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How Did Our Ancestors' Minds Really Work? (September 8, 2006) -- How did our evolutionary ancestors make sense of their world? What strategies did they use, for example, to find food? Fossils do not preserve thoughts, so we have so far been unable to glean any ... > full story

Scientists Explore How Complex Organs Develop From A Simple Bud (September 8, 2006) -- The current issue of Differentiation, guest-edited by Brigid Hogan, highlights several scientific investigations into the complex biological mechanism known as branching morphogenesis. Through a ... > full story

New Approach Assesses Risk Of Water-borne Pathogen Disease (September 8, 2006) -- UCSD School of Medicine, along with the University Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru, have developed a novel approach for assessing the risk to humans of acquiring leptospirosis -- a severe, ... > full story

Knee Bone Marrow Lesions May Be Hereditary (September 8, 2006) -- Bone marrow lesions in the knee, a cause of pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis, may be hereditary. A study published today in the journal Arthritis Research & Therapy reveals that there is a ... > full story

Catalyst Discovery Promises Faster, Cheaper Drug Production (September 8, 2006) -- Boston College chemists have discovered a substance that will make it possible for scientists to produce scores of pharmaceuticals and other chemicals in a faster, less expensive ... > full story

Physician Burnout Associated With Increase In Perceived Medical Errors (September 8, 2006) -- Physicians who believe they have committed a major medical error in the previous three months are more likely to report symptoms of burnout and depression, which may also increase the risk of a ... > full story

Mother Deer Cannot Recognize The Calls Of Their Own Offspring But Sheep And Reindeer Can (September 7, 2006) -- In a new study from the American Naturalist, researchers from the University of Zurich studied vocal communication between fallow deer mothers and their offspring. They found that only adult females ... > full story

Study Shows Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria Responsible For Increase In Muscle Infections (September 7, 2006) -- Researchers in Houston, Texas, have found two bacterial muscle infections common in tropical countries becoming more frequent occurrences along with the emergence of community-acquired ... > full story

NASA Rover Nears Martian Bowl Goal (September 7, 2006) -- NASA's Mars rover Opportunity is closing in on what may be the grandest overlook and richest science trove of its long mission. During the next two weeks, the robotic geologist is likely to reach the ... > full story

Variation In 3 Genes Influences Risk Of Age-related Macular Degeneration (September 7, 2006) -- Researchers in Boston have discovered a new common, noncoding variant in the Complement Factor H (CFH) gene that is associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of ... > full story

Voice And Signature For The Identification Of Persons (September 7, 2006) -- Some years ago the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at the School of Engineering in Bilbao started joint work with a number of universities in Spain in order to design a database that ... > full story

Depressed Patients Experience Excessive Inflammation During Stressful Situations (September 7, 2006) -- Individuals with major depression have an exaggerated inflammatory response to psychological stress compared to those who do not suffer from depression, according to a study by researchers at Emory ... > full story

Greenhouse Gas Bubbling From Melting Permafrost Feeds Climate Warming (September 7, 2006) -- A study co-authored by a Florida State University scientist in Tallahassee, Fla., and published in the Sept. 7 issue of the journal Nature, has found that as the permafrost melts in North Siberia due ... > full story

Scientists Link Immune Response To 'Ghost' Parasites And Severely Congested Sinuses (September 7, 2006) -- Although it's unclear why it's so, scientists at Johns Hopkins have linked a gene that allows for the chemical breakdown of the tough, protective casing that houses insects and worms to the severe ... > full story

After Insects Attack, Plants Bunker Sugars For Later Regrowth (September 7, 2006) -- Using radioactive carbon and genetically modified native tobacco plants, Max Planck Society scientists and colleagues have discovered the first gene mediating tolerance to herbivore ... > full story

Toward Cracking The Mystery Of Disease-fighter QS-21A (September 7, 2006) -- Scientists are set to publish the first detailed account of their synthesis of a remarkable molecule that improves the immune system's ability to battle disease. Called QS-21A, it has been used in ... > full story

Women On Oxygen Therapy For COPD More Likely To Die Than Men (September 7, 2006) -- Among patients on long-term oxygen therapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), women are more likely to die from the disease than ... > full story

Mind-body Connection: How Central Nervous System Regulates Arthritis (September 7, 2006) -- In a unique approach to inflammation research, a study by researchers at UCSD School of Medicine shows that, in a model of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation in the joints can be sensed and modulated ... > full story

Spitzer Spies Eternal Life Of Stardust (September 7, 2006) -- A new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope is helping astronomers understand how stardust is recycled in galaxies. The cosmic portrait shows the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy ... > full story

Overweight In Early Childhood Increases Chances For Obesity At Age 12 (September 7, 2006) -- Children who are overweight as toddlers or preschoolers are more likely to be overweight or obese in early adolescence, report researchers in a collaborative study by the NIH and several academic ... > full story

Carbon Monoxide May Help Prevent Debilitating Pregnancy Condition (September 7, 2006) -- New findings by Queen's University researchers suggest that administering low doses of carbon monoxide to pregnant women may help prevent the potentially damaging effects to mother and baby of ... > full story

Study Of Twins Finds Genetic Link To Fatigue (September 7, 2006) -- A genetic study of twins by researchers in Cardiff University's School of Medicine found that although disabling fatigue and depression occur together, they have different genetic and environmental ... > full story

From Bubbles To Capsules (September 7, 2006) -- Researchers from Japan have developed a clever new technique for the production of silicon dioxide nanocapsules: they start with tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide in a silicon ... > full story

Cracking The Real Da Vinci Code: What Happens In The Artist's Brain? (September 7, 2006) -- The brain of the artist is one of the most exciting workplaces, and now an art historian at the University of East Anglia has joined forces with a leading neuroscientist to unravel its ... > full story

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