ever imagined. A whole raft of remarkable concepts now rides atop the scientific firmament, including parallel ... > read more

Feeling Good : The New Mood Therapy
FEELING GOOD FEELS WONDERFULThe good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other "black holes" of depression can be cured without drugs. In FEELING GOOD, ... > read more

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